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Posts posted by Jesseii

  1. hmm :o everything is working fine for me :x last time my login server stopped working, it was because i had my computer's year set at a earlier date :p like 2010 instead of 2012 ;D

    or it may just be internet issues :x

  2. Tyvm, you know I was actually very disappointed when i found out that there is no all black saber. Idk why I would expect that from a mainstream game but disappointed indeed.


    ty again


    yea ): well at least they kind of came close with Battlemaster sabers :] even though i really think that the Cyan should have been Battlemaster other than a glowing stick :x

  3. this game is to unstable to have any such "penalty" buffs. there are still glitches in the game that force people to be removed from warzones. :|


    until those are fixed, i say no to all of these suddenly increased amount of "lets add a penalty for leaving!" threads ^^

  4. So to sum up this thread, we have some guys basically saying:




    uhm.. :|

  5. BIO for the love of god and all this is pure in MMO gaming ....Please oh please make a deserter debuff of 30-60 mins


    I am sick to death of all the weak minded non skilled morons that leave a WZ after one cap or one thing goes wrong ...and once they do its 5-8 and you no chance of catching up until its too late


    FIX IT PLEASE I BEG you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:


    this is a bad idea, the game in it's current state is was to buggy to add such a feature ): as i said in a similar thread, there are glitches that actually force you to leave the warzone you are in.


    I once died and re spawned.. but i was unable to move :x /stuck did not really unstick me :o not even my sage friend could pull me out of whatever weird glitch i was in :| eventually i was removed from the warzone because the little buff on me told me i had to leave the protected spawn area in 20 seconds. but that was impossible to do, so it took me back to the fleet ):


    until everything is fixed, lets try and leave these penalties out of the game (;

  6. Or give them a debuff for leaving preventing you them from joining a new one / ilum for 30 mins. And if they do more then 3 of these in a row give them a temp ban of up to 3 days..

    i don't like this idea ): there are many bugs in the game at the moment that actually force you to leave :|


    for instance, last night i was killed and re spawned stuck in our spawn point on Voidstar :p i couldn't move, i typed /stuck and nothing was done ;D i even got a sage friend to pull me, hoping it would free me but i was still stuck. eventually i was returned to the Fleet for being in the protected spawn zone for to long.. or something along those lines :x until major things are fixed, leave these "penalties" out of warzones (;

  7. You cant ignore people on the other faction.


    you can ignore the other faction (: i've done it before ^^ works fine for me :o just make sure they are actually online when you try to ignore them, or else it will say that the player "does not exist" :p

  8. It's working fine hun ;| please, lets not complain about EVERY single thing ):


    If a team is smart, they will focus on the guarded player, kill him, and then one shot the player who previously was guarding, because hes pretty much dead by the time his guarded target dies ;D

  9. there is absolutley nothing wrong with any of the stories in this game they are very very well thought out and are also extremley interesting and fun so please stop whining and crying because its going to be morons like you who will destroy this game because you have to complain about things that are already good.... if any swg-pre cu people are reading this i know you'll agree 100%. :mad:


    I agree 200% (: people whine and complain when there is no reason to

  10. Level 50 smells like cookies when it should smell like blood, sweat and tears


    Raising the xp req per level and increasing the difficulty of general mobs would make this game alot greater than it already is imo - I am soloing elites only a couple levels below me?


    I really feel it's too easy at this point and lets be honest - harder mobs means forcing grouping alot more when we all know this is an mmo and is the basic point to some extent - dependant on opinions of course - mine being only 1


    eww, no ): sshhh!

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