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Posts posted by TheRealTorrne

  1. That statement is basically just referring to the resources for each crew skill. There are crafting skills and gathering skills.


    Artifice - Crafting Skill

    - Benefits from Archaeology and Treasure Hunting

    - Crafts Hilts, Color Crystals, Enhancements, Lightsabers and Off-hands.


    Biochem - Crafting Skill

    - Benefits from Bioanalysis and Diplomacy.

    - Crafts consumables (medpacs, stims, adrenals), and implants.


    Cybertech - Crafting Skill

    - Benefits from Scavenging and Underworld Trading

    - Crafts Earpieces, grenades, armoring, mods, speeders and ship upgrades.


    Armormech - Crafting Skill

    - Benefits from Scavenging and Underworld Trading

    - Crafts heavy and medium armor for troopers/bounty hunters and agents/smugglers.


    Armstech - Crafting Skill

    - Benefits from Scavenging and Investigation

    - Crafts weapons (blasters, vibroknifes, etc.) and barrels.


    Synthweaving - Crafting Skill

    - Benefits from Archaeology and Underworld Trading

    - Crafts armor for force users (Sith Warrior/Inquisitor and Jedi Knight/Consular).


    I might not be 100% correct on this, I just wrote this up right now. That should help as a start, though.

  2. carnage isnt bad at all, id even call it a good spec, i still wreck people when i play carnage (even in pugs w/o heals)


    its just not as good as annihilation


    This. I have nothing against carnage. I leveled annihilation and then specced carnage as soon as I hit 50. I had a blast with it, it was probably the most fun I've had with my character to date.


    I am in Ops more than anything lately, so I'm basically annihilation always. It doesn't bother me, I still thoroughly enjoy my character. I think I'll probably do Carnage again soon though, it's very fun.

  3. @thenightmare - why using an alt modifier key is bad - well let's assume that people who do use the alt modifier key run a WASD setup. Let's now assume that are decent players so they rebind their A and D to strafe left and right instead of turn left and right.


    Actually, I use Q and E for strafe. A, S and D hardly see any use at all. S key is for bads, and keyboard turners are just as bad. I assume that anyone who decides to utilize a similar set up would work around extremely small tie-ups, like this.



    You say you use alt 1 - 4. Can you explain how you plan on using alt 1 while strafing left?


    Well that's silly. Alt+1 is a channeled skill for me. If I strafe, I'll waste a CD.


    If your hands are in the WASD position you will need to swing your thumb over to alt from the space bar. Naturally you could then put your ring finger on 1 while your pointer finger is on D (making right strafe quite easy). But look at what happens when you move your ring finger over to A. Your hand is now in an extremely odd position.


    So what you're saying is that A is a poor key to utilize for strafing. I'll stick to Q. No odd hand placement for me, thanks.


    This is undesirable since it is not simple to use other keys that arn't GCD reliant e.g. taunts, buffs, changing directions, tab targetting etc. You may decide that when pressing the alt-1 key you will never jump and never strafe left but then I would say that sounds like an insufficient setup when you have such restrictions.


    These restrictions are made up. Whatever set-up you use may work for you. Good. Alt modifier has never restricted my play, ever.

  4. Force Camo is very useful for many things, but skipping mobs in PvE is not one of them. Sorry.




    I have skipped many, many, MANY mobs with force camo. I can't tell you how many fights i have avoided by popping Camo and running straight through a pack to get to a quest boss or to get out of a building or w/e. In fact, the only reason I was able to do my daily missions at 50 to get my Rakata earpiece and implants and not lose my mind is because Force Camo allowed me to fight a very minimal amount of enemies (Yes, I solo'd all of them, except for Old Enemies and Poisonous Strat).


    TL;DR - Force Camo is incredibly useful for skipping mobs. You're doing it wrong.

  5. First, I am not english native xD


    Like the title says, Is that mouse needed to play the marauder optimal? Or one like that.




    My Marauder Hotkeys (from memory)


    1 - Assault

    2 - Rupture

    3 - Force Charge

    4 - Annihilate

    5 - Deadly Saber

    6 - Vicious Throw

    G - Throw Huttball

    M4 - Saber Ward

    M3 - Smash

    M5 - Battering Assault

    R - Unleash

    T - Intimidating Roar

    V - Force Scream


    Alt+1 - Ravage

    Alt+2 - Crippling Slash

    Alt+3 - Disruption

    Alt+4 - Cloak of Pain

    Alt+5 - Undying Rage

    Alt+6 - Obfuscate

    Alt+G - Frenzy

    Alt+M4 - Force Choke

    Alt+M3 - Berserk

    Alt+M5 - Deadly Throw

    Alt+R - Force Camouflage


    Shift+1 - Re-usable Power Adrenal

    Shift+2 - Columi/Champion Power Relic

    Shift+3 - Vicious Slash

    Shift+5 - Disable Droid

    Shift+M4 - Re-usable Medpac

    Shift+M3 - Bloodthirst


    Ctrl+M3 - Predation


    I think that's all of them. Is a razer naga necessary? No, I can manage with a 5-button mouse with ease in both PVP and PVE.


