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Posts posted by stridemachine

  1. Guys its not a question or removing them, that will never happen, nor should it. Its an MMO, people need the ability to actually play with friends in all facets of the game.


    The issue is balancing them as much as possible either by matching them up against each other, ensuring that the sides are balanced with a premade on each side as opposed to super queues in 8 mans, and/or trying to ensure that the roles are balanced whereas if one side has heals/tanks that the other does as well.


    The goal isnt to remove social play, thats silly... the goal is to try to create a balanced match as much as possible and eliminate the faceroll matches with pre-determined outcomes. Thats all any PvPer worth 2 cents should ever ask for, let the rest sort itself out on the field.


    Agreed. I'd gladly wait a few minutes longer for balanced teams.

  2. Umm people in the try hard premades are better than the pugs typically and that is my point. A good player is not going to become friends with somebody who is horrible. Good players add other good players to their friends list and typically will become guild mates or at least join voice comms if they have similar interests. If you think these premades are made up of bads who just take advantage of composition I think you are fooling yourself.


    It doesn’t matter what the composition is if it is 4 good players, 4 dps, 4 heals, 4 tanks, 4 mercs, 4 power texhs... If there are 4 people who are good they have a 90% chance of winning.


    I have seen plenty of premades get wrecked... they were just not good players... nobody is going to complain about them...


    I think you are also mistaken on the idea that these premades form just to stomp pugs... They would much rather run into a competitive match against a team that knows what they are doing in most cases. The win/loss is really not the concern more so the enjoyment of game play, trusting a team mate to guard a node, trusting team mates to focus their fire, trusting team mates to peel for others, taking turns taunting, interrupting, trusting team mates to mark correctly. I don’t think somebody who pugs all the time realizes how crazy poor game play makes a good paper. Why on earth would somebody put themselves through that hell if it could easily be avoided.


    Losing to a good team doesn’t bother a good player if the game play was moderate to good and decent tactics were applied. Losing just based on skill is not a big deal, losing based on sheer stupidity is something else.


    This guy gets it.


    I'd also like to add another scenario that creates premades:

    Guildie #1: Anyone want to queue for wzs?

    Guildie #2: Sure

    Guildie #3: why haven't you invited me already :p

    Guildie #4: invite plz

    Likely, these four will organize themselves into one of the efficient compositions all you hate so much, and why do they do it? Because:

    Guildie#1: Odds of us getting a healer with 4 spots already taken are pretty low so I'll go heals

    Guildie#2: I can switch to heals after a few if you want

    Guildie#1: I'd appreciate a guard as well, No one peels for heals nowadays and I'm not the best at healing tbh lol

    Guildie#4: I can spec tank np lol


    Of course you'll run into the socially deprived who like to taunt the other team, but to claim such behavior is exclusive to bads is ridiculous - just look at professional sports and you'll see countless instances. In fact, trash talking is almost an accepted facet of the professional sports world. Even the NFL has rules about "rubbing" it in after touchdowns by limiting celebrations.

  3. The wish of 4 people to stomp others should not be prioritized more than the wish of the opposing 8 to have a fair match, quite the opposite in fact, so this compromise of "no premade pops unless there are enemy premades" is far fairer than the current situation.

    What defines a premade? 4 people? 3? If i want to queue with my wife does that make us a premade? Do 2 people together stand any more of a chance against a premade than a group of solo queuers?


    And what happens if 3 people queue together and every other group consists of 4 people? Are they out of luck for pvp? How do you backfill in the event of a d/c?

  4. PVP for some is about the challenge, the competition, testing yourself to improve. We all know that running in a premade literally negates virtually ALL of that and turns it into easy mode. Its literally PvP with training wheels, you cant fall/fail unless you run into a better premade 99% of the time.

    I realize you're frustrated with premades, but as others have said, I believe team composition plays a bigger part in match outcomes than just the presence of a premade. As Grim said, premades of all dps certainly aren't unsurmountable. The lack of role specific matchmaking seems to be the biggest problem.


