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Posts posted by Darkrobe

  1. Grey Jedi/Sith paths. (Guessing this would have to be a new class)


    More than just 1 type of force power, per class. Why can't all Sith use lightning, no real force push/pull? I'd also say that all force users, should have force leap, force push, force pull, and such.

    Really, what would you rather have in your rotation as a Sith melee class.. Force Scream or Force Lightning? I also know, I've to have force pull, for my juggy. Not asking for much, just 1 power of that subset.



    More saber forms, in terms of what you see on-screen. I think this could be a great thing, if placed on the right-hand side of the tree.



    Some real hardcore changes, would be to remake ALL of the stories, and have them unfold differently, based on your choices as light/dark/grey.


    I'd like to see some additions/reworks of some of the classes. Maybe a "pet" spec for the Agent, based on the use of droids. The republic side, could get something based on animals maybe? (like beast handlers or something)


    Lastly, I'd like to see a divergence of Mandalore & Bounty Hunters. It's my belief, those should be 2 different things. BH story, just doesn't do any justice, to the history of Mandy's.

  2. Mine crashes regardless of having any other programs in my task bar (minimized or not), just does it period. I launch the game, and leave everything alone (hands off keyboard, mouse) and then pray the game decides not to crash. I've spend 20min alone straight, trying to get in today. I gotta say, I'm quite sick of this bug.
  3. 1. In PvE (meaning the changes doesn't affect pvp at all) all tanks have a resistance based on stance & talent pts, to all forms of cc.

    (cus being tosses around like a ragdoll at whim, and repeatedly isn't very tanky is it?)


    2. Fix the mitigation animation takes priority over player input.


    3. Clicking a move does the move, not cause the character to "think" about it.

    (ie jerk around doing nothing)


    4. Improve early AoE tps gains, adding a talent @ T1 to increase the tps of smash.


    5. Lightning saber throw: Juggernaut tosses the saber & zaps it with lightning hitting the target & up to 5 targets w/in X meters. (to counter the saber hitting more than 1 target, since we know how wonky pally toss could be)


    6. Combine Battle Cry & Heavy Handed as T1 ability for 3pts. (to help w/ AoE frontload tps)


    7. Dark Blood & Shield Specialization combined.


    8. Add in a talent @ 5/6 to allow for move X to apply the buffs from retaliation & scream. (right now the juggy is forced in to a priority of retaliation, scream, smash, sunder/crushing, and weaving taunts in as needed. Just bleh.. no room for other moves)

    I'd suggest Ravage, and buff the durations of the buffs/debuffs affected to 20sec. Thus allowing time for the move to cd, and some buffer room to reapply.


    Ex. Right now it's ... jump > smash > sunder > retaliation/scream > sunder > retaliation/scream > blah blah... mixing in taunts as needed, same w/ CC break if it's available (usually it's not :mad:) Mind you this w/o getting into weaves w/ saber throw, crushing, interrupts, and so on. But ya get the drift. I'd also point out that scream & retaliation tend to "jerk" around A LOT and not actually do the move when pressed the 1st time.



    I'd like to see something to pull or something to nab up pesky ranged. Right now, if there's more than 1 ranged, unless you LoS the pack or CC, you can't group them. If this is by design, state it please. I'll be blunt. We as tanks already deal w/ getting enough mitigation that we don't die in 1-2sec, learning what has to be cc'd, learning boss mechanics that specific to us, learning pack complimnents, mob powers, etc etc etc.. why must we also be beaten w/ mechanics?

  4. LOL at the idea of putting guard on your healer.


    Healer dies, we die. DPS dies, still a chance to pull it out.


    Yes, the amount of soft/hard cc on trash & bosses, is way too much. I often think I spend more time walking back or in cc, than i do actually tanking.


    As for the comment about try something different...

    "I reject your reality, and substitute my own."


    I shouldn't have to bend over backwards to do my job, and bring vasoline w/ me as well.

