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Posts posted by Kashley

  1. You know I haven't even seen you hear before this week and you come on here and instantly start judging everyone without giving them a chance to reply because they disagree with you? LOL, you haven't even posted sources and you really don't know what all that they are going to charge us for, they can go 180 at anytime like they are considering doing in the case of Makeb.


    This guys a right piece of art work huh? Going on 48 hours now he has been blowing up the forums. Of course he is entitled to his opinions of what the devs 'mean' in the interviews they give. However the people who have been around a while, (like yourself!) know that just because they say that they 'intend' to keep something one way doesn't mean they will. Everything is subject to change, but this guy acts like its set in stone.


    If your reading this and you haven't already put me on ignore Kophar, until its released into the game its bound to change, stop acting like you know everything and us long time forum users know nothing. :rolleyes:

  2. Get your facts right, theyre selling low-middle level gear ONLY, its not end content gear.


    If you want to debate something start getting more info from the devs themselves and reading what they have said in podcasts interviews and whatever before making posts that just shows your ignorance on the issue.



    I've been here since beta, been a follower on these forums since 2009, and have watched more podcasts, mmo gaming news, interviews, E3, ComicCon, Penny Arcade interviews then I can ever possibly recall regarding this game. I know what dev post state, and I am WELL informed about this game and everything relating to it. P2W is any game selling gear and frankly, middle level blues still can swing the balance in 10-49 PvP bracket so yea, its P2W.


    And lulzy at your o so mature /ignore. Jesus. Lmao.

  3. It doesnt matter if its much or not, it is money theyre taking out from you period.

    I knew you wanted to reach this stage on the conversation where you and some delusional SWTOR "players" still believe that SWTOR F2P is a p2w and not a freemium model.


    This type of forum posters just shows the lack of knowledgement or information they have on SWTOR.

    They are here just for the sake of bad mouthing and ruin some other people pleasure on this game, well, at least try.

    Just ignore them guys, cause they have absolutelly no ideia of what BW has made, his making and will be making out of this game.

    Im sick of this, from now on will start reporting everyone thats just trolling around in this forums and ignore them.

    Really tired of this ..... type of players.


    @BW - Please by the love of god, start banning them from the forums. I wish that F2P would be here cause they would not be paying a sub so they wouldnt be allowed to forum post but since it isnt, please BW, do something about this.


    Actually.... BW already said they were going to sell gear w/ stats which basically is P2W. It may not be Pay To Face Roll, however it is still a P2W model and with EA at the helm is bound to get out of control really rapidly.


    Now, normally I wouldnt even bother responding to your commentary on reporting people but this is a general discussion and people talk about general things. I frankly dont give a d*** if you love this game, however other subscribers have the right to be disgruntled with it and should be allowed to talk about it as well as compare it to other games. If you are incapable of handling reading a forum post without it upsetting you to the point of reporting and begging BioWare to ban people, I am sorry but you have bigger issues. If you love this game so much get off the forums and go play the game. BioWare isn't in need of players to come rescue them from critiscism, they are big boys and girls, they can handle it.

  4. Just my 2 cents as a healer.


    I have no issues tossing a interrupt into a boss fight as long as the group is following mechanics. If everyone is doing their job it isn't too hard to keep peoples health up and be useful in other ways. However, if the group is just face eating damage I wont stop healing to toss an interrupt in.


    For me, in a good group it is pretty easy to tell if the boss has been channeling an ability and no one has interrupted it within a second or two I will stop cast and flip target to interrupt. Especially in pugs since a lot of times multiple people blow their interrupt cc at the same time because it isnt discussed prior to a pull.


    HOWEVER, dont expect me as a healer to be your main source of interrupts. There is a reason DPS mauraders have a zillion interrupts. Aside from pew pewing, its a dps'es job to handle that.

  5. I hope you know I am not saying anything about how great star wars galaxies was in this thread...I was merely using it as an example because this is a Star Wars game and so was that. That's all. :) Star Wars Galaxies was a big letdown :(


    Sooo...EQ crafting mixed with TERA mixed with TOR, mixed with WoW crafting? Something like that? With no failure rates or very few?


    How about an entirely new system that is innovative and doesn't use any formulas from any pre-existing MMO's. I like new, not rehashes.

  6. Last night on the forums!


    So I am putting this here. Game is way too linear. Before you tell me I am wrong, I am not. I have played so far (on two different servers)...



