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10 Good
  1. With BBB either not in game or bugged that would leave the only cube for Inquisitors as RRR, no? That is also why I listed willpower first then endurance; to signify higher willpower. 8^)
  2. IIRC it was 3 reds for Willpower/Endurance matrix cube at 50.
  3. I would have to say "Let the bodies hit the floor" by Drowning Pool - is BH theme song perfection!
  4. IMHO, they should have just made the slicing missions take more time than the equivilant missions for other skills. If they made the slicing mission take 20 minutes instead of 4 minutes this alone would reduce the income generated without the nerf to the positive of credits actually being earned instead of losing money. While I do agree a change was needed, and yes I have slicing on 2 of my chracters, I think the method taken was detreimental in many ways. Slicing was designed as has been said for people that do not want to do a traditional crafting skill, the nerf to it was akin to doubling the chance for a failure on other gathering skills.
  5. Once you get your ship you can always use the droid to run the collection missions. That is what I did and it worked very well. Granted he does not have any bonuses but it is better than nothing.
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