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Posts posted by Xandarous

  1. @Bioware, please remove this level shifting. For starters, it invalidates those that actually spent some time to get better gear on pvp servers and are out in the world, it makes world pvp much more lame. Also, I enjoyed just doing old flash points as a higher level for fun. You are taking away much fun factor by doing this. I put up with you removing reusable stims and health packs, but this is really pushing my tolerance for this game.
  2. so all stuns should break on damage...? completely making most skills pointless. so you want to make people use less skills and make the game easier coz you cant live through a chain stun, stick with someone in pvp and u will be much better off.


    You need to brush up on reading comprehension. I am not asking for stuns to break on damage. I am asking for stuns to have diminishing returns. That means back to back stuns last on you for shorter and shorter durations and it takes a certain duration for stuns to take full duration on you once you have been stunned. In wow it is I believe 10 or 20 seconds. Has been awhile since I played.

  3. I know how the WoW system works. I know CC is separated into types. What I am saying is the HARD STUNS, aka the ones that do not break on damage, are what people and myself are complaining about.


    The fact that you can be taking damage and not be able to do anything about for such a long period of time needs to change. Even the WoW system is not perfect. All CC should share a diminishing return, but that the fact is back to back stuns is just bad juju.

  4. so getting stunned twice, then being immune to it... is worse than getting stunned 10-15 times by different stuns for full duration... pro logic


    You have no idea what diminishing returns does do you? Hard stuns in WoW all share a diminishing return. This prevents a player from losing control of their character from full HP to dead. Eventually you become immune to stuns with that system just stuns will have a shorter duration as you get hit by them.


    Granted, a system like this will need to be adjusted for Star Wars, but it is far better than taking full duration stuns back to back.

  5. The stun system in this game is completely wack. Diminishing returns is the only system that prevents someone from getting chained over and over again.


    I know people hate to compare...but World of Warcraft did it correct with the DR system.

  6. Well, there is the hassle of exploding during a OPs, Flashpoint if you don't invest in the cure.


    2000 credits is nothing. I have over 7 million....and that is AFTER I purchased a bunch of legacy stuff. I made 15 mil very easy with very little time investment just selling things on the GTN.

  7. So I just discovered that battlemaster gear that was not touched got a bonus 50 expertise (25 on the mod and 25 on the enhancement). My gear was remodded to better suited stats yet I am now down 200 expertise with no sort of compensation?


    I would have to refarm all my gear and my extra battlemaster tokens are worthless now so I was wondering if any sort of compensation could be granted here? I would need to farm 5000 EXTRA commendations just because I altered my gear to have better stats.


    5000 commendations comes to around 34-37 hours of playtime. Add a trade in so we can trade our old armor in for new armor so we can get the proper modifications with expertise or something.

  8. Focused Defense should not use focus as odd as it sounds. Consider the other forms or self heal of other DPS. Shadow/Assassin and Sentinel/Marauder both have self healing as a secondary effect of some form of damage. They also have more defensive cooldowns.


    Find a way to make this passive and proc charges on some common ability for all 3 specs and we will be good to go.

  9. What you are describing is a Rage spec Juggernaut. They are extremely hard to play well, and because of this have a very high reward. Typically in any game a high skill cap will have a high reward.


    Rage spec Juggernauts have always been OP, but they aren't as common because it is hard to do, that is why they have flown under the radar for so long.


    False. They are very easy to play.


    Saber Throw.

    Force Leap.

    Sundering Strike.

    Force Exhaustion.

    Zealous Leap.

    Force Sweep.


    Some steps can be left out, but that is the maximum damage combo. If you are not dead...


    Sundering Strike.

    Blade Storm.

    Force Stasis.

    Force Push.

    Force Leap.

    Force Sweep.


    Very easy and reliable.

  10. A Juggernaut who can put DoTs on you is not the same spec who can crit chunks of your health.


    Two different specs.


    The DoT spec is a terrible PvP spec.


    Wrong. I play the DoT spec and it shreds people. You are assumption that it is bad is likely based on never seeing a good player using it. That spec has very hard hitting strikes and CC immunity from force leap. The added elemental damage is nice also.

  11. Considering the amount of time spent developing the game....it should have been much better. Two months old is no excuse considering there are many other games to model after.


    Many features they are slowly adding should have been in the game from the start. They do not need to make something super new and creative to make money. They fact that combat is fairly fun and people love Star Wars would have been been more than enough had they spent time on content, features, and other small things instead of all the voice overs.

