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Posts posted by JoeeyyMagzz

  1. Most of us that have been around from the beginning realize that the game will be in a better spot in 4-6 months, but the vast majority of "new or returning players" aren't going to give the game that much of a chance after this experience. I feel like this has been the story for the entire lifecycle of the game so far.


    Original Launch -> game has only a few bosses functioning in operations, but missing tons of content that was promised, and bugs galore.


    7.0 Launch -> Bugs that make the extremely short leveling experience almost unplayable. Zero explanation as to what's going on with crew skills, gearing, etc. Bugs and crashes outside of the leveling experience are brutal.


    I'm assuming by 7.1 or 7.2 that the major problems will be fixed but most of the "new or returning players" will have disappeared until the next attempt at an expansion in a couple years. This is a REALLY bad experience for those of us that have stuck with the game through it all (or through most of it).


    Expansions in all MMO's have their issues, but when a game is already niche such as this game is, one would think that the single player story would at least be playable in it's entirety without experiencing some game breaking bug. I don't even know how long this initial story was supposed to be, but it took me 4 hours because I kept coming into problems where I wouldn't be teleported to the correct area after a cutscene or conversation. I had to redo the same conversation 10x (not kidding or exaggerating) before it finally teleported me to the correct spot. I became so annoyed that I just sped through the rest of the story content because I lost all interest and just wanted the pain to end. The same bug occurred in other spots, but at least I was spacebarring through. I have real life friends that came back to the game only to quit an hour later and make fun of me for "continuing to play this garbage," while they went back to WoW, FFXIV, and Lost Ark.


    If the goal is just to appeal to players that will stick with the game through anything, fine. I'll admit that I'm one of those people. However, if you're trying to get players to come back to the game, or give brand new players a taste of Star Wars, this ain't the way. It's really sad because I want the game to succeed, but I feel like y'all are self-sabotaging.

  2. Resubbed two weeks ago to come back and see how life was.

    Unsubbed again today, think I am fully done with this game now. Absolute s show.


    -So many many bugs (I expect some, its a game, but damn guys)

    -Looking at gearing, going to be a TERRIBLE grind:

    All Conquest gear from 320 to 322: 780 Aquatic Matrix (and conquest cap rewards none?!) x3 to get to 326 (cap?)

    All FP gear frm 320 to 322: 325 Matrix, 1755 stabilizers (Ive done 2 fps, Im at 0 Matrix/6 stabilizers) x3 to 326 (cap?)

    All GF OPs 320 to 322: 260 Matrix, 650(ish) catalyst (Ive done 1 GF and have 0 matrix and 26 Catalyst)


    Talking to someone who ran HM Ops, he was getting blue 320 gear.. at Ilvl 320 (*** is that?) I assume that to 322 is even worse than GF to 322.


    I get that weeklies will help A LITTLE, but that gearing is absolute insane grinding trash.


    - Story was amazingly short for an "expansion"

    - No crew skill updates?

    - Ironically, I think I may be the only one not bothered by the UI (its w/e IMO)


    Sadly this post like all the others will be ignored. Those who stay good luck, hope you stay sane.


    This post says it all.

  3. You seem to have a rather biased opinion of what is in "every other RPG/MMORPG"


    I have not played a single one with any of those features.


    Addons are not allowed because they become required to be competitive, creating imbalances and also likely adding security vulnerabilities to the game, make exploits even easier. Soon you'll have people being kicked from FPs if they aren't running the right set of addons, and that is not OK


    Really... what MMO does not have cooking? WoW, BDO, Rift, FFXIV, AOC, I can go on and on here...


    Addons: Show me where they said, "addons aren't allowed because they become required to be competitive." How is that different from today with every "competitive" guild having their players run StarParse? Heck, I've even gone into pugs and they were requiring people to run StarParse. You think running a third party program with administrative privileges so that it could parse a live file is better than Bioware just building something into the game that could be toggled on/off? It sounds like you are the one that is extremely biased here. No one will know what addons other people are running, it's completely up to them. The difference here is today with StarParse everyone knows if you don't run it because they won't see you. The other part of my suggestion is that they develop these tools themselves and just allow us to toggle it on or off. If you don't want a damage meter or anything else, then don't toggle it on. These are tools for people to use to improve their gameplay.