    1) Agent (For the record I have two of these @ 50)

    2) Bounty Hunter (I also have two of these @ 50)

    3) Sith Warrior (Level 45)

    4) Sith Inquisitor (Level 47)



    1) Jedi Counselor (Level 44)

    2) Smuggler (Level 50)

    3) Trooper (Level 50)


    {Of all these characters I was forced to take the same quest

    path except for story line on EVERY planet. I literally knew

    every planet quest by heart. There were no choices other

    then the one path and thats very frustrating for an alt-oholic}


    Point 1: Leveling is entirely too linear.


    Point 2: War zones are tiresome, when you are a heavy PvP player doing the same 4 war zones over and over as the only form of PvP becomes intolerable. If the maps were better/bigger/more exciting maybe you could get away with this but these maps are not good enough IMO to be the sole form of PvP for an entire game.


    Point 3: No world PvP. Do I need to say more? There is none. Fix this.


    Point 4: You guys added group finder, however its a cluster **** buggy mess. What good is having it if half the time it bugs out? Additionally, I would add, that when it does work its great, however it should have been cross server. As a healer I have literally sat in a queue for 2+/- hours waiting for a pop. That's un-freaking-real.


    Point 5: Customization- There is none. Especially for cloth users. They have the least amount of gear options available to them. Everyone looks the same, plus once you create your character its set in stone. Doh! How is there NO barber shop of any sort?


    Point 6: Combat is still sub-par. You guys dont balance classes well at all. And your even slower to fix what you **** up. Here is a hint; your metrics are not working. Fotm classes blow. Its not fun or engaging to have a character you have sunk tons of time into nerfed to the floor to become virtually unplayable. (I was an operative healer from launch. I have been on the receiving end of this. I know.) Small changes to classes guys, huge changes piss players off. Additionally the livability of an Agent Healer > Sorc Healer > Merc Healer is seriously bad. In that order is the desirability of those healers. Mercs are at the bottom for a plethora of reasons, mostly because you guys nerfed them for what reason no one knows. As for DPS, I am not a pro, but I am sure someone with more DPS experience can lay that out to you.


    Point 7: OMG Dailies. Please fix these. They are so boring and the respawn times are entirely too slow for the amount of players in these zones. W T F why am I killing myself to click on a crate? Its bothersome and makes me want to shoot myself.


    Point 8: Armor is crap. Seriously... who designed this stuff? Why are JC men wearing off the shoulder tops in their War Hero gear? Like really? And SI War Hero Gear... Are they walking Fish People? I dont get it? Not to mention Agent War Hero gear is the color of a traffic cone... who is drawing this stuff? More importantly who thinks it looks good??


    Point 9: Travel, I cannot say enough about this. WOW it takes so long to get places. SO SO SO long. Getting back to my ship is easier granted, but getting off it is still a pain in the ***.


    Point 10: Crowd Control, you guys went WAY over board with this. There is too much. Everyone has some kind of CC which REALLY slows down play. Its so frustrating during PvP to be constantly slowed/stunned/pulled etc. (BTW you guys still haven't ironed out the camera sinking with the pull, so often my camera jerks all over the place when i get yanked.) I mean as a healer I expect to be CC'ed a lot. And I am fine with that, however your resolve system is crap. I cant imagine how it is for people who are not healers. Run in -> Get CC'ed -> Pray Your CC hits before theirs -> If Not Pray For Heals -> If None -> Get Pwned. You guys need to town this crap down. Like the amount of CC and pulls in this game is seriously ridiculous. Stun Wars is right.


    I can keep going. But really I will stop here. Anyways. Wish anyone left on this game the best of luck, your going to need it. Hope to see most of you in GW2.


    <3 Always


  7. http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/08/20/gamescom-2012-swtor-will-sell-statted-gear-debating-new-planet/


    If were going to be selling leveling gear, why do we have legacy items? In fact, why bother grinding out legacy gear at all if your going to just sell low level gear? Are you trying to entirely null patch 1.2 and the big 'legacy update?' How is this not P2W either... its gear, you buy, that obviously gives players better stats then people who have worked for it.


    For that matter, if this gear sells successfully, how long until you start selling 'old gear sets?'


    For instance,

    "Well Battlemaster isn't the freshest tier of gear, so we can sell it. Because P2W would only be selling War Hero gear..." I see you people... I know thats your logic!


    Maybe a dev would like to explain EXACTLY how 'buying gear' seems like a smart idea, and HOW its not going to be a P2W situation?

  8. Does anyone really care if someone buys an outfit at lvl25 with cash when they'll out level it in a day or 2? I don't. Who cares at that level. He did say there won't be any purchasable high end gear, which is what's important. But of course everyone just glosses over that part, you know the important part.


