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Everything posted by Traumahawk

  1. The OP's opening statement: Boy you are a tough one to please! Calling this a "quit thread" yet that word wasn't in the title. Somehow knowing that the OP's real intent was to sully the game's reputation beyond repair and that all of his prior enthusiasm and hope for the game is just a show. Claiming that a well thought-out (a rarity) and well composed argument isn't constructive enough to warrant discussion. I'm sorry, but you aren't representing your "side" very well. It's coming across as much more of an inappropriate rant than the OP's post ever was.
  2. Well you've hit on every point that I've seen about 500 times before. No change in the amount of negative posts, certainly not the "calm" that people predicted after the free month was over. You know, that may clue you in on the fact that there's a problem. You lost all respect with your gem of a last paragraph there. Telling someone with a view dissimilar to yours (and infinitely more articulate) to basically shut up because of your own dislike for its contents. You are a hypocrite. In fact, had you followed your own advice, you would have spared the rest of us your own rant because frankly, as you so eloquently stated "I don't need nor want to see your opinion...". Looks like you posted a very length thread yourself a few weeks ago. Making numerous suggestions. Heck, you even called the GTN a "joke". Wow, what a hater you are.
  3. Well I'm glad someone said it. I've felt the same way for weeks--not out of malice, but because it needs to be a lesson for everyone. I've gone all the way from denial in beta, to outright incensed currently. This would be the first game I uninstalled from my computer out of pure frustration--and without thinking twice about it. Oh, and you know what? I would probably be okay with the whole thing if Bioware had just come out and admitted to some of the mistakes and poor decisions on their part--told us that they acknowledged that the game needed some major improvements. Instead we are brushed off like proles and told to take our gripes to a guild summit. Arrogance at its worst. In this day and age, lack of corporate responsibility is a public relations death sentence.
  4. There are full-time employees that are paid by game companies to come up with new ways to innovate. I shudder to think what the state of PC computing would be if engineers shared your view back in the 1980s. It's a waste of time to make a laundry list of more interesting and engaging ways to present questing in a video game. There isn't even a single vehicle quest that I can remember from 1-50. For god's sake, even WAR was bragging about nearly abolishing the kill/collect quests back several years ago.
  5. I want to chime in and say that I agree with everything you've said. Especially this paragraph and the last sentence. I can only say that every bad thing is a blessing in disguise. If this game means that we will finally see the death of so many mediocre and ancient mechanics, then so be it. I only hope that all of the MMORPGs in development or just in the idea phase, scribbled on a cocktail napkin somewhere, take notice of what's happened here and strive to avoid it.
  6. Most people that ask for an LFG tool are actually looking for the queue/teleport system. Maybe that's what he wants.
  7. My how the mighty have fallen... Didn't expect to see something like that said about the game 6 months ago.
  8. So anyone remember spamming Zandalar tokens a the shrine? Oh yeah, not going to lie, it was the only time I actually used an unattended macro to automate the game.
  9. If you want to roll one of the species already available to players in the game, but unlocked for the opposite faction, then wait. If you want to roll something not currently playable, then you might want to start your alt now and hope that by the time more species are introduced, they have a paid service to change it.
  10. I'm not saying the Star Wars franchise is ABOUT space battles. It's a "space opera" -- that I know. I'm talking about the importance of space battles/combat in relation to other elements of the story. The amount of time spent on developing space in this game is not commensurate to their prominence in the movies.
  11. I... can't...believe... I mean... Whew--okay let's put it into perspective. Would you like to guess on which special FX the majority of the films' budget was spent? How Industrial Light and Magic came about? The space "battles" were a huge part of Lucas' creative vision and where a lot of his energy was spent. I mean... the opening scene after the crawl should tell you that. So...my point is, keeping with the films, this game should emphasize space much more than they do now. It's doing a disservice to the IP in general.
  12. This is the problem with the SWTOR community. You all fight about the little details of a system, when the whole thing needs to be revisited and revised. Same thing with the exhaustion zone thread--it's not the mechanics of the exhaustion zone that people need to be fighting to change, it's the linearity, restrictiveness and demanding a more "creative" way to stop you from going to the planet's edge. So with this, why not demand that companion affection actually MEAN something? Should it not improve your companion's combat skill? How about their chance to crit on recipes? How about unlock special abilities? How about open up quests that allow you to obtain mounts or cosmetic gear? How about unlock more customization options? I mean the list of missing features with companions could go on-and-on. Who gives a damn about the gifts -- an absolutely pathetic solution to affection gain -- when it won't net you any major returns in the end?
  13. When someone wishes to show the absurdity of the other side's argument, they create a parody. That's what this is.
  14. He's not. Showed his hand in a few sentences. But a bit too realistic to count as a parody. Nice try though. It needs a bit more bargaining/denial and a kiss of passive aggressive jabbing at those that criticize the game in its current state. Maybe something about how he and his wife love the game because Hoth reminds them of the films--because it's white and looks cold.
  15. I predict that within two months, some major personnel changes will occur with this product's production staff. Someone is going to have to fall on the sword--it always ends that way. I'm sure that someone has been given target goals (subscriber trends, player opinion, etc) and told that if things don't improve, they are out. I'm quite frankly surprised we haven't seen it already. Give it a little bit longer and you will start seeing press releases about developers leaving on "mutual terms" to pursue "other creative ventures" with "no hard feelings toward Bioware" and stating that "the game is going to be a great success and I wish the team all the best of luck". Then the fun starts when the former employees start a game design blog and we can finally see all that dirty laundry.
  16. If you haven't heard by now, the only way to play SWTOR is to purchase a Naga gaming mouse, a gaming keypad, a 320gb SSD drive (SATA 3), a quad SLI video arrangment, two 30" or greater monitors and a mobo that supports an architecture so advanced, that even Intel hasn't thought of it yet. That should yield a hefty +10 FPS increase in performance.
  17. He may be talking about the awful "target closest enemy / target next enemy" and "auto target when hostile ability is cast" mechanic. To which I must agree. ESPECIALLY if my previous target is dead.
  18. We've tried this approach already. I admire your calm reasoned take on criticism and feedback, but the community is so polarized, that it will devolve into more of the same.
  19. No. One of those players that quit WoW and have been waiting patiently for something new (and good) for a while now. Can't stand what the community has become and I won't settle when it's my $15.00 at stake.
  20. Because the game is designed by artists. Being an artist is like being a mother or a father. You don't have a child and hope that it survives well enough just to get by. When corporate interests and artistic interests collide, this is the result.
  21. If by "fix" you mean chasing off customers to lower server populations then yes, I agree.
  22. Lots of things were "purged". It was usually preceded by a "we are just testing some things out to see how the game handles without "x" feature..this doesn't mean we won't put it back". Of course, most of it didn't make it back in. So we know as much as anyone else that doesn't work at Bioware.
  23. I just hope they have a deployment schedule like this game (that I don't play or subscribe to): http://forums.riftgame.com/rift-general-discussions/general-discussion/293766-welcome-back-guide-whats-changed.html Or maybe hotfixes with this frequency: http://forums.riftgame.com/official-rift-news/patch-notes/ Now come on.. you gotta admit that's pretty fast roll-out of new content and hot fixes. At least give 'em that much. Or is any comparison to something other than SWTOR taboo?
  24. I would say for the time being, they are operating in "turtle" mode. I doubt I have to explain why at this point.
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