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Posts posted by Virsane

  1. If they did this, they would have to notify people ahead of time that this was going to happen to give them a chance to login and secure their name. For those that just don't care anymore, they'd ignore and move on. Could also get some people who haven't been in game in a while to finally re-install and play again...maybe.
  2. I have been sad about the head gear pieces for my smuggler. I want a nice hat. Like the guy from "Return"


    I am level 29...


    You'll get some nice headgear eventually, but like the other commenter said, no sure when or if you get the one you're looking for exactly. But they definitely get better.

  3. People will always campaign against games they don't like just for the simple fact that they don't like it. You can see it throughout the forums. The best thing to do is just realize that you like it, pity those for having to spend their time hating on a product because they don't like it, and move on.
  4. People who keep making the comparison to WoW's endgame need to realize that SWTOR has been out one month (less than that officially.) WoW has had years to perfect their end game and add in content. SWTOR is still fixing initial release hiccups that every MMO has. Give it some time people. New content will be released. That's what the monthly subscription is for. You're helping to fund the ongoing game development. So sit back and let them do their job and we'll be seeing a lot new content soon enough.
  5. Couldn't agree more. Companions don't belong in player vs. player. They are for story elements and solo pve gameplay (maybe some groups to fill in slots you can't find humans for). But most certainly, they aren't for PvP.
  6. PvP is pretty shallow for me since there is really one one facet to it, kill the other players. Sure, you have strategy and if you have a good group of friends who can come with you, it can be fun. But, there is no story and the environments/world is the same time and time again. In PvE, you can still group up with friends but you are undertaking a big adventure with changing planets and amazing alien races. It's just more exciting and new for me.


    Don't get me wrong through, I'll be doing some PvP, but it's an afterthought to a great story and adventure.

  7. It's broken.


    How can it be broken? There really isn't any endgame yet. When a game releases, you are looking to appease the PvE crowd and make leveling enjoyable. They did a great job with this in my opinion. As time goes on, you begin to make adjustments to the end game and introduce new dungeons and what not. It'll come, but don't classify it as broken when in reality it's just new and low on features.

  8. The people who are at level 50 will most likely be waiting for the less hardcore in their guild to catch up. I know that's the case for my guild. There are a couple people who are at 50, but the rest are normal players who can't spend 8 hours a day playing. So, until everyone catches up with the fast levelers, they can really only wait, do pvp, or level up another character and experience a different story.


    Plus, it's a brand new game. There's going to be tons of additions over the coming months and years. Don't brandish the end game non existent before it even really begins to take off.

  9. I started out Vig from level 1-30 and found myself squishy as well like the other person above stated. I'd say right around 26-30 is when I found myself getting frustrated with the amount of dying and suicide runs I'd do in boss encounters. I switched over to focus and I've been enjoying it a bit more although the defense spec did look good. I like doing a little more damage and off tanking vs. pure tanking. Focus has worked well for me and now with Doc finally unlocked for me, I'm not having any trouble at all with the Focus tree. So, that's what is getting my vote.
  10. I've found that Sharpshooter gives a ton of DPS. So, that's the build for me. It relies heavily on staying in cover and unloading shots on the enemy while your companion tanks.


    Sabo looks to deal more with explosives and bombs/gadgets. I haven't tried it yet though.


    Dirty also has some gadget and skill uses but it kind of looks like it's more PvP oriented. Like focusing on getting out of trouble fast and immobilizing enemies so they can't retaliate.


    I love Marksman so I can give you the thumbs up that's it great for DPS.

  11. I did notice that it wasn't that great but I didn't really think much about it. I honestly can't recall the sound right now.


    I also think that giving the skills different sounds helps keep you in a rhythm too. Not only do you know the button presses of your usual skills but also the sounds they make.

  12. Go to the GTN and completely upgrade his armor. Give him a bunch more endurance to try to help him outlast the elites you are fighting. It's ok if he dies, but you need to make sure he dies when the enemy is near death so you can finish him off before the enemy finishes you.
  13. I would imagine the cover mechanics would be a make or break. It's one of the main things of the class so if you don't like it, you should probably move on. Scoundrels rely less on the cover system (Gunslingers rely on it heavily) but it's still a class mechanic. You have to like this sort of gamestyle to really get into playing it. I would just move on and try something else if you truly don't like the cover system rather than forcing yourself to stomach it.
  14. It all depends on your play style really. I'm a gunslinger and I'm pretty good at PvP. That's because I usually hide and travel in groups where I don't stand out and draw unneeded one on one fights. In PvE, I'm unstoppable with my cover wall that I create and companion taking the heat for me.


    As for the scoundrel, I haven't played them yet but I have heard they are more run and gun. Gunslinger is a very stationary class. You hunker down and unload. It all depends on what you like in a class. Unloading from cover is a lot of fun for me but it might not be for someone else. So scoundrel might work for them.

  15. I'm having a lot of trouble with my Guardian at level 27. All of my story missions where I have to take down elite enemies usually result in me dying numerous times and just getting lucky with a win. I eventually switched to a smuggler and am currently leveling him up but I want to go back to my guardian. It just gets frustrating.


    EDIT: As the poster above said - I might go into a defense spec. I'm currently Vig spec'ed so maybe that could be an issue?

  16. I must have missed the mission or tutorial that went over this, but how do you get your crew to go on missions? I have my ship, but I don't know how to send them on missions or anything. I'm sure I missed something completely but I just never was introduced to it in game. I feel like I'm missing that whole part of the game. Can anyone inform me to this?



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