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Posts posted by Tonev

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    This DCD has to be reworked, players should comment to give their thoughts.

    I agree 100%.


    Also, why do we constantly still have the mindset of loosing health? How about we don't lose no health, have CC immunity a DR of 75%, immunity against roots, and dots for 7 seconds...., hell how about 8 seconds why short change our class, right?


    I have 42k health and that **** gets burned in an eyeblink by Sorcs and Sins, All I can do is run if I see a Jug or Guardian coming my way solo.


    Again, don't take away from this class as the devs have stripped us but naked now, "nothng else to give.".

  2. The Devs have decided to make the following changes to our class.


    In the Spirit of Giving


    We have changed Just Pursuit as follows, Just Pursuit: Leg Slash now does no damage and increases the move speed of ememies by 30% for 6 seconds.


    Twin Saber Throw now requires a Gamorrean Axe and deposits the axe into the enemy targeted for this ability. If you do not have an axe in your inventory you cannot use this ability. (tis better to give then to receive)


    Zen changes are as follows: now builds 5 stacks when you are attacked and 5 when you attack when you reach 30 stacks you gain pacifist, this disables all abilities except transcendence which still requires 30 stacks of zen




    Guraded by the Force has been changed: Now allows you to use the Force to air hug an enemy granting the feels good buff. No one on the developer team is sure what this buff actully does.


    Valorous Call has had its cool down removed. (You didn't need this ability anyways)


    Inspiration has been changed to Desperation. You are instantly shuttled to Ilum where you will spawn in the Republic safe area being bombarded by 10 Sorcerers casting Lighting Storm.


    Rebuke has been changed from dealing damage to healing attackers.


    Lol, +10 man

  3. Just wondering, will we see some more species in the game "more than one"? I'm still wanting to see Weequay, Nautolan, Keldorian and Togruta in the game. All of these species speak basic so would be able to implement them in the voice over scenes.


    Also, how about some type of voice translater added for other species like Rodians, I space bar through of the scenes anyways "very bored with it, too be honest.".

  4. They need a whole redesign of this class dynamics to be honest. I'm not sure who tests out all the combat with classes in this game, but they need to be fired. No way in hell should the Sentinel and Marauder class been released in the condition it is in now versus the other classes, I agree 100% with this post as the utilities and the clunkyness of how each spec plays now is ****.


    I have to ask, what is our role in this game outside of cannon fodder?


    This **** needs to be addressed and soon!!


    Eric and whoever that other guy was in the video, fix our ****!!

  5. Honestly this is a l2p issue. I'm tired of seeing people whine and moan about how "squishy" maras are. Those who say this are just button mashing and don't know how to cycle their cooldowns and probably aren't even using pacify/obfuscate properly. Guarded/Undying should be used at the VERY last second and then camo to escape once its about to run out. If you're dying repeatedly then you're playing the class wrong. This isn't necessarily directed at you but more to all the people I've seen whining about mara survivability lately.


    Just out of curiosity, isn't your main a Shadow or Sin?


    Using the Guarded by the force and camo only works to a point, if you are fighting dumb *** people or you have a good team that know how to focus a target, yeah it's a good tactic. If not, you will get chased down by a Sin or two since they are FoTM and get your *** handed to you with 8-9k Spinning strike and assasinate "I know, I usually die to this followed by a back stab, Dots that actually do damage, CC and spinning strike.".


    No matter how you slice it, in comparison to other classes in the game when it comes to PvP, Sentinels and Marauders even in skilled hands are in a bad place, right now. As far as survivabilty goes, Shadows and Sins have simiiar with the stealth dynamic to add to their survivability, even after burning through their defensive cool downs and without a "STRONG", back support "meaning a pocket healer" your going to be respawning more so than the other melee classes in the game.


    I usually do about 600k-900k damage per PvP bout and have about 2-4 deaths in Watchman "pre 3.0" trying that now, good luck.

  6. It won't I watched several sins "3" yesterday in full brutalizers destroy the WZ we were in yesterday. I had to make a premade group with my retired classes who are in Brut just to run their @##'s out of the WZ, and this took 4 hours of my time.


