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Posts posted by Thaltom

  1. 1. Get rid of all the boring mindless grinding thingy like dailies. Gaming is supposed to be fun, not chore!Grinding = more time spent in game = more $$$ for Bioware/EA. So, this will never happen.

    2. Make more PVP maps. Enhance PVP performance. Literally, that's what interests people. I assume you mean WZs. Yes, I suppose that would make some people happy.

    3. New Content. New Equipment. This is... common sense. I'm pretty sure they already know that players want new content and equipment. In fact, I think they are releasing a new operation in 1.4 for that very reason.

    4. Player generated content. Learn from Second Life, Star Wars Galaxy.Player generated content is great but this game is modeled after other themepark MMOs like WoW and Rift. Player generated content isn't really a huge facet of gameplay in those games so I don't see Swtor doing this.


    Your points are either: opinion, common sense, or have been talked about a million times. Fail thread fails.

  2. Trust me, he won't be in cash shop. They've told us pretty much exactly how we get him. Like that you need one level 50 on one faction, and one "mid-level" on the other faction. How does that work Ito your cash shop?

    So, in otherwords:

    "Exclamation: Silence meatbags!"


    Subscribers will have access to a quest line that eventually ends with getting HK. F2Players will have to purchase the ability to access that quest with cartel coinage. In order to do either quest line you will need to have one character with one faction at 50 and another character with the other faction at 25+


    Just my prediction...

  3. Personally this gem made me so happy:


    Bind on pickup and Bind on Legacy items can now be traded for up to 2 hours between players that were eligible to loot the item.


    and this...


    Players who leave an active Group Finder instance can now be returned to the location they were in when they used the "travel now" dialog option to travel to the instance.

  4. In august Bioware said: "new content next month" and released some trailers for Terror and Makeb.

    As I see it they should release both in less than 3 weeks, ie before end of a month.


    They promised the new operation in September but did not promise the new planet. Patch 1.4 is on the PTS which means they have nearly three weeks (20 days) to test and STILL fulfill their promise of the new operation by September. While I appreciate your enthusiasm, chill out; you will live longer. :cool:

  5. thats why im concluding this game is for people who like to have many characters... something i havent noticed while starting my journey.. now i feel rick rolled


    I don't know about MANY characters. I have three, that's less than half of the available character slots, yet I am still logging in daily. Doing ops, HM flashpoints, crew skilling, and having a grand time.

  6. I would like to find out if there are other people who only have 1 lvl50 character and dont want to create more? Or am I the only one left in this game?


    I have to say.. my patience for updates is running out so im close to /unsubbing atleast for a couple of months


    I, by no means, am an altoholic. In fact, when my friends and guildmates were making alts I stubbornly stuck to one character and played him to the bone. But the post confuses even me. Eventually I made an alt. To this day I only have two alts; when most of my guild has all their character slots filled.


    Only ever having one character... ever... just one... one super-main character... yeah, I guess it is a playstyle but it is a minority playstyle. You could probably count on two hands the number of players who only ever have one character since launch.

  7. 100K can be earned in a one daily planet's worth of credits. I get three guildmates together and run them in 15 minutes. Do all three planets in an hour to an hour and a half for about 300K without vendoring greys and selling blue/purple drops. So in an hour or two worth of work I can unlock several of the experience perks for an alt...


    Seems pretty fair to me...

  8. That wasnt aimed at you at all. I get your point. I just happen to think the update schedule was unrealistic to begin with as Ive stated. I think Im done with this thread though. It was a civil discussion at first. So much for civility.


    I noticed that too. Sorry about that. I'm trying to report the wildly off topic posts but not sure they will get removed or if the community manager will just close the thread.

  9. This is why we cant have nice things.


    By the way I disagree with the OP but you arent reading the thread apparently.


    I am actually, but I have said what I wanted to say. I enjoy the game but the pace at which an MMO updates is one of the things I use to determine if I stay subscribed to it. Right now I am worried about the pace that sw:tor is receiving updates.


    It appears that WoW took longer to release updates in the first year it was out. I will use WoW's first year as a frame of reference going forward, but for now I would like new features and content. I don't want new content and features because if I don't get them I will leave swtor. No, I want new features and content because I LIKE swtor and want more stuff to do in it.

  10. You can back into that number by looking at publicly disclosed information + an understanding of how operations cost plans work in corporations. 200 sounds about right to me based on everything disclosed, and is consistent with the current size of the subscriber base as well.


    Is it 180, or 220, etc. etc? Don't know, and it does not really matter as that is inside any real margin of error.


    I have heard that 200 developers are still on staff but I can't seem to remember where I heard it.


