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  1. How? I am simply stating my opinion. As a Gamestop store manager I hear what people "Gamers" come in and say everyday. This is what people who play this game are telling me. I love this game and want it to succeed, so consider this thread some tough love. How is it the worst thread? You like the legacy system boiling to to basicly some mailboxes...rehashed races and silly powers that you will never use?
  2. Everyone who plays was hoping for new Races to unlock with your Legacy Levels. The way it is set up now is a Lazy and Greedy decision for these reasons. 1. The races in the game now are"vanilla" in feel. Why just the normal humanoid races? I know everyone wants Wookies. I know why which leads me to ... 2. Greed.....you want to release Wookies, Mon Calamari, ect... with a paid exspansion. It will not do you any good if noone is left playing when the exspansion releases. The Legacy system is a great idea that you guys are messing up majorly. I leveld a Human Warrior to 50...how much fun do you think it is for me to unlock presense buff instead of a new race. That my friend is a Stupid and Lazy design decision. I can care less about that...whewwwwww a buff...AWESOME...that will make me want to level another alt immediatly. I know I am not saying anything that is not on other peoples mind. In closing you had better rethink this idea quick. You guys pumped the Leagcy system as the idea that would set you apart from other mmo games. MMO gamers are very unforgiving as im sure you already know. This is a fatal mistake rehashing other "vanilla" races that noone wanted in the first place.
  3. You know I have to say...for you people getting on here New Years Night to post to say "Game sux...im unsubbiing....ect........." think about it...you ust posted on NEw Years night how much you hate the game...you must like it if your on the SWTOR forums on New Years night posting. If you truly did not like the game you wouldnt be visisting the forums period.
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