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Everything posted by FinalFortune

  1. http://www.swtor.com/blog/what%E2%80%99s-next-old-republic Ohh and the part about illum is even more hilarious hahahahahaha your killing me here BW, ill give you a little hint here. People lie on their resumes guess you did not know that part.
  2. Its hard to belive that its the lvl 50 bracket thats the problem behind the prostponement of the patch..... so you just gave us lvling pvp players a big f:mad:ck you. give us the bracket and work on your other problems (ohh boy is there a lot to do there) FF
  3. A lvl 49 is not sigificant better than a lvl 23 because of bolter. The change is when you get pvp gear at lvl 50. So a lvl 49 cant farm a lvl 23 effectly at all. Thats the difference I have seen somethiong close to that many times on my Rep toon. Ever faced a preemade pvp guild?
  4. Yes we can agree on that mate. This videos does not show any solid proof that this is the case the entire match
  5. Thats can be said about any WZ then. so the AFK i:Ddiots should determin if the rest of us caould get a fun WZ?
  6. The starting turrest are not the biggest problem here. Its the faster tick rate against the Rep...if that really is the case.
  7. Your right about that point mate. so Imps please let me know if you have seen this happend to you aswell
  8. Hehe we agree on that point allso mate, but look at the link posted
  9. FFS BioWare...How could you let this go live???
  10. This is a hunch and looks like im not the only one that thinks the looks very suspicious. But your right i dont have any proof...but neither do you that im wrong but when my team (Rep) had th enemy (Imp) down by over 2/3 and only then loose the 2end turret. My logic says we cant loose unless they get all 3
  11. So today i played a WZ in alderaan and we at the start capped 2 turrest and hold that senario until the imp had 185 left. then they captured 1 so they had 2 in total....and won the fight by 5 points total..... Im not a math guy and this might be an incorrect claim. But it looks like Rep tickets gets down faster then the Imps. Have anyone experinced the same or am I loopy here? Edit: Thanks "Greenmartin" for showing this to me, watch the last 15 secs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w-vC...ature=youtu.be But I only see this as the "small" problem, the big problem is if there really are an advantage in tick rate favoreing the Imps.
  12. A huge map where there are PvE bosses at the end you have to kill. Caputering flags so you can respawn closer to the boss as you go down the map and Towers to destroy so you remove som of the end boss bodyguards
  13. A mix between PvP and PvE. Love that from other MMO´s. What is your thoughts of such a WZ in SW:TOR?
  14. Wonder when Bio gets a grip on thier allready small balls and admit this is either working as intended or not....
  15. /signed for great justice If you want my money each mounth BIO, you better start delivering what you promised us PvP tanks!
  16. in some cases when they get outgunned yes, but else....not really. Well excepct for the OP backstabbing agent/smugler
  17. Been pvping a lot and a lot of ranged classes dont enven bother to kite me? Im a jedi knight guarding btw. So far i cant spot a single drawback of being ranged, but being melee has a lot of drawbacks and when most ranged classes do as must dmg (and more then me) even at close quarters....i cant blame them really. Any one else find the ridiculous?
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