    As far as introducing exploits to the game, I'd love to see the research backing that claim. I have developed and maintained addons for WoW since Draenor and there's no way to "exploit" the game through the LUA API. If you want to argue that some of the old addon capabilities that could potentially tell players exactly where to stand in a raid is an exploit, then I'd say that's a stretch... and they fixed that easily by stopping the game from reporting position information when inside of an instance. Anyone that wants to create a real exploit is not going to do so through a LUA (or similar) API that only exposes combat logs, UI, and anything else that the company controls to the outside.


    I'd go with fishing if there was a 21ft bass boat included ( and a good lake to use it on) !!




  4. A few wouldn't, but many would. Even these animations where you are technically already hold a blaster rifle might need adjustments and work done to sort out that the animation is working correctly. For example, they would need to make sure that all the vanguard's abilities start at the correct point.


    Overall, you wouldn't have to create all of them from scratch, but it would require to go over hundreds of possibilities and create/adjust dozens upon dozens of animations each time. They would also need to make sure that all calculations for damage and abilities work correctly with different weapons (e.g what if a sentinel is wearing a saberstaff) if they aren't just cosmetic.


    Overall, this entire process isn't just "doing some work." I can imagine that combat styles is the best they could do with the resources they have ATM.


    Pretty much this. Add in the damage calculations for the different weapons with the new animations for every weapon type and this is way more work than it's worth. Imagine trying to balance every single ability in the game with the base damage from each type of weapon, let alone mods and crystals. That's insanity. They would also have to create new animations for every ability for every weapon, then move the animations from the class and advanced class containers (where I'm assuming they currently exist) to the weapon container. Also insanity.

  5. It feels like SWTOR 7.0 would be the ideal time to add these things to the game. Any chance?


    You mention all of the UI/UX changes and tech optimizations that are coming to the game, so is there any shot that we could get Damage/Healing meters, a "WeakAura" type addon to track buffs/debuffs, or a "deadly boss mods" type addon to call out boss timers? You could build them yourselves and allow players to toggle them on/off which would save you the headache of constantly monitoring/maintaining an external facing API, or develop an addon API so players could create these addons themselves. Seriously, everyone has to run third-party software to get the same functionality that should be built-in.


    Cooking should have been in the game since launch imo. I don't understand how we could NOT have something that is in every RPG, and every MMORPG. I know people are going to say, "bUt sTiMs," and I don't care. Cooking is something we've seen in the Star Wars movies, in Star Wars lore, and I just have the overall question of: why haven't any of my toons eaten a single meal since launch? How are they alive?! Anyway, we're 10 years in, any shot at cooking?


    Fishing/Swimming I will put together because they're not "mandatory" in an MMO, but at this point it just seems like you're missing out on a huge opportunity for more gameplay and exploration mechanics... ESPECIALLY, since we're headed to Manaan (for real this time). How in the heck are we not going to swim or fish on an ocean planet? Wild. Even if you add swimming/fishing as things you could only do on Manaan (and maybe later on when you add Lothal and Mon Cala *wink* *wink*). Think about adding a fishing competition to Manaan where players could gather in their best fishing attire to see who could catch the biggest fish! Or maybe there's a swimming exploration challenge where you need to dive the oceans to find mystical crystals that only grow near lava vents on the ocean floor, and you could receive cool pets or mounts from the secret vendor in exchange for those crystals.


    Please, Bioware. Add these things to the game. You're our only hope.

  6. Except it was NOT done well. It wasn't thought through. It's half-baked. There isn't even personal preference involved... the clunky way that mats are put in the tab and the complete lack of display options makes the new Mats Tab underwhelming and badly implemented. Glad you are satisfied with a "Less Than" result. So YOU can move on, but those not satisfied with the result will make that point known.