    In the past bioware has been hesitant to mess with match making in any way, likely because they were worried about queue times, but the solution is already out there: make every warzone cross faction. The servers have already been merged into "megaservers; population should no longer be an issue. The queue system is already in place for ranked warzones.

  5. Haha, haha, haha. Have you seen what the mats are required for those 222 non-set gear? Each piece requires 2 void matter catalysts (the new tier 2 dark matter catalysts and 8 tier 2 isotopes in addition to a slew of other materials. VMC only drop from end bosses in an Op!.


    Update on this: those mats also drop from the weekly pvp crate. I imagine there are more sources out there as well.

  6. Haha, haha, haha. Have you seen what the mats are required for those 222 non-set gear? Each piece requires 2 void matter catalysts (the new tier 2 dark matter catalysts and 8 tier 2 isotopes in addition to a slew of other materials. VMC only drop from end bosses in an Op! So you need to do 28 Ops, and get ALL of the end boss crafting drops (in addition to 90 tier 2 isotopes), to make ONE set of gear.


    In addition, to craft 222 gear


    End game crafted gear is so ridiculous in its acquisition and requirements, that is is NOT a viable end game gearing alternative.


    Good points --crafting mats for top tie gear is pretty crazy. However, isn't 224 gear already in the game from 4.0? Are you referring to a higher level? If so, what level gear is necessary for anything short of NIM?

  7. I get it: change isn't always good and Bioware's choices are a step backward in many respects. Yes BW screwed up hard by raising the level cap without introducing new raids and FP's. And yes i agree that GC level should be legacy.. I'm just pointing out that everything in this game is doable with crafted gear (except NIM apparently).


    And yes, getting the components and schematics will take time -- again another bad design choice by Bioware because of level cap raise without new content -- but with everyone on the server leveling their GC level, opening boxes and completing various dailies (not to mention the universal mastery stat decreasing the range of schematics needed), raid level gear will be available soon. If you rely on optimal stat allocation and set bonus to complete HM's then unfortunately, you will have problems.

  8. Crafted gear got the wrong stats distribution, which make is a lot less effective when compared to set bonus gear.


    To compare with the 4.0 quote in your post. A 222 crafted gear would be in be in between a 216 and a 220 set gear for the stats. I've got the schematics for some tier 1 and they would be in between 220 and 224 for the gear stats. I didn't get any mods yet to see their value.


    On top of that, it doesn't have the set bonus. The set bonus is important for close fights. I've done some tests on my sentinel during 4.0 and it was a difference around 5% DPS for the 6 pieces set bonus vs none. For a 6.5 minutes fight, that's 20 more seconds that it would take to kill the boss in PvE. It can easily make the difference between a kill and a wipe.


    I'll concede to your knowledge of NIM content. To clarify, are you claiming that NIM cannot be beaten with crafted gear? Would you support the statement that all other content can be beaten with crafted gear? Granted, we're still in early access so we haven't seen all the crafting schematics, but I'm willing to bet that crafters will be pumping out near top tier level gear at about the same cadence of a player regearing for NIM in previous expansions. Fair statements?

  9. The RNG element of drops hits endgame raiders hard. It will finish some teams or condemn them to HM for a long time (if they choose to stick around). The binding of gear to specific class is a big issue for endgame raiders as many would have multiple chars to raid on. e.g. scoundrel heal, commando dps and Vanguard tank. You can only gear as you play. So, grinding multiple chars to get them capable of NM ops is going to take a long long time.


    Crafted gear is the solution


    Crafting is not good enough but that really isnt an issue as everyone is poorly geared now for NM ops. Serious raiding teams overcome that easily enough if its only one person and doesnt happen often.


    There is always a delay after expansion to be able to build up gear to be able to do NM again. This time around, you could be looking at 6.0 before you can do NM ops on multiple chars.


