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Everything posted by Celeitia

  1. Enure is meant to be a last ditch effort cooldown-- you use it to PUSH, especially in Huttball when you're almost dead at the score line but you WANT to get that goal in and 30% HP on a tank is going to do it. It's also an emergency oh **** that lets healers catch up with your health-- basically, it's a "get out of death free" card every 1.5 minutes in group situation if your healer is any competent. While I agree I would like it to be a bubble instead, I have 20k HP unbuffed. Not only would this be retardedly overpowered in PvP (essentially making me impossible to kill 1v1, due to having 27k health and two OTHER defensive cooldowns) but it would be retardedly overpowered in PvE too, essentially acting as a third "and then the boss can't hurt you for 5 seconds" cooldown. If you absolutely need to save your hide and have no healer, Saber Ward and Warding Call are where you want to go. Hell, Blade Barrier (from Blade Storm, talented) will also go a pretty darn long way to soak up damage for you. ~2k every 12 seconds.
  2. I'm sorry, what? Guardians can pull some of the best DPS out there as Focus spec. If anyone thinks otherwise, they are not worth grouping with. Moving on!
  3. It's actually irrelevant. The amount of 'Force Healing' a well geared Guardian gets is anywhere between 100 and 200. Nothing will increase this unless you stack willpower, and you're a terrible tank if you do this. This means that Blade Barrier isn't going to be much more than a 2~2.5k bubble on your best day. Meanwhile, a Sage will probably have... ugh, I dunno, 500~1000 bonus healing? I've never played one, just basing it on how much Force Damage I get as a tank from my Strength. So the same formula, for a Sage, would give some pretty damn nasty 4k~6k bubbles, which is consistent with what I've seen in PvP.
  4. This is roughly accurate. This means that you can just about expect Blade Barrier to be a ~2k damage shield, 2.5k with your set bonus. While this MAY seem insignificant, that's ~10-15% of your health shielded every 12 seconds, which is a pretty huge relief on healers. It is essentially equivalent to having a free ~10-15% heal cast on you every 12 seconds. I'm not sure why you would ever think this is bad.
  5. I have no idea if they can be found in the wild. Those are the ones that come in most of your PvP gear (and PvE), though, so what you COULD do is strip the mods out of your PvP gear and put them into your PvE gear. However, you'll lose armor that way, so I don't recommend it. Roll in full PvP gear, it works fine-- in fact, if you're in full Champion gear, it works a lot better than rolling in full Tionese/rating 51 epic PvE gear. Champion gear : level 56 Most hardmode gear and epic PvE pre-raid gear : level 50-51
  6. I use essentially nothing but +defense +shield with only one +absorb +accuracy mod and I'm tanking hardmode operations just fine, so... eh. Doesn't really seem to matter because there aren't enough +stats on our gear to make us hit caps.
  7. There isn't really a 'best'. Just stack endurance, defense, shield and absorb however you can. Hardmodes are not actually that hard-- however, I'm afraid you geared yourself up the long and hard way. One week of doing your PvP dailies and weeklies would have given you 5-6 pieces of Columi-equivalent tank gear (yes, the PvP gear is actually amazing for PvE, as it sacrifices very very very little stats for the expertise; at most, you're losing ~10 str/end per piece of gear, every other stat is identical, including armor and defense/etc).
  8. I'm sorry, but, anyone saying that our poor threat is "because DPS is incompetent" needs to get their head out of their... Shadows and Vanguards have NO TROUBLE holding immediate threat even when DPS unloads. Guardians do. I've seen the same 2 DPSers + Healer explicitely tell me that everytime they run with a Guardian they have to watch their aggro, but not with Shadows and Vanguards. And despite the fact we suck at threat, we have nothing to make up for it. I would accept lower threat if we were easier to heal or had more survivability. But we don't. Shadows have better shield/parry and Vanguards have better damage reduction. This leaves Guardians... well, in the ditch, really.
  9. None. Once you start raiding (or even, doing hardmode flashpoints), you WILL have to switch to Columi or Rakata raid gear because you can't take the Armoring out of them yet, and those come fully modded with very high level mods. So... sorry to disappoint.
