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Everything posted by Ubersnail

  1. Contrary to your already expressed opinion, the issue here is obvious to a blind person: Slicing is OP. There is no way that the intention of the devs with this crafts is to create a situatio n where you can say, "my slicing is at 400 now, ive broken the 200k mark on my credits several times over. I dont make any of my gear like i planned, i simply buy it all. With dropped epics raining from the sky and commendations ive been able to keep myself and my companion in a full set of epic gear for the last 20 levels with zero problems. All from slicing." Really? That's not OP? Seems like the other crafts are fine. This one is just out of whack. I do agree that the GTN needs work or that they should open it up to modders, but... The intent here is obvious: They want people to be able to gear up in different ways. You can go through commendations, money, flashpoints and ops, pvp or crafting. To say that one replaces the other doesn't mean that it invalidates it. Your play style isn't for everyone. But it works in this game along with several others.
  2. Direct answer: at this time, no, you cannot change any of your appearance options (including things like jewelry and masks for the blind race) after fianlized character creation. So, if your looks matter to you, consider it carefully.
  3. This post is not directed at or to those who don't like the space game. I love it and play it a lot. I am creating alts just so I can keep doing it as dailies. Great game. There are (relatively) easy things I would like to see added/ changed, though: It NEEDS stats. Preferably something I can display in-game or out, but if nothing else, just give me some basics: accurasy, fastest time to complete objectives (like the station destruction), damage taken/ allowed (escort), number of ships turrets killed, etc. I would love another level (or two) to the secondary quests: once you have killed 75 fighters (or whatever the current bonus is), give us one that has 90% or 100% of the fighters, so that there is a bonus for killing everything. Can you destroy the capitol ships and frigates? I launch a lot of missiles at the bridge after totalling every visible hard point, but I have never seen one blow. I would like to see that if possible. Finally (and I have not gotten very high level, so maybe this is already there), different dificulty settings (harder). I enjoy its curent challenge, but would like the option for more. I would love to see more enemy ships and fire, but would happily settle for more damaging attacks and tougher targets. Oh, and on the hardest, you should insta-fail if you hit something. That is my feedback for the space game as it exists today.
  4. QFT. My wife and I were on immediately when the servers opened this morning.
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