    I did, however, order one the other day. I think that it's going to wreck me for a week or two while I'm getting used to new key binds on it.

  6. PvP servers have been pointless ever since risk was removed in PvP. It amuses me that you feel the only thing missing is rewards. What about consequences?




    If killing an opponent awards valor, shouldn't being killed by an opponent cost valor?


    About the only thing I liked about Aion was that their pvp "currency" was both gained AND lost. Too bad the rest of that game was pretty much garbage.

  7. It takes them a while but a good maurauder can kill me no problem. Undergeared ppl can just be ignored as I can just put up dots and heal through them. Healers should not be able to be solo'd. If you are Hitting/interupting/cc'ing a healer they r not healing any1 else, hence you have just taken them out of the game.


    You said it yourself, they are healing themselves while you are trying to kill them, THEY R NOT JEALING ANY1 ELSE.


    2 good skilled players will take me down pertty fast, and 3, I have no chance.


    Working as intended.


    <-- Marauder.


    I completely agree, and it's pretty much common sense. Please don't complain about 1v1 balance. I never want to see this game ever ever ever be balanced for 1v1 or 2v2 play. Look at the big picture.


    Instead of whining that you can't solo a healer, whine that your teammates are too dumb to focus healers. You shouldn't be the only one in a warzone going after healers, and if you are, you're probably going to lose anyway.

  8. Don't tell anyone I told you, but you can get the 2.5k Heal reliably if you know your way around Tatooine and Hoth...


    Which really makes the situation even more annoying for healers. But I suppose eventually they'll find all the heal items that still count against warzone healing...


    I'm a little iffy of that. I'm not sure if anything is going to happen to people who use it. Thanks though. :)

  9. DPS should have access to the fewest medals: let's just get that out of the way right now. I'm not saying that should only get half of what a healer or tank can get, but if a healer can only get 4 or 5, a dps should only get 3 or 4.


    Tanks can play well and get 8-12 medals pretty easily. Healers struggle to get 4? It makes no sense.


    lol? Garbage mentality. There should be equal opportunity for rewards with equal effort. None of this "Healers need special attention because their job is hard." crap. I've healed every MMO I've played prior to this one; it's no more difficult than anything else.


    The only thing that's different here is that Tank classes in pvp have easy mode medals. It's dumb.



    *shrug* when I DPS on my sorc I usually get


    75k Damage

    10 Kills

    25 Kills

    Killing blow

    Solo Kill

    1k Defender

    2.5k Heal


    Every game. Sometimes adding in 300k damage and 2.5k(I need more surge T_T) and if people are really after my nuts 75k healing too.


    I didn't include Defender points because it's so hit and miss. I'll get 3k defender some games on Alderaan, I'll get 1k in Huttball sometimes even, but it's never consistent and it really depends on how hard the opponent is trying to take a node, etc.

  10. As a marauder, in a typical warzone I can expect about five medals. If the game goes particularly long and I get a lucky crit or two, I can get maybe eight.


    Typical game:

    2.5k Hit

    75k Damage

    10 Kills

    Solo Kill OR 25 Kills

    Killing Blow


    Long Game:

    2.5k Hit

    75k Damage

    300k Damage

    10 Kills

    25 Kills

    Solo Kill

    Killing Blow

    2.5k Heal (Lucky unleash heal crit with Rakata medpac 15% max hp buff.)


    That last one is like, super ideal situation. I'll have some games where 25 kills just don't happen and the 2.5k heal also.


    There are also short games to take into account. I have had premades roll my team and me so hard that I don't even get three medals. Solo kill is out of the question, 10 kills is out of the question with four healers around, and 300k damage is near-impossible when I spend more time respawning than anything. 75k damage and killing blow is about all I'll get some games.



    To summarize: DPS has is bad, too. Those free guard medals are bull ****. I've seen Assassins get 10+ medals a game far too many times to think it's fair.

