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Posts posted by vulup

  1. Sents aren't that strong in overall group content.


    Every single time we get totally crushed in a warzone pre-50. I look at our team and we have 4+ sents on our team.


    I pvp leveled my jugg from 10 - 50 and will say that pre 50 pvp is different from post 50 pvp

  2. Maybe you should stick with your teammates? This isn't a 1v1 game.



    yeah their invurnability talent is insanly strong right now given everything else seems to drop a lot faster

  3. So I am full BM and yesterday with the release of 1.2 I get 1 shot now with master strike/ravage abilities. Mar/Sents were fine before the buffs. Now they are way better than any other class. They have more single target dps and with their defensive cd's they have more durability than any other class.


    they use their armor pen talent/trinkets/adrenaline with a ravage & force scream combo

  4. You close other threads and want us to sift through the crap in this one? wow..


    as i said in my other post


    With all the QQ in this forum it looks like people want a PvP system that is broken... I don't get it? Why do Players want Bioware to include a system that was tested and did not work as intended?


    I'm happy to hang out till they get it right the last thing we want is a borked system that we all hate.


    Keep up the good work devs!


    I don't think ill get to see any real replies in this thread but what the hell...


    I am more upset over how BW is handling this situation. Not so much about the lack of Ranked WZs in 1.2 - aside from the killer such an announcement obviously is after looking forward to ranked WZs for so long.


    They, imo, knew Ranked Wzs would not make the cut well before today.

  5. I'd be surprised if a Dev actually reads and replies to any of these posts over the last 158 PAGES; but here we go.


    I'm the GM of a very successful PvP guild on The Deadweight. I would like to think that we are one of the only things keeping that server alive because of our strong member base and our love for PvP. We make up about 50% of the lvl 50 population during peak hours; so I'm not being over zealous.


    One of our biggest complaints since the initial launch has been the inability to que as 8man teams. We usually have 3-4 4 man groups and we are constantly fighting against ourselves (which is fun to a degree), but the whole concept of a guild is to fight TOGETHER. 1.2 was going to mark a huge step forward in how the pvp on this game was played. To assume that this is not a KEY function that ANY mmo should have, is a dire mistake and will cost SWTOR not only players, but respect in terms of future releases of games. Its no secret that EA likes to release products that are incomplete and buggy.... SO WHY START NOW!?!?!?! Give us our 8man premades or risk loosing a huge portion of your player base. Though I don't speak for everyone in my guild; I'm fairly certain that if plans are not announced to resolve this QUICKLY, I'm going to suggest a Boycott. Not just one unsub - but 130 unsubs. Thats 130X15 for 1 month.... Maybe thats nothing to you... and if thats the case, you should admit defeat now and move on to the next huge mistake you call a Great Game....


    EA, you piss in my cherrios more than any other game company out there. I am not only embarrassed for you; I pity you and your inability to make things right. Not just that; but you took 2 gaming companies (Lucas Arts & Bioware), and turned them to ****.



    Bioware, I still believe in you.... And maybe to a fault. But if you have any dignity left; FIX THIS ASAP. Otherwise, you'll shortly have several servers ready to be applied to your next online experience, seeing as how they won't be used for SWTOR.


    hear hear! I really think EA is at fault as well here for pressuring BW - think i will spend some time with a nice pre-EA title by BW - like NVN 2 for a bit

  6. Well the promise of ranked WZs with 1.2 kept people in the game for a good 2 months +


    Ranked WZs were a huge deal for PvPers and I think its ok to blow off some steam / express our dissapointment


    We were really looking forward to them with 1.2


    I actually think it is important to let BW know how we feel about the way they handled the situation. [/Quote]




    lawl u think they read every post ?



    Shingara's positive vibe is starting to rub off on me? Dunno. You are probably right.

  7. The way people are talking about it you would think that they had deleted force users and made them play gungans and ewoks.


    Well the promise of ranked WZs with 1.2 kept people in the game for a good 2 months +


    Ranked WZs were a huge deal for PvPers and I think its ok to blow off some steam / express our dissapointment


    We were really looking forward to them with 1.2


    I actually think it is important to let BW know how we feel about the way they handled the situation.

  8. They made you grind for roughly 6 months for multiple hours a day to first get and then to cap your jedi. Then they removed the class. Are you still sure you wish you had?


    that sounds horrible


    I keep hearing great stories of the pre-cu days - once the community picked up a bit


    and i saw people/friends play the game.


    Oh well

  9. And possibly the reason they have no eta is because they dont know, it could be fixed right now by one dev altering one line of code and put in on an emergency patch on friday, it could be in 3 weeks.


    They should have delayed the patch a week or so in that case - something they did not do - instead of jumping the trap on us like this.


    I applaud you for your positive take on the situation though (really do no joke)

  10. Yup there are many records in the mmo history of much worse, swg is a prime example, jtl hits and bang change the game majorly, another expantion and nge. Even wow, look at path of the titans and the slew of other things announced one blizzcon and then the next time none of it was real and we were all dreaming.


    WoW pulled Path of the Titans well before the release. I have never seen/heard of anything getting pulled 3 hours before a patch/xpac.


    Mind you i never really played SWG and cant comment on the particulars you mentioned in your post.


    Wish i had though.

  11. Who says they did it purposly, do you think this was a master plan or something, there is every possibilty that bioware thought they could fix it for the patch, they found out it wasnt possible and informed us.


    The fact that they waited so late shows that there were working hammer and tong to try and make it work but couldnt.