    Found out to these guys did not buy the expansion just so that they could farm WZ for guild mates and troll WZ, what the devs need to do as much as I worked my *** off to get Brutalizers is to take the expertise off the gear. This is one of the major problems right now, people are not leveling out of the bracket.

  7. Lol nope.


    The reason this is done is not because undying itself is OP, but because healing taken in undying is OP.

    Udying in in itself is strong enough, however given the fact you hardly take damage.. all healing you take is 100x as effective as the damage income for the time being. That combination is ridiculous.



    If undying is not to cost health (thats fine) it should be impossible for you to be healed while it is active.

    Choose. One or two, not both.


    I say give them a flat out CC and root immunity for 12 seconds, "if specced into it.", this would level the playing field if no heals. I usually get CCed as soon as I hit the "Oh ****", guarded by the force ability, ending up being a extended death sentence anyways (especially with all the Sins and Shadows running about in Ranked and Regulars).

  8. I've had a Sentinel for a long time and play him off and on in ranked and such and I have to agree with all the roots dots and W_T_F pawn damage that is Shadow/Sin, Sentinels and Marauders need a look over.


    I have to ask, why didn't they make the 25% off hand damage increase a passive and did guarded by the force really still need to take 50% of your health on cool down? Increase the dots burns to heals back to what they were when people complained about Sents/Marauders and give us W_T_F pawn melee hits, "Currently Guardians and Jugs have higher damage because they can survive the onslaught of dots, stuns and roots much better."



  9. The guy has a valid point, hell I just cancelled due to the frustration of having being CCed and having 2 Pts Vanguards blasting the **** out of me several times. I was CCed and before I came out of it, I was dead "did I mention I have full expertise, with about 54k health on my Juggernaut?".


    I don't know, the bracketing, bolster and dynamic of PvP in this game is horrible. They really need to do something and fast or they will be leaking subs like a sponge in these next and coming months.


    The op is right and I can't wait to see what part three entails.


    Don't worry about the trolls here, it's a learned behaviour that all the cool kids have picked up "Daddy may have told them to take out the garbage today.".


    Anyone who says pvp is fine at the moment, obviously hasnt played Sent/Mara this patch. Its aweful. You die faster than any other class, but you are melee as well with ****** DCDs compared to other melee, dmg is okay but not higher than any other class. There is just no incentive to bring Sent/Mara to any PvP environment.

    That says something about balance when a whole class is garbage. You can defend your point by saying, you have maras and you are doing fine or your friend or some guy you saw in WZ did well with it, but I will say that you are 1% and congratulation, you are pro level. Or the stars aligned and the team had excellent healers/tanks. BUT a class shouldnt be designed around that or that only the 1% has fun with it. Im not even sure if its 1% or less. At the moment there are some classes that do well and a few that are absolutely garbage, and incredible hard to have fun with in wz. That needs to be fixed asap.

    Also what I find extremely frustrating is the lack of communication from BW. Inbalances would be fine until they say: hey hang in there, we are aware of it and we will be releasing a balance patch in X and Y days, but NO. There is not a single Dev post about class balance and thats just unacceptable and poor game support.


    Again, the devs asked about changing the class and there was a whole host of people vouching that Sentinels and Marauders didn't need new changes on PTS. I made a thread about this and asked about the quality of players giving true and honest feed back for the class (had people laughing on PTS about how they were going to own with Sins and Sorcs "especially Sins", on test. I play a Vanguard and while our damage was high as hell on the test server, the devs had this information in their hands, one even mentioned that the changes were not based around 1 vs 1 fights but team fights and they would adjust as needed.", What it boils down to, they didn't and won't listen and frankly don't give 2 ****s about PvP balance in this game.

  10. I ended up rolling a Operative, after watching how their dots ate the 46k health of snipers after they activated their 75% DR. I agree, new Sniper dynamic in PvP at 60 sucks, but you have all the old Operatives rolling Snipers and the Old Snipers rolling Operatives.


    I don't know, I think they wanted balance at the expense of Sniper players, making Snipers a strong support class.

    Gonna mess with this Operative for a bit while my Sniper is side lined (tried the Fotm Sorc and just don't ike Jedi/Sith classes period).

