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Posts posted by Anubiran

  1. Dude don't go jesusmode with others on this :D (just enjoy the lesson you got and be happy! :) )


    I havent bought a single mount with cc yet and still like to have more mounts =) (maybe someday there will be something worth getting :p


    Just want you guys to save some ccs for something worthwile.


    Btw pro Cartel Market Tipp: Kick the Huttball!


    Its awesome

  2. I must say i dont want any more mounts.


    In first i did REALLY REALLY care for them as the packs were announced.


    Dropped in total around 100$ and also got some nice mounts.

    But then after having what i wanted it felt soooo extremenly unsatisfying because they meant **** to me.

    I did nothing special to get them so they had no sentimental value and hell no "brag" value, everyone i sthinking "haha he spent real $ for that".


    It just reminded me everyday that i spend real money for pixels that just give me a bad feeling everytime i use them.

    As a sub i gladly exchange money for a good time. But if you do nothing for it it feels meh.


    I know a lot of you are not at that point right now. But believe me you will come there.

    Just as a warning . It doesnt make you happy on a long shot.



    so please add more mounts to ingame achievments!

  3. I like the idea.


    And i think it would be way more useful than the myriads of emotes that are rarely used.


    The light saber stances would customize your char even more.

    Though i think they wont do it because all the skill animations are based on the standard stance.


    But idle animations i cant see any problem.


    As has been said before, it would be nigh impossible to accurately award ratings based on "individual performance" due to the various factors involved in a PVP match. Win/loss is probably the best way to award ratings as it is probably the most objective and the least likely to be skewed by various factors. Either your team wins or it loses. There is no question as to which team won.


    You may feel that yo contributed more to the team effort if you do the most damage, but someone else may feel that they did more to contribute to the team effort because they focused on objectives and thus sacrificed opportunities to deal damage. The healer may feel that he is suffering in the ratings because he gets focused upon and killed quickly. How does anyone make a solo ratings system that takes ALL the variables into account?



    Thats the challenge for BW! They have all the data. They put out solo ranked as an option. They should put their heads together to come up with a better solution. I know there cant be a perfect system. There are too many factors.


    But iam 100% certain there is a better solution out there.


    I mean there are even systems that try to minimize the amount of luck needed. For example the matchmaking system that is putting you against players that are near your rating.


    Though its not working for swtor with that small ranked player base. They copied a system that worked in WoW. But not yet here in swtor without cross realms.


    So iam pointing now the finger to BW to come up with a ruleset that fits swtor circumstances.

    I dont want to naysay solo ranked. But right now, in my opinion, they are driving people further away from it.


    With the S1 rewards they of course got a push. That is good and absolutly needed. But now everyone faces the system of luck or bad luck and experience not a good rated system. It just makes people angry.


    Btw i will have my rancor so iam not a 900 player. Its not about me but i experienced it and felt the helplessness of the random system.


    I dont think i want to go through it again in season 2 like that.

  5. It was your choice to do so instead of going at a time when you had a coordinated team and that is a bad choice to make if you are going for a better rank.


    And that is the main difference i was trying to point out.

    Solo and group ranked are two different ratings. So please please stop comparing them.


    All of you who follow the "if you loose then play premade" banner would be right if it would be only one rating.

    But we have a seperate. And we are only looking at that one in this thread.


    So please answer me WHY has going solo in ranking to be a worse choice ?


    And you cant say because its harder to form a group. It would be valid if you play in the same league and so solo ranked wouldnt have the hassle to form a group. But thats not the fact.


    Help me to understand why solo ranked has to be a *******r choice than group?

  6. Again, the rewards for ranked PVP, whether you queue solo or with a premade, are based on the success or failure of the GROUP, not the solo player.


    BW simply gave players an option to queue solo, just as players can queue solo for FP's or OPS. That option to queue solo does NOT change the reward system for either PVE or PVP, however.


    The same factor of "luck" exists when a player queues solo for FP'sor OPS.


    Yeah thats the point! Just the opposite. Its NOT the same factor of luck needed to be succesful in solo ranked. You dont loose anything.


    But i dont want to explain it again and again. I think everyone else gets the huge difference.


    So hopefully BW reads this and maybe thinks about it.