    Sorry to say i am on the other side of the fence on that - especially since they have no real ETA for ranked Warzones at this time

  12. Actualy, if you look at the section i copied from the eula to here you shall see that it does pertain to this thread and the majority of the posts within it.


    the fact is that the ranked warzones have not been removed, they were never on live, they were on the pts in the hopes of it being live with 1.2. The facts are that the ranked warzones were not ready and have thus been delayed from deployment until they are at an acceptable lvl for the live client.


    As such the feature itself has been delayed until it is correctly programed for implimentation upon the live servers which is covered under the eula of which is not under the direct control of EA nor bioware, If there is a fault/bug within the feature then no matter of magic wand waving would make the feature suddenly bug free for live today.


    As such it is delyaed and people will have to live with it in the knowledge that bioware dont just pump features to the game they know are bugged and there quality assurance is higher then there need to impliment features within the game.


    Should not spring such news on your player-base at the last minute to grab a month's worth of subs though.

  13. Which also has had its pvp removed indefinitely. Sigh.


    Well they said from the get-go that Diablo was not a PvP game and that PvP balance was not something they would put resources into - something they mentioned on their Diablo Dev panel @ Blizzcon last year


    at least they were honest and frankly with GW 2 coming i can handle Diablo 3 being a PVE centric title.

  14. I wanna say he has a stacked premade every single game and can finish a match in like 5mins. ~2700 valor for 4 medals and a win. Ok for ***** and giggles. High population server= instant queues. Time in between for starting/loading time etc. Add another 5-6 mins. He is doing 5 games in an hour = 13,500 valor. He plays for 14 hours a day = 189,000valor a day. Thats 70 wz's a day. My valor rank 84 is ~ 155k valor. Valor rank 100 is 288k? He gets almost a valor rank a day until 90 Then it turns into a rank every 1.5-2days. Some intense grinding...plausible


    just means he pvps and does nothing else while ingame - something a pvper would do - I think its plausible as well

  15. I dont want arena in its traditional "WoW"-specific format


    because of


    (1) balance issuse - Swotor would, for arenas to be balanced, be balanced around arenas first and everything else second


    (2) people may not ask for rewards now but they will (just look at rated WZ - many people asked for a ranked ladder system w/o rewards before they were announced; those people are now asking for more than just cosmetic rewards specific to their ranking), forcing pvpers who dislike this particular format to PvP in arenas to stay on top of the gear-curve.


    (3) Those who dont arena will, like in wow, be looked down upon.


    Those are, really, my only concerns. I have no issue with an arena system but i also doubt one can exist without those issues ruining the game.

  16. You guys realize Bioware doesn't listen to nerf threads right? All their balance decisions are made using their in-game metrics tools. All of you crying for nerfs or raging over the ppl crying for nerfs are wasting your time.


    lol...they should never listen to qq threads but they do


    I heard operatives are getting nerfed because getting ganked by groups of operatives in PvP is making people quit...wonderful use of metric tools right there

  17. his point goes well with the spirit of Kotor 1 and 2?




    Playing either a class-less system where you could, say, pick to go down a non-force specific path vs. a force-specific path would have worked for me


    but so did their current story arch /w classes


    curious to see how such a class-less system will work /w Secret World

  18. read through parts of your post


    I really dont think commando troopers are weak


    like i said i am starting to stray away form a 1v1 philosopy with swotor and commandos are extremely potent in a group setting


    They may struggle in a 1v1 situation but put two of them on a chat-server to focus fire properly and they shine


    I do think given them an interrupt would be a nice quality of life change

  19. I am starting to lean towards the its not a 1v1 game


    I dont stand a chance against a healer of equal gear and skill and put myself at great risk while on a healer - if dps or even a tank notices - because i need to use my cc/interupts/trinkets to burst the healer down


    If i happen to be the only one on a healer


    cross-healing is too powerful but that is another topic and one they have to look into ( Think they are in 1.2) if 1v1 is nothing we should worry about - i cant kill anything, they cant kill me very fast, making most pvp matches pretty dreary and boring


    tab targeting needs to be looked at if swotor takes a team-centric approach to pvp


    and macros...please for crying out loud - i could also go and buy a naga instead


    hard-switching can but usually doesnt work because everyone has a "oh **** card" in the form of cc/or a damage reduction cc/speedburst type ability

  20. We are not useless, we just have no survivability.


    I believe the original idea, was for marauder's to have Heavy Armor. I believe that we should have heavy armor, like many others want. This would solve our issues.


    I don't mind juggernauts getting a buff, besides the fact that marauders are the "desperate" ones here.




    are we talking pvp or pve here?


    I play a Jugg and have a maurauder alt in the works


    Heavy Armor really means very little due to all sorts of damage types floating around in pvp


    works a little better in PvE


    The survivability is, imo, on your side in PVP and on our side in PvE


    Equip a shield and go into def stance as a Jugg and you can OT a lot in PvE


    not so much in PVP given Shield Absorb does jack all and our DMG reduction CDs are weak compared to Maras


    We also have no way to get away

  21. That's... not at all what the OP was asking for..


    What are you even replying to, or is this yet another knee-jerk reaction to the word "Arena" w/out even bothering to read anything else?


    I read his first post


    "Death Match" may have caused a small knee-jerking reaction yes


    and "Arena"


    and "afraid your game cant stack up balance-wise"


    but serisouly such spots exist everywhere on a pvp server - people just have to organize themselves a little bit to get things rolling if they want to


    the lack of server specific forums hurts ofc but its possible


    BW making it offical will just lead to huge QQ due to balance issues - something I expect to see with R WZs in 1.2 anyways...

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