    I like the new mats window, it doesn't feel clunky at all to me. That's literally a personal preference.


    Did you test the expansion on the PTS? If yes, then why didn't you comment on this during play testing? If no, then why didn't you test? They implemented TONS of feedback from PTS testing, they really do listen to the players.


    It's hard to empathize with someone when that person is telling the people that disagree with them that their opinion is irrelevant. You didn't even do it to just one person, but three separate people.

  7. I dont see how giving a guild to a random person, whoever logs in first when the guild is taking a break, would help a guild thrive. Thats not how leadership works... Just because some is appointed guild leader by the game, doesn't mean anything. Not to mention, after talking to some people, it seems like 9/10 this is what happens: Noobie gets a guild because he logged in, everyone in guild is removed, noobie has a guild!


    The entire "leadership" of a guild disappearing for more than 30 days isn't how leadership works either. /shrug


    It takes a total of 2 minutes to login to the game on your guild GM toon. You, nor ANY of the officers, could find 2 minutes in >30 days, and then you want everyone to feel bad that you lost your guild? It sucks that your time investment is gone, but it's your own fault. Maybe next time the entire leadership of a guild wants to take a break, all at the same time, you guys will just remove every single non-officer from the guild.

  8. I don't need support. It's a sound bit of advice to people who are unhappy about the drop rate. If they're not unhappy about the drop rate, good for them. This conversation shouldn't concern them. Like, at all. I'm simply reminding people that continuing to do the same thing will cause bioware to continue to do the same thing. Breh.


    But this conversation does include the people that enjoy the cartel packs in their current state. If you don't understand why, then I will explain.


    You are telling everyone that hates the current cartel packs to stop buying them in order to force Bioware to change it. Now, let's pretend for a moment that these players will all listen to you, and it actually does force Bioware to change it. What happens to all the players that enjoy the current drop rate in the cartel packs? Do they turn around and do the same thing to all of you? Do you see how your logic is flawed here?


    This is the problem with the internet, and society in general, today. Everyone thinks for some reason that their opinion is the only one that matters and everyone else is wrong. I've got news for you, with all of the complaints you and others have made about drop rates in the Cartel Packs, they are still selling like hot cakes. So, maybe, just maybe, your opinion is the one that is irrelevant.


    Don't get me wrong, it would be nice to buy the cool mounts and stuff for cheaper than 20-100 million credits, but then they wouldn't be that cool because everyone would have one. This argument that you're making seems to be that you want everyone to win the lottery. Well, guess what? That $100 million lottery you want everyone to win just shrunk to 25 cents per person after tax. Still sound appealing? These Cartel Packs are a lottery, you're paying for a chance to win; not a guaranteed win every 15 packs or something.

  9. I never linked it to rape victims. There are many ways women are victimized by men, and being stalked by them and harassed by them is one of those many ways. Online or in the real world, it's still wrong.


    I'm sorry you don't agree. But then again, you're not a woman.


    If anyone is following you online you can: A) Report them, like I said, and have Bioware deal with the idiot. B) Log off. C) You can even TRANSFER servers for free by accepting someone as your referrer.


    If anyone is following you in person, you better hope that: A) you're close to a police station, B) or, you have a taser, pepper spray, or some other weapon to defend yourself from physical harm.


    Stop comparing your "victimhood" to real life situations. It's absolutely ridiculous. Report, ignore, move on. There's not even player collision in this game, so what's the worst part of your evening? Seeing that person standing next to you, or riding next to you. Oh no! Not a digital representation of a low-life following you!! If this is how you feel about things, then maybe some type of phone game is more your flavor? Bubble Burst or something?


    Your complaining about someone "stalking" you. This must be your first MMO, and you definitely never played on a PvP server in any game ever. Have your body stalked for literally days on end by the troll, then complain. I couldn't play my main toon for 5 days straight in WoW because my body was being continuously camped by this troll during TBC. I mean, it seriously felt like this dude received an alert when I logged in because he was there, ready to stab me in the back the second I got up again. THAT is annoying.