    See you in ranked

  7. If you want to reduce the "luck" factor then form your own premade. The only time "luck" comes into it is when you are too averse to the effort of forming a premade group adn instead choose to take the "easier" option of queuing solo.




    It has nothing to do with being to "averse" of forming a premade.

    Please forget that argument.


    Its about an option Bioware implemented to cater pvp players that maybe:


    dont have the time to be online at a given time,

    dont have 3 people they want to pvp with,

    dont like having to maintain online friendships,

    cant talk over teamspeak or WHATEVER reason.


    The reason does not matter.


    We are talking about a legitime form implemented by Bioware to be able to play ranked solo.

    In my opinion they never really thought it through. They copied the existing system from WoW for ratings and arena.

    That is fine. It works for premades only.


    No one ever has done solo ranked pvp before. Maybe because of the reason we are facing now.

    The system is not perfect it needs to be tuned. Thats a normal process. Its something new it needs its own rules and thats what we are trying to do here.


    And hell i dont want something for free. I worked my *** of to get BIS Pvp gear. With 2.7 i will do it gladly again. I dont have any problems with players are being better than me. It encourages me to get better.


    But i have a problem with the factor of luck needed to play ranked solo succesfully.

  8. Now you want rewards without risk?


    How about PVP deaths incur durabilty loss and repair bills, then?


    The risk of failure in tanked PVP is the loss of rating. The risk of failure is PVE is repair bills.


    The two are not the same, but they server the same function as each is a penalty for failure.



    My example with not loosing rating was to show how it would be equal to flashpoints queing as a solo player.

    If i could change that for repair bills hell yeah!

  9. If you want to be rewarded for "not sucking" then form your own premade.


    sorry but again that is not the solution. It would be the solution if group ranked and solo ranked would play in the same matchmaking.


    We are talking here about another rating system for a complete other experience


    Those who are too averse to the effort of forming a premade may run into a streak of "incredible bad luck". That's the chance they take when queuing solo, though.


    Yes but what is good about that ? Why is relying on "luck" a good thing ? BW has the ability to decrease the amount of luck needed in skill based game. And ranked pvp is skill based. Or at leased BW says its skill based.


    I dont see a single reason why they shouldnt reduce the "luck" factor out of that.


    Its just not fun at all.


    Having bad luck does not wants me to learn more about my class or getting better because if the others suck i just cant do a damn thing about it.


    But if my rating is skill based i want to be better that the other 3 guys in my team and so i try to learn my class and get BIS gear. It would be way more encouraging.

  10. BW offers SOLO FP and OPS queuing, but the rewards are based on the success or failure of the GROUP, are they not? BW is offering loot for SOLO Players but they are rewarding for GROUP success.



    That is true!




    Failing in a FP does not have such a consequence as in a rated game.

    You loose some time and credits but you can start again from the same point.


    If we want to make it fair:

    Everyone starts at 900 rating but cant loose rating points. Then we can compare queing for OPs and FPs solo and solo ranked.


    I also never said i want to completly get rid of group success, just a more fair way.


    You will still win if you win and lose if you suck. But you have the chance, if you are really good, to be at least a bit rewarded for having bad luck. Thats the only point.

  11. You think BW should cater to you, just like a petulant, spoiled child boy thinks his mother should cater to his whims.


    With that sentence you lost all credibility. What a childish argument.




    BW is offering ranked for SOLO Players but they are rewarding for GROUP success.

    That doesnt make a lot of sense.


    Ranked is not = group. You have a solo rating so you should be rewared for solo actions.


    How is solo ranked supporting groups in any way? Expect it just annoys anyone and are then willing to form a group? If thats the reason its a really dumb one. Then they shouldnt have done it at all. And just do cross server match making.


    You dont have any influence at all on your group. So it shouldnt be awared as a group success.

  12. No. You can ALWAYS queue again. You are NOT limited in the number of attempts you get to gain rankings.


    Ok you really want to compare.


    Example PVP Goal 1500 Rating:


    You play games and have as stated before bad luck with whatever. You are BIS equipped know your class, play well but the others just suck. So you tumble down to 900.


    Yes you can queue again. But the starting point is getting worse and worse to reach your goal. You probably will never reach it. Because it just gets worse and worse.



