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  1. Hey everyone, If you have an interest in a mature gaming community, we will be hosting our monthly Town Hall this evening. It's a great time to learn more bout out community, and meet some awesome people! 8 PM (EST)
  2. Soooo yeah, title says it all. Idk about other people, but as someone that q's solo quite frequently for PvP, I find it utterly frustrating that I can get pulled into a warzone that my team is just about to lose and have absolutely no time to earn the minimum medals to get comms/valor. before the 1.4 update, I would get pulled into a hopeless warzone ( hopeless meaning unable to get min. comms, not unable to win) at least once if not twice a night. With 1.4 out ( and almost up), "Unranked Warzones now backfill empty player slots more frequently." has me even more worried. I think that if a player gets pulled into a warzone after it starts, that they should be granted the minimum comms/valor possible. Should the player earn 3+ medals, this gets nulled that way there is no increase to that players comms/valor earned. Thoughts?
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