  12. It would not be so bad if there were boxes in places OTHER than central. Certain times of the it is just impossible to get kills and boxes since there are always way more imps all the time.


    A cap based on lowest pop in the area would also be a solution.

  13. Unfortunately these issues have been around since beta and probably before and seem at this stage unlikely to be fixed. Some are a result of the developers goal of making combat to be visually epic (ie. For the animations to match up so your charecters appear to be in a proper battle rather than just executing moves near each other.). While this does work in a slow or stationary PvE enviroment - it backfires in PvP. Of course that being said this game is PvE focused (its all about the story folks), so its not like it will be a high priority to fix.


    Melee suffer the worse for this as it would appear that much of the problem occurs while moving of which melee will constantly be doing. As much as I hate to say it, I would recomend you shelve your charecter and switch to playing something like a Sage/Sorc or Commando/Merc which covers both solid dps and healing roles, and for a tank, a Vanguard/Powertech suffers least from these issues.


    You do not find what you just said the least bit disturbing? I should not have to roll a range class just to play this game properly. Developers need to get on the ball and actually fix melee.

  14. It does seem last couple patches things have gotten worse.


    One player put it best when he said the amount of precisions just to land an ability is silly. This is completely correct. Casters with auto facing and long range can just spam abilities. Melee are constantly having to turn and adjust position and half the time you THINK you are facing someone and able to use an ability, you really are not.

  15. As a melee I have been noticing some major issues with the following:



    Many times I will attempt to use an ability on a target who on my screen in FRONT of me and I will get the error messages: Target out of Range or Not Facing Target. This is a huge problem because I am still getting hit, taking damage, but unable to do any damage back to my target and they are according to my screen in front of me.


    Also, I have force leaped to a target and then force pushed it and have seen the target go in a COMPLETELY different direction from where according to my screen they should have gone. I remember one case where they flew behind me! Calculations for knockbacks need to be made more reliable and less random. There is no skill to it if you have to wait for your computer and the server and the other persons computer to all sync up.

    Facing Arc:

    I was not sure what term to use for this, but this is basically the area in front of you where you are able to use abilities. From what I have seen, it is far too small and easy to disrupt due to lag and desync. This is related to desync and lag, but abilities sometimes FAIL to activate due to the server thinking you are not facing your target or etc.


    A possible fix it to increase it or make it based on client rather than server as it seems to be right now. Also, adding autofacing to all abilities would fix it. Range already have it for many spells, why not add it for melee moves also.


    Instant Abilities getting interrupted:

    This has been an issues since release and by far the most annoying. There are many abilities who still seem to rely on an animation to activate properly and can sometime STOP MID ANIMATION and either eat the cooldown and fizzle, not eat a cooldown but activate the global cooldown, OR will just give you an error message saying "not facing target" or "target out of range" and you will have to hit the ability again in hopes it goes off.


    For my particular class, the abilities sundering strike, force sweep, and overhead slash all "studder" and can all my interrupted when activated. What seems to be happening is there is a split second after you hit an ability where it seems it can be interrupted by out ranging or losing facing direction for a second causing the ability to fail and then preset the error message.


    Another great example is force leap. Many times usually during moments involving knockbacks, stuns, environmental position transporters (air vents in huttball) you will use the move and nothing will happen but it will be on cooldown.



    Please take a look at this and hopefully it will help you streamline combat. In fast paced pvp, when I hit an ability that according to the UI I am able to, I expect it to go of. Maybe this stuff will be fixed with ability delay fixes but please just look into these.


    Thank you.

  16. Good grief. The title of your post is: "Please be faster with character copy implimentation...you need the feedback from 50s"


    Since there are 50s on the test server there is feedback from 50s. Is that really that hard to understand?


    That is what I responded too.


    Stop being so nitpicky! Yes there are 50s on the tester server...BUT NOT ENOUGH. The sample pool is so small that not nearly enough feedback is being generated. Look at all the past patches that have gone out. All of them still riddled with bugs and issues. The faster they put in character copies the faster they will get feedback of substantial quantity.


    You must be one of those annoying types in the real world that nobody likes because you feel the need to correct others all the time. You could have actually said something useful or friendly like "You know there are already 50s on the test server, but I understand your wanting the process to made a bit more streamline." You have not contributed anything useful to this post. Instead you have spent all your time arguing over such a minor detail.

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