    Because that means they are willing to go that route, and IF it is profitable, mark my words top end gear will be on that shop.


    Thanks EAWare for Ruining a Star Wars MMO!


    So who is unsubbing after hearing this tid bit?

    O and one other thing... why are we buying gear that was suppose to be what the legacy perk gear was for??

  9. You do realize that THEY DID A ROLL BACK.


    I don't know why this myth honestly still keeps cropping up. There was a roll back on all people who gained an "exorbitant" amount, they did not roll back everyone, only those that were obviously exploiting. They even banned several hundred accounts.


    Go back and read the relevant threads and look at all the people crying their eyes out for being rolled back, in some cases, 10 or even 20 valor levels.


    They did a roll. There is proof they did a roll back. Why is this still being talked about?


    They didn't roll back. If they had everyone would have lost the gear/valor levels they got. Instead the WORST offenders like the guy who got 3500000 some valor lost 10-20 valor levels, 'according' to BW. However no one I knew did and that was a lot of *********** people. Not to mention the huge gear desparity it created between republic/empire players at the time.


    Even if they had taken away some peoples valor and banned a couple others (which I highly doubt) it was enforced unfairly. The only fair option, which BW, specifically GABE, failed to do was roll the *********** servers back 24 hours. How hard would that have been? Maybe YOU need a reminder of how big a cluster **** that was? So I included a link. :cool: It is just one in a huge list of glaringly retarded decisions that continue to be made by the devs. Now they intended to celebrate this **** with a holiday?! Forgive me for saying his idea of celebrating this is in BEYOND poor taste and shows his utter disconnect with the PvP community.



  10. I don't know how long you have been playing PC games, but you DO know that external software(such as Ventrilo, Teamspeak, etc.) adds to your total latency, right? In layman's terms, speech programs like the ones mentioned above can cause lag when running them on top of other programs that are also online. Those programs run off a large amount of bandwidth and are IN ADDITION to the latency of your system and the Canderous server.


    I play on Corellian Run, which tends to run way heavier than your server, but my ping remains right around 50, which is considered a "good" ping for online pc gaming. I'm going to go out on a limb here. Shut off Ventrilo or whatever audio communication software you have running and load the game. I'm pretty sure your lag will at least be reduced if not eliminated.




    They could fix their *********** game? Crazy thought I know!


    I mean they have had lag issues since launch, I highly doubt his voice client is causing that big an issue. For that matter... *** kinda logic is it telling people in a SOCIAL GAME to stop using applications that help them socialize? :eek:

  11. Gabe... yea... ok. :rolleyes:


    Guy has ZERO credibility IMO. Isn't he the guy who refused to do roll backs after the Ilum nightmare?


    K, yea. The game still doesn't offer enough to keep people subscribed. As for the new content, they have been promising that since release, and lets just say they haven't really lived up to it. More promises mean exactly zero to me.




    is in January, what we’re targeting to do, this may or may not happen, so you can’t hold me to it. But what we’re targeting to do, is have a fun anniversary to the Ilum shenanigans that happened.


    Shenanigans? That's what he is calling the massive outcry on the forums that caused tons of PvP players to leave the game? Not to mention the blatant middle finger that was given to the community by refusing to roll back? On top of that they are planning to celebrating the day that they effectively destroyed the only world PvP area this game had?! (That still hasn't been replaced... ALL THIS TIME LATER!)


    WOW. Just WOW. :eek:

  12. While playing, I thought it would be a good idea if there were more PVP oriented quests, such as quests that have you attempt to attack enemy settlements and towns, killing guards, things like that. It would certainly liven things up and create more friction between the two sides. Or even open world PVP quests like "kill 5 enemy players", "kill 5 guards", etc.


    Has any MMO ever tried that? Where quests have you attacking the other side directly?




  13. Yeah, damn that dynamic combat in which actual skill rather than homing-in lasers determined by dice rolls matter! Damn the dynamic events in which your actions actually impact the game world and changes it irrevocably! Damn the awesome art direction, stable and razorsharp responsive engine, the sheer sensemaking design decisions! Damn them!


    ... You sound like you're trying to convince yourself, darling.




    Except there is no trinity. There is no carved-in-stone roles. It is everything but a rehash, though explaining that indepth to you would take a while - and likely be futile. Hopefully, though one could have his/her concerns, you've got some friends asking you to try it out. You'd be surprised.




    As it stands, Guild Wars 2 is neither of what you describe. It's B2P, aka Buy2Play. The cash shop is nigh-anonymous and not even a selling point for the game. It's also confirmed to be purely cosmetic, conveying no ingame benefits. Judging from the recent GamesCom convention, the same cannot be said for SWTOR. With EA's pedigree taken into account, it seems highly likely that SWTOR will be far more susceptible to wide-ranging "P2W" initiatives.




