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Posts posted by TotalImmortal

  1. I'm a level 50 sorc and I have never run into a Jugg that felt OP. Like I dont run into a Jugg in WZ and say man I wont be able to take this guy one on one. I can say that for a few Commandos, maybe some Ops with full CD's, but never a Jugg.

    There is not so many rage juggs, but good one can cut you like a pie.

  2. There is only 2 changes I want:

    1) Reduce Force Push cooldown to 30 secs. It's anyway always works wrong, you can never predict where moving or even stunned target will be pushed.

    2) Add to any attack some 30 sec DoT with laughable damage, which will not allow other players to restore health and use turrets/doors/bombs. Any other class have such DoT, so why we haven't.

  3. I don't like this system to, and I think no one likes it. So why it's so? Because gearing should be long. Otherwise players would leave the game after a month. That's another reason, why they forced us to purchace 3 monthes of subscription. Game have nothing for 50-s, I'm sure I will leave when subscription ends.
  4. Warzones is a horrible crap here, more annoying then stupid quests. May be it's only my class, but 50% of my abilities doesn't work, while other 50% doesn't work properly. Just like playing on a bad wow private server. And all this prime raids... All I can bear is a 3 wins a day (what allways means 5-6 wins).
  5. +1 resolve doesn't work. Yesterday I was on huttball. I held a ball for a minute under opposite ramp, while whole other team attacked me. Two healers held me, 3 times I charged/interceded up and each time I was pulled back. Only at 4th time I was able to score, and I am sure, that was only because all enemy pull abilities was on CD.
  6. I noticed it with a light side Jaesa. There is an issue with any companions, when you offer to attack a target from one pack, and before it was pulled offer companion to attack another, then after killing first pack companion will attack first pack. But with Jaesa I guess there is a different issue.
  7. Do you really think someone will make or buy it? Each stim costs 4x grade 6 epic supplies and much more samples and compound, then blue stims. And for what? 24 main stat and 9 power increase, compared with blue stims. And it will give, I guess, 0.1-0.5% dps, compared with blue stims. I dont know, why exotech schematics exists in this game.
  8. People need to stop saying marauders are underpowered and start reading the talent trees.


    Just because a class requires you to press more than 3 buttons doesnt mean its underpowered.


    Try to repeat it with gear, equal to your opponents.


    PvP rewarding system in ToR is just a joke. Best PvP gear can be looted from bags, obtained by completing simple daily quests. The only thing you need to get full best PvP gear is a time, while skill is no matter. That's why nolifers grinded so hard to reach lvl cap as soon as they can - to gear up before others do and make stupid movies about killing green/blue opponents.

  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGvWaSWVE6Q


    That was on Launch day, so when people say world pvp isnt possible....they're just wrong, and like many of them " not putting themselves out for it."


    Yes, such world pvp is possible, but only for pew-pew-classes.


    Why I dont like much pvp as SJ?

    - force push allways works wrong;

    - smash often works wrong;

    - enemy CC is endless. When I take a ball in a huttball, I can fly through warzone forever, and ever, end ever... or untill I die;

    - enemy pushing often works wrong. Never know where you will be pushed by immobilized target;

    - 10 m abilities often doesnt work in melee range.


    And many more. I can only hope, someday it will works properly. (my ping 100-120)

  10. This no lifers are so pathetic))

    Step 1. Grind hard until reach lvl cap.

    Step 2. Grind hard until get epic gear while others are reaching cap.

    Step 3. Make a video of killing green/blue players, who reached 50 much later.

    Step 4. Put video on youtube and call self a "Top <class> of server".

    Step 5. Flaming on forum about being "Top <class> of server".

    Step 6. Merge with players, who reached 50 much later but already get epic gear.

    Step 7. Be forgotten.

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