    Sorry I'm a little slow....how does any of that refute the validity of crafted gear? Are you saying you need BIS gear to do NIM? Because according to Musco you can craft up to jusr 2 ilevel below the top rated gear:


    If that is confusing let me give you some examples using made up numbers from Fallen Empire:

    Tier 1 – 216 with set bonus

    Tier 2 – 220 with set bonus

    Tier 3 – 224 with set bonus


    You would be able to craft at the following ratings:

    Tier 1 – 216 without a set bonus

    Tier 2 – 218 without a set bonus

    Tier 3 – 222 without a set bonus

  10. Yes, there is a lot of fail involved with 5.0. Bioware has made several head-scratching decisions and have said little to address player concerns. They absolutely could do a better job of informing players of upcoming class changes, CXP rates for various activities, etc. The lack of new endgame content, daily zones, warzone maps and the inattention to GSF is criminal considering they just dropped an "expansion." Yes, grinding 300 GC levels per character is insane (why not legacy? seriously). Everyone knows about the screwups, failures and what-could-have-beens. What I've also noticed is lot of misinformation floating around the forums about 5.0, and while the blame for this falls on Bioware for their lack of communication, the spread of misinformation is fueling the most forum rage seen since the great companion nerf of 4.x. Hopefully, we the players can help dispel some of the confusion before the servers empty completely. People will still be mad; few are capable of changing their viewpoint, but perhaps we can save a few of the fence-sitters. To that effect, please post misunderstandings (and clarifications if you have them) here.



    * I need top tier gear for progression raiding and Command Crates are the only source of gear.

    - Crafters can make gear comparable to top tier Command Crate gear. The main difference is the lack of a set bonus. Surely progression raiders can manage without set bonuses?


    *Our guild can't gear up new players fast enough to join our raiding teams because (reasons).

    -See above. Have a returning player who wants to join your raid team? Craft him a set of gear easily good enough to complete any raid out there, or buy it off the GTN.

    *PVP gives a lot more CXP compared to Ops, heroics, quests, etc.

    - Most people fail to realize that killing any mob elite or higher grants CXP.. Additionally, some of those activities drop crafting mats and CXP xp boxes. So while PVP warzones may grant about 600 cxp for completion vs finishing a story mode op reward of about 400-500, don't forget about all the bonus cxp gained by kiling elites and above.


    *Grinding CXP is killing the game

    - You're right. If you log on merely to progress your GC level, then yes the game will die (for you). Many people have already grinded 10+ GC levels after the first 1-2 days, which can easily cause burn out if that is your sole focus. Try this: rather than look at GC crates as the only means to progress, view them as bonus rewards for activities you already do. Crafted gear can get you where you want to be in the game. I realize most people can't see past the legendary color coding absent from their character sheet, but lacking such gear is not the end of your favorite activity.


    **ps: If I'm wrong on any point please feel free to /slap me and point it out!





  11. IMO Bioware is removing loot commendations because people stockpile them in anticipation of the next tier of gear, which forces Bioware to jump through hoops to prevent players from becoming fully geared with the latest gear the moment they log on. Every expansion has the same thinly veiled demand for the maximum amount of new commendations forum posts disguised as innocent concern over "What happens to all the "x" commendations I have stockpiled?" Do these people really believe any gaming company would just hand out the next tier of gear the moment the expansion drops?


    Whether or not this new crate system is the correct answer remains to be seen.

  12. This is not about the Ranked Rewards, this is about gear that is currently available for Warzone Comms - with Warzone Comms going away, they were originally going to instead have that gear that used to only require Warzone Comms now require Ranked Season Tokens instead (so what used to be available for just doing Regular PVP would suddenly require Ranked PVP instead to get).


    They listened to feedback in this thread and now that Warzone Comm gear is going to require a Valor Rank + Credits instead in 5.0.


    This quote from Eric makes it sound like he's talking about Ranked rewards:


    "Instead of requiring prior Season Ranked Tokens in 5.0, each of the cosmetic items will now cost credits and have a minimum Valor requirement."

  13. Role restrictions would bring the queue down to a crawl, that or healers/tanks would be sitting on the fleet for hours while they see their dps buddies get one pop after another (which is exactly what happens in solo ranked right now.)


    I will say however that in the weird cases of same faction matches where one team gets two healers and the other team gets two tanks.....it would be nice if there was an algorithm in place to split them among the two teams, especially since its a same faction match.


    Something like that would be better than nothing.

