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Everything posted by DarthMurdek

  1. Sniper: Subtle, yet brutal he has no tolerance for the weak and incompetent Marauder: See signature
  2. Well to be fair, it would cauterize the wound. Just saying.
  3. Darth Maul just got cut in half Anakin was hewed and set on fire not to mention Darth Sion, ouch.
  4. Anakin may have been able to use the force but can he do the kessel run in under 12 parsecs
  5. I think a better thread name would be "i need to go outside" mister ive played this for hundreds of hours.
  6. Oh okay now i got ya. That happens to me alot when im fightin things i cant kill in one hit.
  7. that may be true for enemies that i can one shot but it still happens on elites and bosses that require a couple more. this is especially annoying in pvp when i use snipe on a distant enemy and a knight roles up on me and i cant stun him and cast probe before he uses force sweep or master strike. yes i do agree it is out of sync at times like when i walk into an empty room in an instance and then get rolled by the ten battle droids i ambled past before my game said they were there.
  8. yes but its not the first time per mob its the anytime i use the skill not right after itself say i used snipe then explosive probe then snipe then frag it would take an extra 1.5 seconds to use probe and the probe would detonate before the shot leaves the gun because the damage registers but the animation does not and prevents the use of grenade until it actually shoots. Oddly enough this does not happen with Ambush altough the longer casting time and cooldown might have something to do with it.
  9. i have only used agent smuggler knight and warrior but with the knight and warrior i notice when im trying to chain my abilities together it becomes difficult because the rage and focus i generate with my base attack doesnt allways register right away like a .5 sec delay after the attack and im left standing there doing nothing until i clue in to press it again.
  10. The blue bar that indicates the skill is charging fills up twice before it fires the first shot. The damage for the shot hits the target after the first time it goes up but it prevents me from using another skill for 1.5 seconds (the charge time for the skill) if i use the skill continously it catches up but that only helps against elites it effectively halves my damage against groups of weak mobs because it happens on the first shot of wvery target. yes the same thing happens on my gunslinger with the equivelent skill.
  11. that may solve the delay on instant abilities but it still wont help my sniper get his snipe skill off without the bar going up twice.
  12. I experience this problem quite often because my main is an agent sniper. I can't even count how many times my snipe skill charges up twice before it shoots the first time. This is okay on bosses because it catches up after a couple shots but when I'm grouping against mobs that I can one shot there normally all dead before I can shoot and in pvp enemies get an extra two seconds to stun me and use nukes before I start taking them down.
  13. I find this annoying as well but always have to catch myself getting flustered because if I see someone in a firefight nine times out of ten I start shooting at his mobs.
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