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    San Diego, CA
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  1. If this is true, than this is awesome and useful. Yeah, whenever Vette returns from an UT mission it is always something for the trooper/smuggler, which is nothing anyone on my side can use. But if I can sell in on Nar Shadda that would be useful.
  2. Don't have much to add, but say thanks, very useful and I hope this gets sticked. Because it needs to be up top. Again, thanks.
  3. Haha, was about to post the link to that. Read that, it is very, very useful.
  4. Yes, there are two other ones you can get from RE.
  5. Come end game, I see them being useful. I use synthweaving, and will crit and make some gear with the slot. Our guild leader is slicer and will send me the augments when he has them. So it can add a +3 to strength, which is not bad. So try putting them up on the GTN and see what happens. *shrug*
  6. Ya, I noticed a few like that in the course of my game, though perhaps no more than 2. The rest work just fine.
  7. I went synthweaving and it has been going pretty well. 50-75% of my armor is stuff that I have made, or has been dropped in a FP or Heroic. But I have also been able to make armor for those who have just joined our guild, so I am also able to help them out. Right now I am saving for that license, so I have not done much in it, but once I hit lvl 25 and drop 40k, I'll be once again investing into it heavily. My hope is that I will be able to make gear that is compatable with raid end drops, or at least close to. And if that doesn't work, I certainly hope to be able to make money off of it. So I am not to worried about it. Right now, though, I like it, and was making gear that was two levels higher than I was at the time.
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