  14. The cc I used is from the refer a friend program, I get around 7.5k Cc free a month from referrals. A lot of the PvPers who moved, not all, but a lot that I know of, used cc from the refer a friend program as well. You get 600 cc for a referal and to pay someone ingame for one costs 300k, so 300k can buy you around 6 character transfers.


    It's not as bad as you're making it out to be.


    It's not actually my point at all...

    It was just one of many reasons someone MAY be biased toward a certain server.

    Not sure why you guys are so hung up on that...

  15. This, I've moved 12 toons around, only cost me a little over the half of the cost of 1 regular transfer.


    Oh ok since it doesn't apply to you it doesn't apply to anyone. And grats to biowars, seems they're making a nice chunk of change off this.

  16. Sure you can get an unbiased answer when character transfers are only 90 cc and people have more than enough cc from monthly sub grants to try out multiple servers to compare results.


    Ideally, yes, but what about the folks who move a bunch of characters? Or the people who tried/try to galvanize others to move to server X: they have a vested interest that rules them out. Add to that the people advertising their home server as "the place to be" and you get a very skewed picture. And no one wants to admit they moved to the wrong server, even if the cost is low.


    As I previously said, current pops aren't a safe indicator either, because of the newness of everything. Wait a month and evaluate.

  17. I don't think you're going to get an honest answer to the question of "best server" from people who has spent money transferring characters. They want to belive they've made a smart purchase, even if it means they have to convince themselves of it by convincing others.


    Also, of course pops are high right now - everyone's excited about new blood on the servers. The real evaluation will come a month from now when everything has settled down.

  18. I think everyone is too quick to dismiss marauders nowadays; just like with mercenary's, it's become fashionable to declare that marauders are useless in pvp. However, marauders have been buffed more than any other class since 3.0 dropped; carnage has ridiculous burst, rage has great burst plus 6 seconds of CC immunity every 24 seconds (30 sec internal CD), and arguably, annihilation's adjustments were great for PVP (not so much in PVE, however). Every spec is viable for regs.


    Team Ranked is a different situation though. Madness/Hatred dot pressure comps have no counter. So while the case can be made that marauders are useless for ranked, the same can be said for virtually every other dps in the game. If teams are queuing anything other than madness/hatred comps then yes, marauders are viable, however, competitive players do what's necessary to win so good luck seeing that happen.


    Yolo's are a broken mess that should never have been implemented; it's entirely luck-of-the-draw divided by FOTM. In essencs, classes most capable of taking care of themselves (ie. self-heals) with consistent, high damage, non castable ranged damage have a huge advantage. Sorcs rule Yolo's and will be the undisputed overlords once 3.3's buffs hit the live servers.

  19. Yeah, Lethality has quite some burst. People tend to forget that. Being at 1 TA with fatality proc, having dots up and rolling and then go toxic blast into 3x corrosive assault(maybe throw a backstab into it as well for the buff) hurts pretty hard. ;)


    Sadly, leth is a glass cannon :(


    lol i love how a one in a million "all the stars aligning" to achieve 15k damage = glass cannon. At least the glass part is correct

  20. Douchebaggery is rampant because the new transfers feel the need drum their chests in some vain attempt to display their dominance. They believe that because they come from server X, they are vastly superior pvp'ers to the "scrubs" on their new server.


    Coincidentally, this belief is often shared by small minded kids who think a server designation (ie PVE, PVP, RP) has something to do with the quality of pvp'ers on a given server.

  21. A good thing, I'll post a video later showing one of my matches, but long story short, you can just kite and heal for days while your dots slowly wittle away at players. This is less effective against a sorc or operative, who can also heal, but against an Assassin or Warrior/Bounty Hunter, it's just a matter of time before they die to your dots. Not to mention, you can consistently offheal your teammates while you just throw a couple dots on the enemy.


    Like I said, i'll post a video later today, but there's SO many occasions where I almost die and then just heal to full with troll roll/Kolto Injection and Probes. As well as taking the utility to heal when your shield probe pops, it's hilarious xD


    What happened to the promised video? I wants to see!!! If you're having trouble choosing matches to showcase, why not put up two or three videos featuring multiple matches?

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