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Everything posted by Evensong

  1. Something Gault said at scene with dying Mandalorian: Must be a real burden... having faith in people. All this emotion is making me thirsty. Come on, lets find a place with shiny lights and an open bar. Here is a conversation on video:
  2. I love playing alts in this game. My problem is LOL that I love sith warrior way too much. I play like 5 of them /grin different species and gender... I need more character slots LOL...
  3. Happy camper here too:) Loving the game... BioWare!!! I need more character slots... Please:)
  4. LOL I play LS sith warrior and Quinn seems to be questioning my motives from time to time:) even though he likes me a lot /grin
  5. My absolute favorite is Balmorra on Empire side... it's epic
  6. Actually I think F2P will make a difference. Lot of people who were turned off by what they read on forums will try if not just to see if it is that bad Human nature.... And then who knows... BioWare promised to bring more content... we might see renewed interest in game. P.S. Besides the hype for the other game will worn out in a month or two...
  7. LOL It is a reminder how foolish it was to release her... a teaser of sort... reminding you ... hey, look what ya did, now you regret it, do ya?
  8. I love the game too. I think the stories are amazing. I think that playing from start with friends is the most fun I've ever had in any game. Me and my friend are playing together from start. He plays Sniper and I play assassin. He is a bad guy and I am a good guy (though I am female I love to play guys in this game - they are awesome). It's a blast... the NPC recognize that we are a group and that we are sith and agent... it is amazing how BioWare managed to do it. Inquisitor has some of the best lines in the game LOL. Every time I am reaching level 50, I got this itch to start another toon... I did not think I will get so addicted to this game. Thank you BioWare. Edit: I played this game from the early start and I am playing it every day for several hours - never bored even for a second LOL.
  9. Great you enjoy the game I am loving it!!!.
  10. Ashara time very funny... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tjk3XVN2ut4&list=PLB30D7EFA8099982F&index=4&feature=plcp
  11. Favorite side - Empire Favorite class - Sith warrior (moth marauder and juggernaut) Favorite planet - hmmm Balmorra for music (and Quinn), Taris for Thana, Nar Shaddaa, Corellia
  12. I am here until Universe burns in flames... I love the game. I think people will appreciate how awesome this game is in time.
  13. Corellia, Belsavis, Balmorra (music makes me love it), Dromund Kaas is awesome.
  14. We will not be requiring any downtime for maintenance on Tuesday, August 28th, 2012. Both the website and the game servers will be available for play during our usual maintenance window. Enjoy the game! No downtime for maintenance does not mean no maintenance. Sigh
  15. I enjoyed this quest as well. I love all staged quests in this game, including the bonus ones /grin
  16. I logged for a while to my former mmos EQ2 and LOTRO and could not stay more then 5 minutes there. Boring comparing to this game. I am not going to even try GW2, watched lots of vidoes and it's just not for me. I leveled 4 sith warriors LOL - the storyline is just too good. I think I will start to level them, delete and level again... sigh. I have all other classes af course too LOL. On two servers /grin SWTOR!!!!! What did you do to me!!!!!!!!! I can't even imaging playing any other game!!!!!!!
  17. EQ2 cash shop sells stuff per character. Same in LOTRO I think. It does not mean that BioWare will do something different though, considering Legacy.
  18. I did. I love the game and that all that counts for me...
  19. I did not change it. I am not interested in any MMOs currently on the market. So SWTOR it is for a long run. Besides I love the game and I find here lots of things to do that I actually like /grin.
  20. Very cool article on Darth Hater website http://www.darthhater.com/articles/feature/21366-lost-in-translation-a-primer-in-aurebesh It's one of these things that make you feel the love devs put into this game. Thank you BioWare Edit: See the link to Wookiepedia about Aurebesh... http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Aurebesh
  21. I think this game is very different from other MMOs... enough different to keep me interested. I love BioWare games and that is EXACTLY what I expected. Tried SWG when I had Station Sony Account when I was playing EQ2 but it was meh.... Played WoW to level 15, it was too childish... this game is not.... I am altoholic and this game is absolutely perfect for me...
  22. Both. I like Star Wars and I like interactions with people. Played EQ2 for 6 years , LOTRO from release, Aion, AoC. I tried to log to EQ2 and LOTRO lately and it just feels outdated.... This game seem to be a perfect match for me, as I am an awful altoholic.
  23. Checked today and No problems. Getting affection in every quest...
  24. Hmmm now that you say that, I think I was thinking about it yesterday... did not pay much attention to it... it's like there is lot less affection from companions lately.... maybe they are all mad at us /grin
  25. Voice Over is BioWare signature. I can't imagine that they would abandon it. It's VO that makes this game so special.
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