    Dps just spams moves like always, heals spam heals.. like always. Only mechanic that's changed, is tanks are not tanks. They are just squeaky throw toys, for the mobs to toss around ad nauseum.


    For the kb stuff, back to wall is about the only thing I can suggest. Just hope the target doesn't launch you to high, and bug out. (ie the dog boss in athiss can put you atop a building and bug out cus it can't smack you) The hard cc, the knockdowns, stuns, etc we have nothing to counter this other than a 2min cd move. NOT ENOUGH!



    I suppose you could pull w/ saber throw, or some other long range move, and LoS the mess. Just have enough travel time, to nab CC as it chains in, and drop a smash or similar AoE when they come around the corner.



    Oh, and just to be clear here... Since freakin when has DPS EVER.. and I mean EVER kept it in their pants long enough, for a tank to build enough tps or basically do their job? Only if they'd get kicked after being told how many times? You expect much from a PUG. So basically, what the real advice is.. "run w/ ppl you know or don't do it at all "

  5. I've already had to quit group with my alt (DPS) and log on my main (Tank) and run the group I was with through the flashpoint... four different times.


    There is an abundance of bad Tanks out there.


    I can only take so much before I snap, "That's it! Kick this mother ****-er. I'll run us through this. Someone get a DPS."


    Soooo very true... but it's true for all roles honestly.

    How often do ya see a guy, who just has a hard one for breaking CC targets?

    'Ow bout that healer, ya know.. the one actually spec'd dps?


    How do I deal w/ them? Depends on if I have the lead/star/w/e.

    I usually will politely tell them to ****. If they persist, I will promptly put foot to butt.

    DPS = dime a dozen, I can get more.


    Really, it depends on if the contributed info is positive and welcomed. If they're just trying to be a know-it-all, or *****. They get the above.


    Just not gonna suffer through 30min-1hr+ of someone backseat tanking. If they know it so darned well, roll a tank, and do the job or ****.

  6. I have to say, effort:reward ratios are off, when it comes to being a tank.

    It really is a frustrating thing to do when a fight goes as follows:


    1. Tank starts combat

    2. Tank gets CC'd

    3. Tank breaks CC

    4. Tank is CC'd again

    5. DPS/Healer gets aggro


    And that's every freakin fight. Tanks are getting CC'd either soft/hard (knockbacks, stuns, etc) left and right, and we only get 1x 2min break? Seriously?!! ***?!


    There is no resist to CC, no immunity, nothing. We want to be tanks, not throw toys.. I know I don't feel like a juggernaut. I know the severe issue, is heavy CC mitigation from a tank, bleeding into PvP. They already designate talents/powers working differently vs player/mobs. So no issue.


    How about doing something similar to City of Heroes? All cc has a magnitude level. Tanks via spec & stance , get a mag resist to NPC CC. Works for me. Something has to be done.. heck we even hear the cries about how bad CC is in pvp as well...



    As for tanking being difficult... no it's not. What makes it difficult is fighting w/ the mechanics, flaws, bugs, etc that are rampant and beating you over the head, on a constant basis. Want an example, mash the slash or w/e the 1st rage using abliity a warrior gets. They jerk the saber overhead back and forth, and maybe 2-3 sec later actually do the move. How about when you telling the game "attack X" and it does nothing?

    Yes the patch supposedly fixed some of that, but not all of it, and it again makes our job much harder than it should be.


    How about the bug that makes mitigation animation override player input? Ya know the issue, where all the guy wants to do is block w/ sabers or dodge attacks, but not retaliate. Gets ya dead right fast.


    What really the person above is asking for, is stop beating tanks to death with mechanics, that aren't adding to flavor, but simply placed to be roadblocks. I want fun, I want to feel like a tank, and that's the real issue. Most of us don't.


    Oh, and saying, " keep it hard, cus it needs to be " ... you got your hard/nightmare modes. Why does regular mode require a feeling of pulling teeth?


    (before the flaming, I've also tanking in many an MMO, even progression raiding, for many years.. we aren't asking for god mode, just quality of life & fun)

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