  11. Okay, so I'm sure you're all tired of hearing about how ill-conceived the Champion Bag system is. I know that I'm tired of experiencing it. The only thing keeping me queuing for warzones at this point is my strong desire to legitimately earn the Battlemaster title and start opening a different bag.


    Why random? Why? It makes no sense. I laugh at those of you that say it's "fair." There is no fairness in the lottery. It's a system designed to take people's money (or time in this case) in hopes that they'll be awarded greatly. Much like any casino game, it's not in the player's favor. Period. It's a ****** tactic to keep us grinding for gear bags as long as we're willing to renew our subscription. Just one more month, there's no way I won't get my weapon in that one more month!


    Absurd. This system is not fair, it's not fun, and it's not inventive or interesting. Revamp this system. Now.


    With all of that said, consider this another "discuss gear system options" thread.


    Here is my proposal:


    Level 50 Warzones - Award commendations, as before, but now also award 3-5 or so Centurion commendations. Centurion gear remains unchanged, being purchased for Centurion Commendations.


    Champion Bags - While still random, can guarantee progress. Make ALL Champion items purchasable for a set number of Champion Commendations. Make each Champion bag award Champion Commendations (duh?). Perhaps 2-5 per bag. Maybe make Bags purchasable for Centurion Commendations as well as Warzone commendations, perhaps with a Valor Rank requirement to purchase/open them. If you really want to involve the Valor system, you can set certain Valor rank requirements on Champion gear, to gate progress. I don't think it's necessary.


    Mercenary Commendations - Get rid of them. Utterly pointless. Change prices accordingly, I suppose.


    Battlemaster Bags - Same as Champion Bags; 2-5 commendations per bag. Purchasable with Champion Commendations, as well as awarded through Daily/weekly missions.


    First draft, frustration involved so I understand there are flaws. Tell me what you think, and discuss if you'd like.

  12. Get ready to be told "If you don't like it, don't play, but if you don't play we're not going to listen to you because you don't play."


    You will inevitably be told this by people who have not yet experienced the problems you have but who still think they deserve the right to censor you for reasons such as "You are making my experience less pleasurable." They will say this in spite of the fact that nobody forces them to come to these forums.


    Everybody who has experienced the void of endgame and the RNG pvp grind will agree with you. This is generally how these threads play out, let's see if much changes this time around.


    Also pointing this out gets a lot of infractions from forum mods, but I unsubbed already so don't really care if it gets another. Might resub if in 17 days they add more stuff, let's see if that new WZ gets here fast enough.


    Regarding RNG PVP Gear: I rage every time I open a champion bag and don't see a weapon. I'm up to about 80 bags now, I think, and valor rank 55. I shouldn't be raging over something so minor, but Bioware found a way to displease me with what should be a progress-based system. In other games that I have played (Rift, Aion, WoW), there was a certain goal for which I could aim. With this game, there is no goal, there are only lottery tickets. I'm convinced that I'll get to valor 60 before I see a main-hand weapon, and that's really sad. :(

  13. 1. We're a Melee DPS only class who does less damage then other RANGED classes that have hybrid options and potential builds. Isn't the whole point of Melee DPS suppose to be that it is THE highest damage? so sub-par damage


    I'm not 100% certain of this, but it does feel as though our damage is lower than it should be in comparison to other classes. I could not say for sure without a damage meter (and an accurate one at that).


    2. We have the survivability of a wet blanket and no major utility moves. Ok we have saber ward, a 12 second ability on a 3 minute CD (should be more like 1 minute), Cloak of pain that requires we be under attack, the direct opposite of what we should aiming for (stupid requirement), and a few others that have some kinda equally stupid things on them. We actually may have the worst survivability of ANY class in the game, from what I'm seeing I wouldn't be surprised by it.


    I still think we should be wearing heavy armor and Assassin tanks should be wearing medium. My tier set looks an awful lot like a robot monstrosity, just saying. However, if you're discussing our ability to survive, what is your issue with Cloak of Pain. Wouldn't we have to be attacked to have an issue with incoming damage? Utilize it better and you'll find it's actually quite a great skill. Although, I do feel like three minutes is a bit long on Saber Ward, so I don't disagree with you completely.


    3. Force Camo, seriously a 4 seconds cloak on a 45 second cool down, it's really meant to be our way to lose threat, but we never have all that much threat to begin with... for it's "camouflage" ability 4 seconds isn't enough to do much at all there is a small chance to escape a difficulty fight in PvP or to avoid a single group of mobs but that's about all. should either have a smaller CD or a longer effect.


