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Posts posted by Vlacke

  1. But you can avoid it by not logging out in an area that gives rested XP :confused:


    EDIT: And gg the day I thought would never come has arrived; people complaining there is too much content! :p


    The fact of the matter is that there is too much content indeed during the leveling process, and too much experience, to the extent that if you are moderately enjoying all the content this game has to offer (flashpoints, war zones, space missions, bonus series etc) you will hit 50 before you land on Voss most likely, and that is when you try to avoid having too much rested exp.


    Not to mention the fact that once i load up an alt with whom i haven't played for a while, and his rested bar is full, the bloody thing lasts forever since the experience you gain from completing a quest doesn't effect the bar, only mobs you kill along the way do.

  2. Not sure why you even bother to play the game with this kind of attitude.


    It's because he likes to write nonsense and troll these boards, don't pay much attention to that.

    Regarding Jedi, combat will definitely be more fun as you gain levels, and his class story is fantastic to say the least.

    If Jedi is not your cup of tea however, you can always try different classes with different combat styles and stories.

  3. In an interview Hickman said that he was still in the team with the same rank. He is still very influencial in design decisions, but given that he was accused of beeing a liar because of his statement on E3 beeing retracted it was probably decided that he should have a leave of the media for a while.


    That might be the case, however only a malicious fool could accuse Ohlen of being a liar because of E3, it wan't his intention to mislead anyone, the company is at fault there because it changed it's stance regarding said topic, which is also understandable considering the changes this game had over the course of last six months.


    Besides Ohlen worked on the legendary games like Baldur's Gate for example, he doesn't deserve bad treatment.

  4. There was a interview with a few Dev's about this issue and they did say they are watching the situation and they may bump the credit limit or just remove it all together based on they data they collect.


    They actually never said anything of sorts.

    Credit limit for f2p and preferred will remain because of gold farmers, and most of all because you can't have everything for free and be on the same level with people who are paying 15$ per month for a subscription, if that were the case then there would be no point in paying a monthly sub.

  5. 350k for preferred.




    I'm a bit surprised no one is complaining about this. Are people content with having only 350k credits as preferred?


    Does anyone know if a credit unlock exists?


    No it doesn't exist which is good, if one wants more credits he can subscribe.

    This is one of those perks which is exclusive for those who subscribe, and it will remain that way, preferred players get plenty for free as is.

  6. Hi everyone - thanks for posting your concerns. We're looking into this right now. As we investigate, please post in this thread if you've noticed any sound effects that have been replaced with new sound effects or any that are missing. Thank you!


    So it seems you have somehow managed to "forget" about this problem as well, how about a long overdue fix to certain sounds in game which are obviously broken?

    How about any bug fix?

    Are you aware that companion unify colors is broken for over a month now?

    You know that is a feature which is actually SOLD in the cartel market, don't you think that the fact that you are selling a broken feature for money is pissing off people who bought it immensely?

  7. By this point, they should have found a way to add in a mini-game they've already coded.


    This is pure nonsense simply because Pazaak isn't coded yet, not by any stretch of the imagination, if it was we would probably have it quite some time ago, or they would say something about it at least.

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