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Everything posted by Almoehi

  1. Hm maybe you're right regarding accuracy, i will do parses over the next weeks and see where it is going... But have you ever played the 3/18/25 with cheaper shadowstrike after 2.5? I can assure you with careful timing on blackout/forcecloak you won't need to saberstrike unless you are extremely unlucky with procs. And for APM - i'am at 3,3K on Grob'thok without hitting too many adds O'dan @T3-M4
  2. Hi, but that is exactly the point of my question. There seems to be no linear scaling of dps with accuracy but a threshold. Once you are above a certain value of accuracy (99,5%?!) you don't miss anymore on bosses except 1-2% on your default attack (saber strike) which you dont use anyway as hybrid. Although i have to admit that this is based on a very small number of parses. Greetings. O'dan @T3-M4
  3. Hello to you fellow shadow/assasin dps. i've been playing a lot of madness hybrid lately and tried several configurations for skill/stat-distribution to optimise dps. Unfortunately my inet connection isn't the fastest, so i can't get reliable results on dummy parses (miss-chance also seems to differ from ops-bosses). Anyway here is my question: what should be best for Madness-Hybrid (crit rating not regarded) on OPS-Bosses? all values for BiS Dread-Forged gear (please don't sue me for the numbers, i am writing this of my head ) 1) 3/18/25 with 5 parts accuracy -> 100,4% acc / 72,7% surge 2) 3/18/25 with 4 parts acc. + 1 acc. aug -> 99,7% acc / 74,5% surge (that's my current config) 3) 3/18/25 with 4 parts acc. + 2 acc. augs -> 100,7% acc / 74,5% surge 4) 2/18/26 with 5 parts acc. + 1 acc. aug -> 100% acc / 72,7% surge: lower force-technique crit + 10% surge bonus on FiB & dots 5) 2/18/26 with 5 parts acc. -> 99,4% acc / 72,7% surge: noticable misses on dot application (e.g ForceBreach failed 2-3 times on Grob'thok) So from my experiences accuracy should at least be over 99,5%. Secondary question: does crit-rating have considerable influence between above configurations regarding the differences in surge bonus? It would be very interesting to hear your opinions (calculations ) Thank you! O'dan @T3-M4
  4. Hello there, wanted to try 3/18/25 in palace yesterday but i had to tank Numbers on the dummy look very promising but i still have to try with 1,5m hp for execute phase. Just did a little pvp in 2/21/23 and liked it so far. Damage is good, burst ok, only "impose weakness" is missing and you have to be careful with dots and mezzes. I have three questions though: - would you change the crit/power distribution? i'm at 385 crit atm but still far from BiS. - with 78 gear, is it possible to change one accuracy-enhancement for surge (should be around 99 % acc.)? - is there a way to pre-filter combat logs by max-dps (perhaps via parsec) so i don't have to upload them all to torparse? Thanks O'dan (T3-M4)
  5. Hello there, i am a little confused about the setting of some skillpoints in the PVE DD-specs: - for madness wouldn't it be better to put those 2 middle-tree points into shadow's respite, because you rarely need the fast interrupt but are force starved more often then not? - for infiltration i think 2 points in kinetic field are better than faster running, because less damage taken = less healing required. just my thoughts, otherwise good job and nice vids.
  6. Wow, really nice work. I remeber my most favorable Civil War match, where we were behind in turrets from the start then managed to cap a second one at about 100:240 iirc and the third at 10:40 -> Victory 10:0 ! It saddens me a bit, you now can't get backfilled anymore to turn these "certain" defeats keep it up, a fellow shadow
  7. Almoehi

    T3-M4 pvp

    HalliHallo, bin ja sonst eher passiver Forennutzer, aber da mich ein Bekannter darauf aufmerksam gemacht hat, dass hier ausdrücklich mein Name genannt wird, muss ich mich doch mal zu Wort melden. In einem Post von Pibb gestern werde ich (O'dan) beschuldigt, den Exploit eines Mitspielers ausgenutzt zu haben. Dem muss ich doch deutlich widersprechen, denn erstens wusste ich bis eben nicht dass ein solcher Exploit existiert (wie auch immer der genau aussieht) und zweitens erschien mir die Aktion eigentlich ganz normal: - ich schleiche zur rechten Tür (besagter Mitspieler war hinter mir) - Verdunklung und am Gegner (es war nur einer) vorbei - bin mir ehrlich nicht mehr sicher, ob ich ihn gemezzt hab, glaube aber schon - Enttarnung und Beginn des Tappens - Gegner kommt ausm Mezz (ka ob Breaker benutzt) und wird vom Mitspieler nachgestunnt - Bombe legen erfolgreich und gleich wieder in Tarnung gegangen - Verteidigung der Bombe In meinen Augen war da kein Exploit im Spiel, oder ich habe ihn nicht als solchen erkannt. Im letzteren Fall möchte ich mich aufrichtig entschuldigen, bitte aber um Aufklärung um solche Fehler in Zukunft vermeiden zu können. Vielen Dank. mfg O'dan
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