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Everything posted by oneupkev

  1. i did both to 50 and i have to say i enjoyed the PT much more than the merc. Merc's are static turrets raining fire from a distance but with the PT you get up close and personal, move about loads more and dish out some pretty solid damage. I went with Advanced Prototype and had so much more fun than my ordinance Merc. would recommend PT to anyone who wants to play more like Boba Fett than Jango
  2. No worries, glad it solved the issue. i stumbled across the fix to reset the mission on here, finding malgus was just wandering about. super frustrating glitch but happy there is a fix
  3. i generally get 2-2.5 hours a day to play inbetween work, social life and university and in that time since 4.0 hit i've gone from level 42 to 54 in about 10 hours play time i think i take my time though
  4. I was having a problem with this, i'd go to the Tyrant and it was still battle damaged and the quest marker floated off in the distant to nowhere. I went to the fleet and was able to reset the mission while on the main level (by the cantina) and number 1 with a bullet went to 'meet darth tormen'. i went to the tyrant and the map marker was still bugged but i explored the tyrant, rather than going to the bridge i went to the north side of the first level, there is a T junction and he was in the room on the left ready and waiting for a hidden blade to the face. hope that helps
  5. Yeah i can understand that's frustrating, i found it by accident while browsing the FAQ's http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/7443 Sorry to hear about it, maybe BW should make it clearer when creating the class
  6. i was still leveling my PT when 4.0 hit and they moved Grapple to level 46 which really threw me
  7. Thanks for that, i hope my response didn't come off as attacking, i know people are upset about level synch but a lot of the people upset have been here years it seems and i wanted to offer a n00bs perspective. i'm currently level 54 on Illum and it's fun so i'm sure i'll be 65 soon enough and seeing what everyone else is experiencing lol. Will take a look into the guilds, only been playing a month and feel like i've barely scratched the surface of the game
  8. just thought i'd throw in my thoughts, speaking as a fairly new player, i've been a sub just over a month and got into this game after moving on from a previous MMO. i have to say, i was close to quitting before i learned of the level sync, it was becoming a very frustrating situation where i'd be levelling on a planet and some higher level player would just rock up and annihilate everything around me, especially when it was bosses. one guy actually stood around and kept defeating a boss i was trying to defeat for a shared area before i could even lay a finger on him. I'd constantly get challenged by level 60 players to duel on a PVE server when i was some 30 levels lower, then getting called a scrub and other expletives for ignoring their 'challenge' (more like curbstomp) it's giving new players more of a chance, without knowing that level synch was upcoming, i think i'd' have quit as it was becoming really frustrating. I understand players wanting to enjoy the fruits of their hard earned labour, but there was abuse of this as well by some. Higher levelled players don't lose abilities with level synch, all it's doing is making areas less of a trivial area. I seem to remember reading in the FAQ for it that they wanted their game to always feel like you were in danger or in a battle that needed to be fought, just like the films. In real life, if you get stronger, that doesn't mean that others don't get stronger so if anything this promotes realism to some degree (i know it's a fantasy game) to allow creatures to match your level. just my thoughts on it anyhow. TL;DR - as a n00b it's better as it stops griefing i've experienced
  9. Have you tried going to the fleet and resetting it? i found that going to the central area on the imperial fleet allowed me to reset my class mission for the end of the BH story. hope that helps
  10. 1) What race would you be? - Cyborg 2) Would you be a Jedi, Sith or something else? - Bounty hunter, i've always like the freedom a BH has and the ability to walk the path they choose rather than be confined to a particular route. I'd probably go powertech as well like my main 3) If you would be a Jedi or Sith, who would your master be? - Vader 4) What Form of Lightsaber combat would you specialize in (feel free to pick one-three forms or a hybrid style)? - Shien 5) Would you take an apprentice and if so who? - Mako
  11. mulling over this myself, i want to unlock the Ratataki species for use on a different class, could i start say a level 60 Ratataki Inquisitor for the unlock? or is that disabled with level 60 characters, since it's based on getting a race to 50 to unlock it
  12. you now get Carbonize at level 50, explosive fuel at 51 and shoulder cannon at 61
  13. Yes it appears to be level 46 now for the grapple, which is a shame but i just got there and now can re-unlock it
  14. Hi i'm a bit of a n00b still, i've only completed the sith warrior and bounty hunter story, so i've unlocked the legacy powers. Question is, if i choose to make say a level 60 inquisitor, will that unlock all the legacy powers and chapter completion awards? i do plan on running an inquisitor but the chance for legacy force lightning for free is nice thanks
  15. Ah! i've only been playing for 2 months and i have missed that i can do that, will check it out now. Really enjoying the powertech, shame that the shoulder cannon got moved to later, was looking forward to having a play with that, something to work towards thanks!
  16. Thanks, i'll have to keep an eye out for it when levelling at least they lowered rocket charge so i can still get close to enemies i guess
  17. Hi since upgrading to 4.0 i appear to have lost the Grapple ability, i'm a level 42 powertech after re-rolling my merc (i'm a reasonably new player) i can't see anywhere in the patch notes to say it's moved or changed the required level, i had the jet charge unlock but no grapple anyone else with this?
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