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Everything posted by Jacewen

  1. Congratulations on sitting through the cut scenes and now thinking you're done with all the xpac has to offer. B-bye. One less fool taking up server space while the rest of us actually play the expansion.
  2. Totally Agree.. The new stuff is listed as "Shelves" so fix the hook they occupy and make it the same as other shelf hooks please. Can't even use the decoration correctly because of this. Also to add to the list of new broken decos my Minefield Markers no longer emit the red strobing light.. which totally makes them useless in the way they are used in my SH. Lastly I would love for jukeboxes to have continuous play... do this already please.
  3. I see so many people complaining about being "done" with the expansion after a few hours. I've been playing the expansion at a moderate pace for a few days and am hardly done. Have I seen the STORY chapters? yes.. but I still have all these companions to locate and all the planetary star things to gain control of. Not to mention all the new decos I need, crafting to sort out etc.. So I'm far from being done. Matter of fact for free content I think it's quite a bit. I think it's absolutely retarded that people think they are done with the content. That's like turning the pages of a book - looking at every picture and saying ur done reading the book. To me - it's VERY OBVIOUS they SPECIFICALLY released to chapter 9 to get you to the new planet and get you into your new base. The story was ONLY DEVELOPEMENT till that point. I believe the REST of what they release will be the actual CONTENT of the expac and the "doing it" part of the game. So far it's just been plot development more or less. How can you not see this. So chill out and go outside if you think ur done. There's this thing called the sun you know......
  4. i wouldn't say they are useless. they have a credit value of like 1million if you wanted to trade them and sell the items back.
  5. NOW - with the generic non-customizable companions in 4.0 I don't see much of an excuse as to why they cant do this for us.
  6. Who's excited about the new decos? I for one - definitely don't need them. Neat theme I suppose but very situational. This is probably the first pack where I literally don't want any of the decos. The ambient sound effects are kinda neat but probably could have just been added to the individual items. Slots should probably sound like slots in the background and have an attraction noise every so often. Now we gotta throw something on a wall slot just to make the room sound like it already appears. When I'm already capped on hooks. I wish we could get some cool deco's for a change. The last pack with the sith stuff was pretty sweet and much needed.
  7. I finally found your SH - I had to log onto my republic toon I guess for it to show on the list. Odd. I like your Imperial Theme! Yavins hard to make look good but you filled it out well. I dont think I have half the deco you have. And I hate you for having not 1 but 2 bombers..... I need a bomber in my command room..
  8. I could care less personally. As far as I'm concerned my crew sleeps eats and poops on the ship parked out back. The stronghold is a gathering point for business and pleasure.
  9. Manaan! UNDERWATER Views please! Oricon - Lava falls and eruptions with that giant ship thing would be pretty sweet. Ilum - because the Sky there is so freakin cool and it's a neater ice planet than Hoth. The other mentioned planets are just kinda meh in my opinion and dont offer the same landscape appeal that these would for a house. Also can we get back to the Nar shadda sized strongholds? Stop with the rediculous sized places like Tavin and Tat.
  10. Max relax - have a snickers. You aren't making sense. There's no reason they can't make changes so improving the guild ships effects your conquest bonus. I mean - think about it. Conquest isn't about a single person so why make it about 1 persons stronghold. It was clearly just a way for them to force people into housing and bring recognition to something they worked on. Now they just need to fix the system because what you're proposing won't fix the problem. Like i said before - people that enjoy housing rarely have much to do with Conquest anyway. And the people that are heavily into Conquest rarely ENJOY housing. They merely do it to fill it as quick as possible with pictures and chairs for a bonus. Bioware needs to just separate the 2 and fix it. FURTHER MORE - the people that are into CONQUEST will be focussing on filling a GUILD SHIP instead of their personal stronghold. Making the ships fill a lot faster. Matter of fact I bet most wouldn't even own a stronghold if they didn't have to. Stop trying to complicate it.
  11. Have no fear. Eventually - they will HAVE to update the engine. Or just make a new game. Either way it will be a win.
  12. I still would prefer they just disassociate Conquest with player housing all together. Link it to the guild ship's hooks. It's a guild related system and game anyway.
  13. The people that are into housing - typically aren't doing it at all for conquest anyway. And the people that are into Conquest arent into housing at all. They are just doing it to get a bonus and it shows when you go to one of their houses. This needs to change. This is why some people are for or against the extra hooks. Its either easier or harder to get their bonus. So just change it already to make both parties happy. Have the Conquest bonus be moved to like - the guild ship hook count or something - so people can have more hooks for personal housing and decorate better.
  14. I totally agree. I thought the max for the NS stronghold was currently 425.. either way its definitely too low. When you have to start sacrificing ideas and removing stuff from current rooms just to get a layout you like then there's a problem. My house currently can't have ceiling lighting, wall hook usage and floor hook usage in a large majority of the stronghold due to hitting the cap space constantly. My SH isn't stuffed to the gills either. My prestige is only around 60k and the completion % is already close to cap and I just unlocked my last room. I've had to sacrifice a lot just to make it look decent - when it could look FABULOUS. Quit Stifling my creative decorating Bioware! Give us moar hooks!
  15. it is SO bright. i thought id need 3 downstairs in the bottom room of my NS house but 1 was enough. holy mother this thing is bright. i can only use 1 due to its range. its not a bad thing but its kinda overpowering.
  16. Hello Shadowlands people, Please visit my Nar Shaddaa SH and take a look around. Im looking for criticism on my stronghold and wanting ideas to make it better. I really enjoy housing and hope it develops more. Personally, I'm having a hard time finding good ideas for decorating certain rooms. Yes I've looked through the public listings and yes I've looked at websites. However you really cant tell how well a house is decorated by the completion % or its prestige. Those numbers don't indicate much. SO - please take a look through my home - leave some feedback here if you can or email me in game. As mentioned in the title the house is listed under Frowntown and it's a Nar Shaddaa stronghold. The SH is a work in progress, however from what I have seen it's one of the best decorated houses I've been in so far.... and I've been in a lot. Also if you want to give me a tour or invitation I'd love to visit! Thanks and I hope to see you in game!
  17. However - he is correct - the CAP is too low. I haven't done it yet - but I guarantee you have well over 425 hooks in the stronghold. I realize the extra hooks allow more freedom in placement but the limit is WAY too low. it needs to be raised a few hundred.
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