  10. 5% damage bonus only applies in player vs player. Read better next time before offering advice that would cost a lot of people a lot of credits for remodding. That said, the TANK ARMOR is meant for the TANK SPEC, aka Defense. Right now, Defense spec is crap, though-- Blade Barrier is a free heal every 12s though so if you're rolling without it you are stressing your healers out and should feel bad. The TANK ARMOR is not intended to be used with A DPS SPEC as effectively. This is Working As Intended. Scream at Bioware to fix our tanking tree, instead of fixing our tanking armor.
  11. Bumping, because the Defense tree NEEDS a fix. I won't go into details, but my impressions from doing hardmode operations: -Defense Guardian DPS needs to go up a little bit (5% ish) overall. -Defense Guardian Threat needs to go up a fair bit (10-15% at least). -Defense Guardian AoE Threat especially needs some work compared to Shadow/Vanguard. -Defense Guardian Stats need to kick a bit higher in general as well; I refer to Parry, Shield and Absorb. A Guardian and a Shadow in identical tier gear, the Shadow will have ~20% more Shield AND Absorb (so a 40% difference in all), and ~3% more Parry (and yet, people say we're the class with the highest natural Parry???). My suggestions, to remedy these issues, is simply: -Rework the Defense Skill Tree extensively; a lot of it is useless, or simply insignificant. Make Ripose increase Parry by 10% instead of 6%. Make Blade Barrier more effective. Make one of the Skills increase Soresu Form's Threat generation on top of other things (make it deep enough that only a dedicated tank can take it). Etc, etc.
  12. My tanking's fine, considering we're doing hardmodes. By 'roughly identical gear' I mean that all of us are wearing our respective Columi gear sets. Which is why I don't understand the large differences in numbers when we compared our stats; is the gear better on one side or the other? Or is it the tanking classes themselves? Looking at these forums, though, you're right, I've seen the answer. It essentially looks like Guardians are worse off than Vanguards and Shadows-- not to the point they can't do the content, but to the point most people report the content is a lot easier with non-Guardian tanks.
  13. Focus is the more viable PvP build. It's a build that doesn't require constant wailing on an unmoving target-- Focus has you charging in, using an ability, and then force sweeping for 5~7k crits. Then move back out, rinse, repeat. Vigilance is a steady DPS build, meaning in high movement situations it loses out pretty badly. It also can't burst damage very well compared to Focus' ridiculous force sweep crits, which is kind of annoying in PvP.
  14. I raided last night-- I've PvPed all day. I assure you I noticed no changes and my shield is kicking in as normal. It's hard to notice without a combat log but it's there. As an exercice, take your shield off and go hit something with a force attack a few times. Then put it back on and try again. You'll notice the +force power segment of shields works perfectly fine. Alternatively spend a while getting hit without your shield and then put it on and look for significantly lower (20~30%) numbers. They're there. Inspect is bugged, that's all it is. It was like this in Beta too. Can't see people's offhands.
  15. Raiding Guardian here. With Soresu up, with no buffs: Health: 19420 Armor: 7332 Reduction: 46.44% Parry: 23.60% Shield: 34.76% Absorb: 28.31% Compare to the stats of a Shadow tank in my guild, in WORSE gear than I have, with no buffs except a tanking stim he happened to have up: Health: 20.4k Armor: (Not supplied) Reduction: 39.45% Parry: 25.63% Shield 48.31% Absorb: 42.72%
  16. You're wrong. Inspect is bugged and doesn't show it. Your shield generator still works fine. If you're dying too quickly, have your group use crowd control abilities instead of trying to tank everything. That said, Guardians suck compared to other tanks right now.
  17. I was looking at two other tanks in my guild, who are identically or roughly geared to me. The Shadow tank has MUCH higher shield/absorb, slightly higher parry, slightly lower armor reduction, and the same HP. The Vanguard tank has less HP, MUCH higher armor reduction, slightly lower dodge and roughly equal shield/absorb. Am I doing something wrong here, or are Guardians really gimped compared to Shadows and Vanguards?
