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Posts posted by Felgor

  1. Ive tried 2 servers now...


    First server we played Imperial, and it was nothing but Huttball, Huttball, Huttball...


    Mostly vs Imperial...


    Ilum was a nightmare...


    Nothing but Imperials doing the circle jerk box looting, because there were no Republic players to kill...


    So we decided to switch...


    Roll Republic...


    Was great, until these past 2 weeks...


    Now it seems there is no imperials to fight...


    Ilum is dead...


    Warzones are Huttball, Huttball, Huttball...


    And this time, its mostly against other Republics...


    Please tell me, things are going to get better...


    Otherwise, i will not be re-subbing come next month...

  2. For all you Operatives/Scoundrels crying about the changes, and saying our class is unplayable...


    I have one thing to say...


    Learn to play the class...


    Ive been playing my Operative since day one, and kill players just fine...


    To be honest, i have yet to lose a straight up 1vs1 fight...


    Rarely have i lost 2vs1...


    If you don't know how to play your classes, then i can understand why you all think we are now gimped...


    Which we aren't...

  3. Ilum PvP is unplayable...


    Ya got my first month subscription...


    But if this lag and unstable PvP system ya go isnt fixed by the next subscription date is up...


    Im done...

  4. Then don't bloody do it? Theres 5 PVE dailys on ilum, 17 on belsavis. Spam WZs in between, have decent pve/pvp set in a week.


    Hard game is hard. If ppl want pvp so gd bad, just go play a few games of LoL and get spammed called racial slurs when you misclick and killsteal someone.


    PvP dailies on Ilum = 1


    Thats what im talking about...


    Trying to find players to kill for the daily/weekly...


    Resorting to looting PvE crap off the ground, while 40+ others are trying to do the same, all within a small area...


    If i wanted to do a PvE daily, i would run the other Ilum PvE dailies, or the Belsavis PvE dailes...


    Waited 4 hours in the queue tonight, to join a bloody warzone...


    And when i finally get in one, there are only 4 people and it ends due to lack of players...

    I want PvP damnit!

  5. not every server may be dead u know, on my server i only wait maybe 1 minute max for a queue pop, and illum has always people running around


    Well i waited close to 4 hours for the queue to pop...


    And when it did, the match ended early cause there wasn't enough players in the warzone...


    Fun huh?

  6. it is still only your faction.


    go ahead, sort by class, do you see any Jedi if you're Imperial?

    how about any Sith if you are Republic?






    You think i didn't know that?


    You see ONLY your faction...


    Did you know, you could also make the opposite faction character on the same server to find out their number by doing the same thing?


    Ive been sitting here now, for 3 hours in a queue for Warzones...


    And 0 pops...


    The "female dog" in /1(general) is enough to be said..

  7. When you /who, you only see who is in the area on your faction. There are probably just as much, if not more, of the opposite faction where ever you are /who'ing.




    Who you hit /who, it opens up the search engine...


    You enter the "zone" name in the search field, and hit the "search" icon beside that...


    It gives you the names of all the people in that specific zone...


    Or planet...


    Or Warzone...

  8. So its a Friday night, and there are only 4 level 50 Warzones running...


    11 people in Ilum...


    How do i know?


    Do /who by zone name...


    The Pit = Huttball


    The Civil War - Alderaan


    The Voidstar = Voidstar


    Want screenshots?


    I got them, but this is ridiculous...

  9. Everyone in this thread is using GTX 580. Atleast those who's posted what they use, and with a variety of driver versions too.


    Just tried to change to full screen windowed mode, now I got about 1 fps in the character select screen, and the entire UI is flickering.


    I too am using a GTX 580 card...


    But still, it is only happening to me on Ilum...

  10. After patching and playing for about 30 minutes i've noticed that i get random sudden black "flashes" on my screen now...


    The best way to describe it is that it's like closing your eyes for a split second to blink... but without actually doing it. ;)

    The screen just goes dark for a very short moment.


    It never happened before patch 1.1... and now i get it at least once or twice a minute.


    Is anyone else having this problem?


    Happens to me ONLY on Ilum...

  11. if you're concealment using ranged skills other than overload shot when everything on cooldown, urdoinitwrong..i swear i keep reading people talk about how they drop in cover, and throw out a prob while thier companion runs in, and snipe...


    make a gosh darn sniper


    I use Crouch/Probe up close whenever its available...


    Nothing like a 3k explosion...

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