    Considering they have a Dev Team that has been allowed postponings, creative freedom, support etc, and who communicates vocally with their community with a sincerity that is all but unheard of in the industry... I doubt it. I am fairly positive that it'll have a positive launch and subsequent reign. Far more positive than SWTOR would ever be able to hope to accomplish with its inane design choices, lack of creative vision and risk-taking and blatant disregard for its community.


    I thought GW2 was amazing last beta test and I cant get enough of it, everything about it is fresh, and being able to cast w/ no ability delay is a refresher I cant even begin to describe. The guy is mad that GW2 is gonna steal a lot of subs is all. Everything you said here is true.

  14. Since this is my final day with an active sub, here are my top five reasons for leaving:


    1. Sterile worlds. The NPCs literally stand around and do nothing. On worlds like Coruscant and Nar Shadda, I should feel like I'm on cities that take up the entire world. I should feel like I'm on a bustling world filled with billions, if not trillions. Instead, I look at nearly empty corridors with one or two clusters of NPCs here and there.


    And worse, when you have a crowd of NPCs, the cloning effect is ridiculous. I chuckled when I first went to the Dealer's Den on Coruscant and saw the line up of four female NPCs lined up in front of the bouncer all had the exact same outfit, face, and hairstyle. I assumed those were just place holders for replacement later on, but then I went to Taris, and saw more NPC cloning. And Nar Shaddaa. And Tatooine.


    2. Lied to by developers. I remember the "twenty people beating up on a single large boss isn't heroic" statement. I also remember the "your personal Star Wars story" claim. And the "the trinity is something we want to get away from." "There is an orange, moddable set for every green set of gear in the game." "Choices have consequences." "Content will roll out on a regular basis." "There has been no change in the number of subscriptions." "We have thousands of gear designs, enough that each class fills an entire hallway." And so on. And so forth.


    3. Puzzling design decisions. I remember Daniel Erickson making the statement prior to launch that the developers were told by the Producers "if you think you know everything about developing a game, forget it. The fans will let you know when you get it wrong." So, how in the name of all that is holy did they come up with things like the lack of customisation both during and after character creation? Or the lack of species choice. Or the lack of gear choices. Or the Giant Shoulderpads of Noob Pwning. Or the limited crystal colours. Or lack of customisation of ship interiors. Or Legacies that require you to share a surname across all characters, regardless of faction or species. Or the lack of things like mini-games. Or the ability to sit in seats that aren't in your ship. Or lack of realistic reasons to re-do flashpoints and dailies (which should have been easy for a company that prided itself on their story-telling abilities).


    4. Dev arrogance. This is the big one, though. Everyone who was in beta remembers the infamous "sit the hell down and shut the hell up and just tell us about the bugs" post by Zoeller. That probably should have been our first clue. Erickson's "remember when Han and Chewie hopped in the Falcon and just dicked around" comment was another. The absolute refusal of the devs to talk to us after launch, though, is the worst. For God's sake, the SGRA crowd was asking for an answer to the question "Is it in the game or not" for two years prior to launch, and was completely ignored until literally five months before the game went live before being told "no." And they had to wait until the Guild Summit before getting any answer as to when they would be put in. Since getting the vague answer of "some time this year" at the Summit, they haven't heard a single thing about it. People asking about upcoming patch contents are ignored, the looking for group people were marginalised as "community destroyers" for daring to ask if the (then future) LFG would be cross-server, since servers were dead, and people asking for transfers and server merges were told they weren't going to happen because those were "a last resort" (which, as it turns out, wasn't so last as we were led to believe). Every body else was given the stock "we can't talk about that," "sometime in the future," "it's on the wall of crazy, but not sure when we'll get to that" answers that the developers knew annoyed the hell out of the community, but constantly used anyway. Even now, when questions are asked about the free to play details, these are still being used, despite the community team promising to improve communications. I suppose that's still better than the poor SGRA crowd. Those people are still being actively ignored by the developers and community team.


    5. Free to Play. Needless to say, this was the final straw. If over one million people paying $15 per month isn't enough to keep a game fun, interesting, and engaging, I can't see how going free to play with even fewer paying customers is going to make things better. Even this might not have been enough to totally disgust me, had EA not pulled out the laughably pathetic "40% said they didn't want to pay a sub, so we're going to accomodate them by going free to play." I don't like having my intelligence insulted, and I don't like being lied to even more with the "we'll bring in new content every six weeks once we go free to play" shpiel they're trying to shovel onto us now.