  18. This idea is terrible and turns the pre-order gimmick into an actual advantage. Therefore, no.
  19. This is a good idea except the part where people would farm huttball passes, if that became an actual quest objective. There's also the problem where people who want to get several sets of gear (say tank and dps) are gonna be playing forever, chained to their desk. My honest to god idea would be to have the quest work as such: PRE-LEVEL 50: [DAILY] Earn 10 medals. Gives 2 centurion commendations. [DAILY] Win a warzone. Gives 20 extra warzone or mercenary commendations. LEVEL 50, VALOR RANK 1-59: [DAILY] Ilum stuff. Gives 3 champion commendations. [DAILY] Earn 30 medals. Gives 3 champion commendations. [DAILY] Win three warzones. Gives 3 champion commendations. [WEEKLY] Earn 100 medals. Gives 15 champion commendations. [WEEKLY] Ilum stuff. Gives 15 champion commendations. LEVEL 50, VALOR RANK 60+: [DAILY] More Ilum stuff. Gives 1 battlemaster commendation. [DAILY] Earn 50 medals. Gives 1 battlemaster commendation. [DAILY] Win five warzones. Gives 1 battlemaster commendation. [WEEKLY] Earn 200 medals. Gives 3 battlemaster commendations. [WEEKLY] More Ilum stuff. Gives 3 battlemaster commendations. Change the price of centurion/champion/battlemaster gear in accordance to this new scale, so that you can ROUGHLY afford a few piece of gear every 3 days of dedicated hard work. Better gear costs more, so for example it could take a full week to get your main hand weapon, but two days to get an implant.
  20. I always figured people have translators on them, except in the explicit cases where people switch to another language. That's why you can understand all of them.
  21. As someone who currently partakes in both Hardmode operations and Battlemaster level PvP; and as a Jedi Guardian, too, I currently have four sets of gear. PvE-Tank PvE-DPS PvP-Tank PvP-DPS This is because there's no point in me staying in tank gear for encounters meant to be solo-tanked (and having me DPSing means we don't hit enrage timers as often), and also because I like to switch between Defense and Focus specs for my PvP experience, finding both skill trees equally enjoyable. Except. This means that three rows of my inventory are permanently used up by all this extra gear I have to haul around. Worse, I have to make sure I don't mix it up when I equip it and create an unholy mess requiring me to rearrange all of my gear in the right order. If I were a roleplayer, this would be even worse. I'd have to carry around my costumes! Could we please have some sort of feature that saves different combinations of gear for quick re-equipping? I don't mean you'd always be wearing all of your gear on different equipment pages (although if you wanted to do it like that I wouldn't complain), just that you'd have a button that stores what gear makes up which set and then unequips all your current gear/equips the selected set out of your inventory. It's bad enough I have to manually re-enter my spec everytime I change it due to the lack of dual-spec (odd, considering pretty much every modern MMORPG has this feature now), but having to also manually pluck my gear out is really annoying.
  22. Crafted gear is great, but you won't be making level 50 high-tier gear until you do Operations or Hardmode Flashpoints. By then, you'll find that either you could get a full set of Artifact-quality PvP gear fairly easily (I had a full set of Champion gear within a week of hitting 50), or that the Operations and Hardmode Flashpoints themselves will be providing you with all the gear you need. Even if you did acquire Artifact-quality schematics for gear, you would need to not only have the right Crew Skill to make it, but get materials from Operations and Flashpoints anyway! So basically: Getting a full set of Artifact-quality gear requires either: 1- Constant PvP (you'll be rolling in gear after a week). 2- Constant Hardmode Flashpoints or Operations (expect one piece of gear per FP, two per OP, on average). 3- Constant Hardmode Flashpoints or Operations to acquire schematics that will then require more Hardmode Flashpoints or Operations plus materials of your own to finally craft. I think it's obvious here that crafted gear is not what you'll be decking yourself in. Let's look at what Biochem gets, compared to the opportunity to maybe craft gear that you'll replace anyway: Reusable 6k + 3k over time health pack (so 9k). Reusable level 50 buff stims. Those two things alone provide an incredible advantage in PvP AND in PvE. Compare them to the hoops you have to jump through to be able to craft Artifact gear with other Crew Skills. How is this fair? In short: I think Biochem needs a serious re-evaluation. Either their reusables need to be nerfed, either every other Crew Skill needs to have an equivalent advantage. How about Artificers being able to make self-only crystals with special procs on them? Or Armortechs being able to apply bonuses to their own armor (Synthweavers would get the same deal). Etc etc. In short: Biochem is by far the best and most viable level 50 Crew Skill because the reusables provide a fairly significant advantage in both PvE and PvP. Other Crew Skills receive no such thing and have to jump through fairly extensive hoops to even learn their rare recipes, and even then, the crafted gear is not better than the gear you'll be getting from Operations/Hardmode Flashpoints. Please give other Crew Skills a similar self-only advantage, or tone down Biochem's advantages.