    Example PVE Goal Kill last Boss whatever OP:


    You queue for an OP are BIS geared but have a **** group twice or three times. You dont reach your goal.

    Then after some time your pug groups is getting better gear. But the boss will remain its health pool and tactics.

    At least on the 40th attempt you reach your goal.


    So but if we want to make it now even with pvp ranked, we add the factor that you get far and farer away from your goal.


    Lets say for every wipe another boss mob is standing in your way in addition to the others. If you cant kill ALL OF THEM in one try you will be set back to the beginning and have now even another boss in your way to the others.



    I think you get it now.




    and to clarify:


    We only want another rating system for SOLO. Yes you are right. If i dont want to loose i can do 4 man premade. But thats not the problem.

  13. comparing PVE progression and PVP ranking just doesnt work.


    In PVE you can try ! Thats a main difference. You can try as often you want without any deficits. ok maybe some repair credits.


    In PVP ranked you have ONE CHANCE against non scripted happenings. And if you loose in a OP it just doenst matter. You dont rely on others that much. Just try the same OP again next week. You dont loose the ability to reach a goal.


    In the PVP for example you got drawn to 900 rating by incredible bad luck and now have almost zero chance to get up at 1500 again. Others are the reason you will loose an opportunity forever (or at least that season).


    A OP you always start from the same point.


    Its just something completly different.

  14. good idea!


    Roughly they should do:


    dmg + prot + heal / 3 = Warzone score



    Top 4 Warzone scorer should get plus points and the rest minus points.



    Team A won.


    Player 1 Team A Warzone Points 33400 = 10 rating + 5 win rating = + 15

    Player 2 Team B Warzone Points 25540 = 8 rating - 5 loose rating = +3

    Player 4 Team A Warzone Points 22010 = 6 rating + 5 win rating = +9

    Player 6 Team A Warzone Points 20400 = 3 rating + 5 win rating = +8

    Player 8 Team A Warzone Points 15400 = 0 rating + 5 win rating = +5

    Player 3 Team B Warzone Points 12400 = -3 rating - 5 loose rating = -8

    Player 5 Team B Warzone Points 5400 = -6 rating - 5 loose rating = -11

    Player 7 Team B Warzone Points 4400 = -8 rating - 5 loose rating = -15


    so even Player 2 lost with his Team of noobs he was the second best player in the match and got out with a rating increase.



    Of course there should be in consideration you personal rating against the other teams and so on but roughly that could work.


    Of course to limit it on dmg prot and heal would maybe be a bit to less but as a start i think it would be way more fair than right now.


    second thoughts:


    maybe if you win you should never acutally loose points. so you will always win +5 even if you suck and come out last.

  15. In my opinion the game evolved greatly.


    If you now dive back in you have a ******** to do.

    I can only speak in terms of pvp, which i really love. I think its the best pvp out there on the mmo market. Okay maybe wow is also nice. But the dynamic, animations, speed, hit hp pool ratio and the fast paced huttball games are really well balanced. As are the classes. Ok some more than others but if you know your class you can beat every other.


    And another big aspect is the greatly character customation options and now with housing on the horizon i am really glad i sticked with swtor.


    So from me i would always come back. But only as a subscriber.

  16. Looks even more awful than regular Huttball. Please don't add this pile of junk to ranked.


    You Sir really know ranked. Keyword "only arenas".



    But as a big fan of Huttball. It looks indeed awesome. And i like that the mobility advantage jugs and maras normally had are now with the grappling things a bit more even.

  17. i've seen screenshots of some player houses in SWG and they were gawdawful ugly like not a single person that posted their Player house pics had an ounce of interior design style... not sure why people would want that here...


    Because you made it, you made the decisions, you crafted it, you farmed for it.

    IT WAS YOUR CHOICE. Thats why everyone loved it. Including me.


    Here you cant even choose your ship, you just get it. I couldnt care less about the ship atm. I would prefer the smallest hut in tatooine, that i build a 100times more.


    The greatest moment for me in SWG when i was finally able to afford a big house and found an awesome place at a lake in dantooine. It had such a nice view. So i got really attached to it because i was proud how it looked. Its like you are proud about your titles or your rare crystal because you worked for it.


    But i am sure it will never be implemented in swtor.

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