  11. I was looking at the new Cartel packs armor sets "Stalker" and "Silent ghost" and was wondering, does anyone know the story behind these armor sets?


    Looking at these, I can tell they are an Agent set due to the "Black ops" sets that they strongly resemble in the "Splinter cell" video games. Wondering if there is a historic description of this set as I have not seen it anywhere through out the game, thanks.



  12. I hit a level 31 Marauder for 22k on my shadow a couple days ago, I inspected the guy and he had on level 31 blue mods, I'm in full brutalizer though.


    I seen a Juggernaut hit a Sorc for 18k and he was full Brutalizers and augged as well. I'm thinking there is something in the formula that is not taking in affect of the Brutalizers gear, because people in it hitting people without are hitting them for pretty high numbers.


    I should not be able to 2 global anyone in this game and I have been since 3.0 hit (Again on my Shadow.).

  13. That Charlie Brown song with the line "Why's everybody picking on me?", comes to mind looking t them numbers.

    In other news I stabbed a leve 32 Operative for 21k today on my Shadow, I think it deleted her avatar's binary code off the server, because I did not see them respawn back, after 2 globaling her.


    I must admit, currently WZ are like shooting fish in a barrel.

  14. I gave up on Snipers in the PTS server when I pleaded with developers for those changes not to go live for PvP, I almost started to break the EULA and let the cat out the bag on the Sniper forums Look at my past thread on "Starting to worry.".


    The majority of the Sniper changes were put in based on PvE not PvP, I knew this and again, debated with other PvPers, possible PvErs who said the changes were good and headed in the right direction for the Sniper class.


    After testing the changes in duels and in WZ 8 vs 8 and 4 vs 4 for about 2 weeks, I logged off and made my Sorc and Sage.


    Don't blame the devs for this change, blame this on the people who tested this and said this was fine ( I was not one of these people during the 3.0 class changes).

  15. Really both are amazing imo. This game needs less stun lock. I support this design. Stun and root immunity is in 3.0 all over the classes and I welcome this with open arms.


    Stun Wars: The Rooted Republic just got a little better imo. It being game a breaking development is overstated.


    If it was intended is anyone's guess, but you can clearly see the intent was to provide more ability to move in combat and my assassin feels 100% more mobile than in 2.8. I can actually move around and break out of all the snares and roots.


    I've seen a lot more mobility in ranged classes. The close in dmg dealers are hurting. The range closers and root/snares are not nearly a buffed as the kiting/escape skills. At least in my few hours of sub 60 pvp so far.


    I agree with this, CCs have been a crutch in this game for far too long, I think the game is going in the right direction as far as PvP goes by doing this. "STUNNER" teams hopefully will get no more love in the up and coming patches and this will force people to have variety in Ranked 4 v4.

  16. I don't know what you are talking about. I have seen the changes to Snipers and I love them for PvP, especially for Marksman and Engineering.

    My problem is for "Ranked" comps no one is going to want Snipers against PT/Sorcs or even Sins.

    I know we may be good for regular WZ but I am still reserved about the changes of 3.0 Snipers and performance when put under pressure.


    It's currently better changes than what we have now but again, trying to compare apples to oranges (I want to be just as effective as the other classes in ranked as a Sniper player where PvP does matter.).

    I think I'm done with this thread as there will be a mix of ideas and such posted here "We can't really give away details until devs talk on the 26th about it anyways. I'll wait until they put out there info for folk's theory crafting to be developed and talked about and add my points then (dot spec specifically).

  17. I mean, you have a retired assault vanguard, so do you just retire OP classes that you suck at? Seems to be the case.


    No, I still play my Vanguard, that was something I put in my sig to taunt the developers about their dumb *** decision making. If they royally **** up a class I retire them because it isn't the class I picked to play, "simple as that".


    I picked Snipers for W_T_F PWN DPS why would I want to play it when it will be a BB gun class?

    I figure if I keep retiring the classes at some point when I am through all of them, I can retire this game (all about enjoyment, right?).


    Oh, I use to eat blue cheese when I was younger but, as I got older it kept giving me the ***** and all types of frustration, so I retired from eating it, same analogy here :D

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