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10 Good
  1. Agreed. I'm a healing merc, and when I'm spamming heals and the enemy forgets to kill me, I can maybe do 200k if I'm in the right situation, I think 250 is my record. I've only seen one merc on our server who can pop 300k. I really wish they had a 150k healing medal, for purely selfish reasons. Honestly, if I'm doing that, I'm not getting any other medals, really. I may need to l2p, of course. I'm open to feedback. 6 medals is a really good battle for me, usually Voidstar affords me DFA and healing opportunities so I can get some of the damage/kill medals. But I don't see healers needing any less medals, that's for sure. And I'd like to personally give any tank who protects me or gets a guy off me a medal. I'd pin it on your damn chest myself if I could.
  2. How an MMO got released in the 21st Century without inherent voice chat is beyond me. LOTRO's pvp sucked, let me say that out of the gate. It wasn't a priority for them. But at least even PUGS had voice capability and could coordinate activities. The best thing about premades is everyone is likely connected on Vent or whatever, instant communication can make or break a team. This game, though, all anyone can get out is PASS! or LEFT! or (my favorite) OTHER SIDE! or HELP MID! (as the turret is turning red) or (most commonly) a string of curse words calling teammates idiots. None of which are particularly helpful. Premades are great. I pug most PvP, and it does suck going against obviously well-coordinated teams. When my guild is together and 4 of us are connected on voice we can win even against the opposition's finest. If the game had inherent voice, even PuGs could be more coordinated.
  3. Mercenary and Commando here. As I noted in another post, I'm a pretty easy kill. (Champ gear for the most part on the Merc, fully heal spec'ed on both). Even if I'm turtling and if my shield and stim are up, I'll lose every 1v1 battle unless someone comes to my aid. Just have to be patient and interrupt me. Any 1v1 is essentially going to come down to what's on cooldown at the time, it seems to me. And even then, if I'm healing myself, I'm not damaging you. To make sweeping class generalizations is silly.
  4. Yes, let's all over-react to this. I play both a commando and merc with full heal specs. I will absolutely die in 1v1 every time especially if I'm spam healing myself. (My mother told me I'd go blind that way...). If my shield is up, and my stim is up, I may last a little longer, but eventually you'll dps me down. Particularly if you interrupt me a couple of times. A good teammate will see the healer getting wailed on and come to my aid, but those players are surprisingly few and far between. There is no way heals are overpowered. Cast times are ridiculous, even with a (in retropsect, pretty useless) alacrity build. I lead the world in healing the recently deceased, and again, I'm an easy 1 v 1 mark. Interrupt me. Be patient. You'll get the kill. (I should note, also, that I'm usually not concerned about myself. I'm usually healing my teammates and would rather take the death and get the last heal off on them if possible. So I only "turtle" if I'm alone, like, guarding a turret or door...). So again, easy kill!
  5. We reported this in beta. I've submitted it several times already since release. They've had a couple patches to fix it. Wins are hard to come by on either side these days, and to not get daily credit for a hard fought victory is extremely frustrating, in the "why should I renew my accounts" type of frustrating. Please, for the love of the Force or whatever, fix that bug. Apologies for the rant. I'll just go back to the med center quietly...
  6. Yeah, I don't think they get it. I come from LOTRO, and there are people who pay their subscription basically just for the robust cosmetic system, and LOTRO has found a way to monetize people's desire to have their toon look like they imagine it should. The high end gear simply looks like crap. Then again, so does the low end gear. The best look I can strive to achieve is some sort of alien insect. It's awful. It'll make me end my sub for sure. (Speaking mostly Empire, I do like the look of the many troopers who kill me repeatedly in the Warzones. ).
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