    You're insane. Force Camo is the most reliable ability for surviving in pvp AND pve for me. It's the best distraction imaginable. If your group is fighting their group and you find that two or three shifted quick focus to you (very often this happens to me), then pop force camo, they all lose their target on you and switch to something else, and you can go back to doing what you were doing.


    4. Fury, why are our best buffs all limited fury? Predation, Berserk and Bloodthirst, while Bloodthirst the best also has an additional 5 minute CD anyway? Ok at 50 we can generate a full stack of fury every 3 minutes (or 2 minutes 30 seconds annihilation) but in PvP it can be difficult to build fury and live long enough to use it else wise... Seriously, bioware even acknowledges that Marauder has too much going on... drop fury! Also why does rage spec regenerate only 10 fury for predation... when annihilation gets double fury for each rage attack? it'd take annihilation 8 attacks to get back to 30 fury compared to 10 attacks for rage... fury is just broken and ill-conceived.


    Fury is fine; It's a second resouce. Manage it like a resource and you won't have any issues with it.


    5. overly complex... I know some insane people out there are capable of doing this, but seriously how big are some of the rotations for marauder... and how easily is each rotation broken in PvP? ...


    I'm going to stop you there. There is no rotation. Improvise. Prioritize. Play reactive.


    6. to easily controlled, tell me a CC that isn't useful against marauder? now tell me a CC that we have that is actually really useful? Being melee ranged, we kinda are the most vulnerable class to CCs... and the only useful CCs we get seem to have pitiful duration or just very easily counter-CCed.


    Yeah, resolve is a joke right now. It's unfortunate. What makes me even more upset, though, is knock backs. Sooooo annoying.



    My only proposed fix is a slight damage increase and more chance to avoid CC in some way or another. I'm fine with basically everything else.

  14. The only normal mode flashpoints I've done are BT and D7. You can enter ANY Hard Mode flashpoint without completing the normal simply by progressing the quest leading into the flashpoint until you have two quests: [GROUP] xxxxxx and whatever the other quest is (Call to Arms: xxxx or whatever else). Drop the one labeled [GROUP] and you'll be able to pick up the Hard Mode quest from an NPC just outside the flashpoint.
  15. It's probably a case of the PvP team sitting there going "Well, where do we start? They're complaining about everything!". I don't blame the community either, because almost everything about PvP is problematic.


    Population imbalance, Ilum performance issues, Ilum design issues, PvP quest design, absence of real open-world PvP, random bag system, gear progression, bland warzones, same-faction warzones, ability delay, animation delay, random bag system, expertise, ugly PvP armors, carbon copy characters due to PvP gear being required, too much CC, bad CC immunity system, random bag system, hour+ warzone queues on low pop servers, advantages to certain factions in certain warzones, poor/no attempts at class balancing, advantages to certain mirror classes, warzone AFK'ers with no penalties, Baron Deathmark, cap-swapping/kill-swapping, buggy warzones, disconencts, no ranking system, mercenary commendations don't exist, and the random bag system.


    I wouldn't know where to start responding either.


    You got beef with Baron Deathmark? You got beef with me!



    Edit: Also, Baron Deathmark is working as intended.

  16. Up to this point, I was convinced that I would never roll an alternate character. I decided that all of my time, effort and progression would go into my marauder until I couldn't make him any better. If something like a quest-based reward system was implemented, I would more than happily level an alt and get it some PVP gear. I couldn't even imaging trying to get the champ gear that my Marauder has onto another character through this lame lottery system. Plus, if that second character was to get a weapon before my first did, I would die a little inside.
  17. There're a bunch of ways to fix this, but I think that the -best- way (that still remains reasonably easy to do) is to have a quest chain.


    In progress, they may look like this!


    Mercenary Warzone Mastery I:


    DPS-focused Medals in Warzones: 22/36

    Healing Medals in Warzones: 5/8

    Complete Huttball passes, Ball Handler Kill Assists, Bomb Plants/Disarms, or Terminal Slices: 47/64


    Sniper Warzone Mastery IV:


    DPS-focused Medals in Warzones: 27/44

    Solo Kill Medals in Warzones: 20/20

    Complete Huttball passes, Ball Handler Kill Assists, Bomb Plants/Disarms, or Terminal Slices: 68/75


    Reward: One piece of PvP tier gear, your choice. Each reptition of the quest, the numbers get a little larger; 38 intead of 36. NO BIG JUMPS. Progression, not sudden, irritating grindwalls.




    I <3 this. +100000000000000000000000000

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