  10. Thank you for reminding me that some men out there are always going to call a women a liar... and claim she is at fault for a man's behavior... even if she didn't do anything but exist as a woman.


    Thank you. Please teach your son not to assume like you just did.


    You claim you're a victim but the first place you report the behavior is on the forums?! Get real. You're not a victim, you're crying about legacy names in a guild window being displayed because you want anonymity. I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous.


    Someone is following you around in a video game, not physically harming you. If you're so upset, then REPORT THEM! And, HOW DARE you try and justify your complaint and try and link your situation to rape victims with your "blaming the victim" comment. You are a disgusting person.


    Here's to hoping Bioware removes this thread, or at least shuts it down.

  11. This is a huge invasion of my privacy, and I do not like it. My choices now are to stay out of guilds altogether... or change my legacy name whenever I feel like someone is starting to get 'stalky.' And even if I do that, they can still follow me if they remember my alts names.


    The anonymity of people not knowing my legacy gave me a sense of security that is now gone.


    How do we know you're not making this entire thing up? First off, how do people know you're a female unless you tell them? Secondly, if someone is bothering you, you have the /ignore option, this includes guild members. Finally, why the heck would you stay in a guild with people that do these things? Better yet, why would you not report these people to the Guild Master, or if they really escalated, report them to Bioware?


    Before I go into my rant, let me just start by saying this: Guys are pretty simple. If you show any sign of interest in us, we automatically think we have a chance and will start positioning to try and better our chances with you. This is not creepy, it's evolution. Because we're all on the internet playing video games, it comes off as really creepy "stalker" like behavior. All a woman has to do is say, "Buddy, I really like you as a friend, but you're creeping me out. We will NEVER be together. Sorry." The guy might get upset and throw a few choice words your way, but you NEED to plainly and simply lay that out for us, otherwise the behavior continues.


    Anyway... A very good friend of mine used to game a lot. She used to flirt with guys in WoW so that they would give her gold, pets, mounts, etc., then get annoyed when they started to stalk her. She made MILLIONS of gold that way. This entire situation sounds eerily familiar to that. I mean, present day, the same stuff happens on Twitch. These female gamers tell guys to subscribe to their channel for pictures, or a week on their wall of whatever weirdness and guys listen. Then, when the guy gets weird, the streamer bans them from the channel. First off, it's pathetic for both parties. As a man, I am absolutely embarrassed by some of the dumb-assery that other men do. All I can do is teach my son how NOT to act and hope that other present day fathers are doing the same thing so that the next generation of male gamers are way less desperate!

  12. While I understand where you're coming from, it only takes roughly 2 weeks of 3 hours per day to get a complete set of 208 augmented pvp gear. You can have a complete set of 204's in maybe two days if you get on a roll. Here's my advice: play a few games and see how the pvp is. If you're losing every match then stop playing and try again later, just make sure you complete both dailies every day. You just have to participate to get the gear.


    Once you get your full set of 204's, you will be at least be somewhat helping your team out. On top of this, if you did any pvp while leveling then you should be able to afford a boat load of your 204 gear as soon as you ding 65. The struggle is getting the commendations from 204 to 208 gear, but in the grand scheme of things that's not really much time either.


    The struggle is real on your first toon, but after that it's too easy to get pvp gear. PvP gear is a participation award.

  13. all of them completely identical and swarming. Thought you werent allowed to make bots so I wonder why did they make it so obvious.


    Funny thing that I observed, they did everything in unison. Attack patterns, regeneration nearly every animation was perfectly in unison.




    This has been reported countless times. MMO's typically use ban waves as a deterrent of these things, but no one knows when the last ban wave for botting was, or when the next one will be. So, all you can do is report it, or ignore it. Either way, you probably won't notice the results of your efforts.

  14. Hey folks,


    I wanted to let all of you know that we are looking into the emails. For starters, here are a few things you should look for. As always, make sure to check all of your email folders, including spam, promotions, etc. The subject line of the email is either "A Familiar Face Joins Your Team - Play Chapter 10 Now!" or "Chapter 10 and Firebrand are here - Play Now!". I know of some users who deleted the email thinking it was just our normal newsletter, but your codes were contained in those emails.