  23. The game has ~200 servers right now, which means at 1,000,000 players total, at best you have ~5000 players per server. This means that right now servers could support 40,000 characters, and as the game grows obviously this number will keep going up. I for one do not see the issue poking the limit upwards. Most players right now have 3, 4, tops 5 characters, excepting those who have been focusing on just the one single character and got to 50, those probably only have 1 or 2. We are far, far away from the saturation number. Assuming that only a fraction of the playerbase (let's go with 25%, which is probably a much bigger number than it should be) creates their full 16 characters, that's going to mean roughly 10,000 more characters per server, so 2,000,000 in total. Speaking as someone who has worked with immense server databanks before and who has studied the programming behind multiplayer games, I can tell you that character files are not actually that large, as they consist mostly of text files that contain pointers, pointers and more pointers; in other words, it's text, nothing but text. If you want a reference, pick the most massive game you have on your hard drive. Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Skyrim, whatever, pick something that has an inventory system and a lot of character data to store. Then go look at the size of your saved game. Not very big now is it? Even with a lot of players to acount for, SWTOR servers would have several TERABYTES available to them. You're never going to manage to fill one up with only character data. I can honestly say I do not think it would impact their servers in the slightest. For every player who creates their full 16 characters, you would have 3 or 4 who only have, well, 3 or 4 characters, meaning that the most likely thing to happen is that even with the limit going from 8 to 16, you still wouldn't have as many characters on any given server than what the total hypothetical cap for everyone having 8 would be. So again, I have to say I really don't see the point in the limitation other than forcing us to level up two different Legacies if we want to enjoy every Advanced Class and every storyline from every angle (ie Dark vs Light).
  24. So we can all agree that the Legacy system is a pretty good reason to roll as many of your alts, if not all of them, on the same server. I mean, sure, it doesn't benefit anyone yet, but when it does it's going to be a pretty big deal, right? Character creation bonuses, "Legacy"-quality gear, maybe exp bonuses and item perks, who knows what the full scope of it will be. But why would you restrict it to 8 characters per server? True, that means you can play all 8 Advanced Classes of a faction on the same server. But what if you want to play both factions on the same server, not just to keep your Legacy but because that's where all your friends are? I believe this limit serves no purpose. There is no disadvantage in having a single player play 16 different characters on one server. Your servers aren't going to start spewing fire and brimstone because there's a few thousand more character data files on them, and there certainly won't be longer queues since you can only be on the one character at the same time. So then why, why could I not play all 16 Advanced Classes on the same server? Must I really build two different Legacies just because I want to experience all the classes and all the stories? I urge you to reconsider this limit. Allowing people to create more characters on the same server won't break in any way your game, but rather it will support people with a case of altholism and extend the longevity of the game. Legacy levels are exceptionally slow to build up, and so it's not fair to say "your Legacy is level-capped, congratulations! now you have to do it all over again on a new server because you have too many characters, sorry". I understand that upping the character limit at the moment is not urgent. In fact, it is kind of pointless, since most people will not have more than 3-4 alts right now. But when the Legacy system goes live, that's when it will matter. And that's why I ask, right now: Please up the characters per server limit to 16 when Legacy levels actually do something, especially if they're for character generation perks and the like. And please, bump this thread if you agree.
  25. The proton missiles/torpedos can one-shot command centers and comm relays. Y U NO USE THEM RIGHT? They are working perfectly fine and awesomely if you like blowing up absolutely everything.
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