    Regardless... why so much push back on what amounts to be a thread that says, "Hey Bioware, you said we would get more frequent updates, but we haven't received any updates in a while. What gives?"


    Why is that something players would attack? Am I to understand that you are against more frequent updates? Or are you against Bioware being questioned about "more frequent updates"?

  11. I don't see the logic in this, Blizzard gains as much money from delivering no content as Bioware does, in fact, there has been no new content for WoW since Christmas, that's a lot of subscriptions without content


    Point taken. This isn't a perfect metaphor but work with me here; my breakfast was a monster energy drink.


    Remember though, WoW has several years of content already developed that players can go back to if they want to do something different.

  12. No. You payed for a licence to ACCESS the game. You did not PAY FOR NEW CONTENT. That is not part of the licencing agreement. If EA/BW chooses to reinvest revenue to provide new content that is their choice. You receive exactly what you payed for according to the agreement that you entered into with EA/BW. No "extra" money was pocketted.


    We both know, that despite any legalese, some of our $15 a month is being devoted to paying men and women to develop new content for sw:tor. We probably won't know the percentage but some of it is paying their salaries. I have access to the game; which is great because I still enjoy sw:tor. What is going to keep be subscribing will be new content/features/bug fixes.


    This is my point: access to the game is fine right now, but keeping me around will require Bioware to update sw:tor. I understand that updates take time but I am not currently comfortable continuing to pay them for this pace of development.

  13. We should in theory be seeing TFB, Ancient hypergates, some heroic 50+ space missions, and possibly Makeb and HK-51 before f2p, unless they move f2p up

    and Cathar, forgot about them.

    and Nim Denova. Lol at this rate i'm probably going to have forgotten something no matter how much I edit.


    Excellent, but except for TFB and ancient hypergates promised in September, I don't think any certain dates have been discussed for those other features. They could be planned for 1.5.

  14. I'm betting that the change to F2P is taking precedence over other things right now. So more than likely those "more frequent updates" will start happening after F2P rolls out. Just my guess...


    And F2P is scheduled in the fall sometime, correct? So sometime between September and November. That is a long time to wait for updates.


    Let's put this into perspective with the last WoW expansion I bought: Wrath of the Lich King. When it launched it was $39.99 for the box. The expansion included a level cap increase to 80, new Hero class, new continent, new tradeskill recipes, and some other minor bonuses (e.g. multi passenger mounts). $39.99 is equal to nearly three months worth of subscription fees.


    With sw:tor being given over two months to develop new content they are pocketing $30 of our sub fees as of today; potentially earning another $15 depending on when 1.4 launches. I somehow doubt that 1.4 will feature as much as WotLK featured yet it is costing us the same amount of money.


    Now before you start in with the "But WotLK was an expansion and that means Blizzard got the sub fees PLUS the cost of the expansion!" I know that. I do not expect an expansion but I do expect an above average amount of content in patch 1.4. We're giving you a lot of time (and our money) so 1.4 needs to wow me (absolutely no pun intended).

  15. Even a minor 1.3.x patch with some bug fixes would let me know they are still doing something with our $15 a month. I know that not having weekly maintenances allows us to play more but I saw them as a sign the game was still being worked on. Now... I'm not as sure...
  16. 1.0 to 1.1 - 30 days

    1.1 to 1.2 - 84 days (new WZ, new operation, UI updates, and guild banks so I'll give them a little leeway here)

    1.2 to 1.3 - 75 days (metric F-ton of bug fixes and group finder)


    Patch 1.3 went live on 6/26. That is 64 days ago... If you are keeping the idea of "more frequent" updates then your window is swiftly closing. If you want to come in ON PAR with the 1.3 update then you will need to release 1.4 in the next 11 days. The last 1.3.x update was 1.3.5 and it was on 8/7... over three weeks ago.


    When I imagine "more frequent" updates I would guess at an update every 40 - 50 days... call me an optimist.


    Get it together Bioware. Update tempo is something I use to determine if an MMO's subscription is worth paying.

  17. We do have plans to make more character slots available per server and will bring you more info as soon as we can. Thanks for all your suggestions in this thread!


    Found this a minute ago, dated: 08.22.2012 , 10:44 AM. This is the most recent communication* I could find.


    *: telling us Soon again...

    1. Flesh out the Legacy system: More per character and Legacy-wide unlocks and a use for the family tree
    2. Space exploration/ship customization: Offer different types of ships, bonuses and penalties for each ship, ability to customize the inside of the ship, allow companions to interact and wander around my ship, space pvp, space pve, keep the current space game as a mini-game but add more to it
    3. Guild improvements: guild mail, guild calenders, guild symbols/banners/"tabards", guild capital ships

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