    Now, with all of that being said, I am looking into a few things:

    • Was the email sent to everyone who qualified.
    • Were there any errors during sending, that caused some people to be missed.
    • Did any other issues occur during the process which caused some people to be missed.


    I have been going through this thread to verify that users were properly identified. As an example, Mutiny, the OP of this thread. I can see that you qualified for the email, and are on the list of people who received emails. So now I am checking on our side to ensure that users like you were in fact properly sent their email.


    I will let you know what I find out!





  15. I just don't understand why the gear stats do not scale, sort of like heirloom gear in WoW. Let's say at 65 you have a chest piece with the following stats:

    +270 Mastery

    +350 Endurance

    +270 Power

    +140 Crit


    At level 16 with level sync, that same chest piece should have something like:

    +24 Mastery

    +32 Endurance

    +24 Power

    +11 Crit


    That way, veteran players still have a slight advantage over leveling players because, well, they earned their gear. The most important thing here is that players will not lose out on their abilities like Enure or even stims because they are not being hard capped to a certain HP or other stat value.


    TLDR; Remove the hard-capped stats for level sync and introduce gear scaling into the level sync process. Fix almost every problem with the current system.

  16. Did I miss something? What was the requirement for the CC?


    Had to have your account set up to allow for emails from Bioware/EA.


    P.S. Bioware, thank you for getting those out last night! Got my email at 2130. Glad someone stayed late to make this happen as promised. +1 Bioware.

  17. And even if they did, the initial announcement was sub by the 14th, opt in for e-mails, and you'll get 1050 cartel coins. Nowhere in the original announcement did it say you'll get by such and such date and this time.


    And the only problem I see with this, is people can't even shut up and get free gifts, they need to whine and they need to cry about it...


    Did you read Eric's post? Or the EA Support page? They said that on February 18th the rewards would go out. Eric then came back later and stated that they will be sent out by end of day today. He then went on to say he would post an update if they do not go out by the end of the day today. No email, no update, Bioware has failed to meet an obligation that they set for themselves!


    This was not something that we asked for as players, this is something that they said was a gift to us because they appreciate our continued business. To me, this is a little bit insulting if this is how they feel about our business. "I love your business so much that I will come out of nowhere and promise you something awesome, only to not go through with it in the time period I set for myself because, well, I don't really care about your business enough to test and make sure everything works first."


    I don't care at all about the reward, I just don't like broken promises as I'm sure is the case with most of the other people here. If you don't even have the technology to go through with something for all of your customers, do not offer up a date that is impossible to meet.

  18. Got a few crates with tax returns, not happy with the result, but it was my own choice, so I won't demand a refund. However, I do feel that Bioware's comments and explanations could have been more clear in some manners, but more than anything, the Chance Cubes are not the best of ideas.


    If you only briefly glanced at the first 2 pages of the forums, then you would have seen tons of people complaining about the new cartel packs in their current state. Why not just wait for Bioware to fix this next month instead of throwing away a portion of your tax return on something you knew was broken? At most, you've added to the already known issue with the packs. Well, all I can say is thank you for paying your taxes last year! I'm sure Bioware is even more grateful!


    What I am disappointed about, as far as Bioware is concerned, is that they have literally posted nothing since Friday. There have been 2 major problems over the weekend through Monday and they didn't speak to them at all. One of those problems was with the forums and logging people out every time they changed pages. That wasn't annoying or anything... I don't understand how they can go entire days, sometimes up to a week, without saying a single thing on the forums. The lack of communication by the devs and community team leads to mass hysteria on the forums by the players. So much of the "omg fire!" posts on the forums could be quelled by a single post from a dev or community team member. The devs/community team almost always post after the mob mentality has kicked into full gear, instead of before it even starts. I don't know, I just remember back in the day when Daniel Erickson used to hop on the forums to call players idiots when they were acting like idiots. That was nice, too bad he's gone now.

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