    So, that's it. I'm officially done. I can't see any reason for why I'd be back, either. To those who are staying, I sincerely wish you the best of luck. I hope this game lives up to what you want it to be, and that it continues to live up to what you find it to be. And I sincerely hope that this game survives past the next six months. I'm not holding my breath, though.


    Still, who knows. Perhaps the rumours that the company who owns Bethesda having talks with EA are true. Perhaps EA might do something like sell Bioware off to that company. If that actually happens, maybe TOR can be rebuilt and re-launched later down the road, with all (or most of) those things the people who have left eanted in this game. This is just wishful thinking, of course, one that ranks up there with my dream of a hot tub party with Jessica Alba and Eva Mendes.


    I was going to go through and bold every statement you made I agreed with until I realized that I would have to bold every line. This is EXACTLY 1000000% how I feel about this game.

  15. This is just from an observation I have made being subscribed to both SWTOR and Wow, I have to say that I am playing both a level14 shadow and assassin still in starting planet greens aside from light saber and I do fairly well in war zones.. My World of Warcraft characters are pretty much in the same generic gear comparitavly as my two star wars characters at the moment I have a death knight in death night starter gear doing lvl 60-64 BG's and after a week of smashing on my low levels in star wars then trying a random in wow. Ugh....... Star Wars has less people but way way faster ques as well any level Can make a difference in a war zone. I just had to share this because I feel the more I pvp level my assassin and shadow the more I enjoy it and find that it Realy is like night and day. So kudo's to you SWTOR I hope you keep things moving the way people of any level or skill can enjoy pvp. And for those that think I'm crazy do wz's for a week and then try som BG's in wow Ugh way different.


    Remind yourself of this post when your level 50.... Better yet, check the PvP forums. Happy you like it so far though... Just don't be surprised later. :cool:

  16. Staff responses like this make me happy GW2 is around the corner!


    Clearly out of touch with their community... At the slow rate they release this drivel that they call 'world events' the chances of seeing other weapons comparable to the ones from this event any time soon is looking at early next year!


    :eek:Why make a world event that only rewards certain classes? :eek:


    Who was sitting in HQ and saw that go by and said to themselves, "SURELY this will not piss ANYONE off! They will love it!"


    EAWare you never fail to amaze me. Its like your intentionally shooting yourself in the foot at this point just to see if you can set a record on the fastest sunk triple A MMO ever.


  17. I see what you mean , do you think the game for 1 character is too short then ? As its been out a long time and has had no cap increase or expansion pack yet ? I don't really have one main character , I mean not really , I usually have about 4 main characters on most of the mmo's I play , mind you most of them recently have had only room to make 4 characters. So this re-roll alts talk doesn't concern me as I don't see my characters as alts. I do remember when everyone were telling people to re-roll on the fatman etc I guess now some of those people have their old main characters somewhere dead ? They should complete phase 2 of this server transfer system so they can play on there mains again.


    I do believe there should be lots to do at end-game I just feel like the end-game for swtor was too soon , it's hard to describe really , I really thought the cap would have been at about 60 by the 1 year mark if not higher. They will have to make a bunch more end game content to even increase the cap that high i should imagine so I will have to wait a long time for a second cap increase.






    Honestly, I dont have an answer. For me, (and I am a one character person) end game was a huge let down. I felt like I was playing WoW with wayyyy less features. There just wasn't enough meaningful content and entirely too many credit sinks.


    Also, to mention my main is an Operative healer. I have played her since launch. So basically I got the joy of being the first class that was nerfed into the floor making it so unviable for everything I really just considered quitting. Now it has been buffed and I can enjoy her again, but still the content lacks.


    Pre-patch 1.2 (I think?) The patch that made warzones same faction viable had me rolling 10-12 Huttball games in a row. Which meant for months until that fix PvP was literally the same thing over and over again, vastly limiting the appeal of PvP. (Not to mention on a gimped class.)


    Raiding and FP's were so buggy that I lost all interest in doing them so for a large portion of this games life it felt like there was really nothing to do at 50. Add to that the subs starting to bleed out off my server and even if I wanted to do FPs or Raids you couldnt get a full group for it.


    Now they have fixed some of these issues and condensed servers so I tried a reroll to see if it felt different the second time around and honestly, the FP finder is all right. It has issues but it gets the job done. But still once I capped that toon, end game still felt lacking. More to the point, even after rolling that one I found myself longingly looking at my main on the character screen wishing there were more fun things to do with her in game.

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