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Posts posted by Mandemalex

  1. Wasn't sure where to post this, but here seemed the most appropriate...


    About half way through Taspan Ambush (the space mission) my ship follows the escort directly through a giant meteor rock (completely unavoidable) and kills me instantly.


    This is definitely not how it used to be, it seems to be taking me far left of where the original path used to be.


    Anyone else experiencing this bug? Very frustrating.

  2. Pretty much what it says in the title:


    Oil Slick should become a burning AoE if you use Flame Sweep after.



    Would be cool, look cool, add a bit of spice to tanking rotation - and wouldn't affect PvP balance too much I wouldn't have thought, since it requires 2 GCDs and a 1 min CD just to get a small - very short AoE on the floor. Almost useless in PvP - and adds a bit more AoE to BH tanking.


    Yes? No? Maybe so?

  3. I play for pvp not for story. I didnt know that this game was for people who like single player storylines and to play them over and over again. Thought this was an MMO with endgame PVP content.


    guess it was my mistake.


    Lmao, well when a game has been in development for several years with plenty of information being released consistently about it - topped with the fact that every single video/review of the game refers to it as a 'story-driven MMO'...


    Yes, yes it was your mistake.


    Yet it remains an MMO. Remains to have end-game PvP, although limited.


    It's just not what YOU want - or rather, it's not WSG/AB/RBGs/Arena.

  4. Actually, there is nothing subjective about vocabulary. That's the problem most of you have is that you think words are and their meanings are arbitrary. Sorry, but that's not the way it works.


    Why do each of your posts start out with a lie? Of course a lot of vocabulary is subjective, either that or my time studying the English language was a total waste of time.


    Anyway sorry but you really are failing to use the most basic of logic now and you are trying to argue the smallest of points in my post, without any real substance, which means I must categorise you as a troll. I shall cease to respond to your posts.


    I shall keep my eye on this post, in the hopes Bioware may have a comment or two on this ubject (even if it is 'Lump it or leave it')

  5. No, they're not terms "open to subjection." Unresponsive is unresponsive. If this game had unresponsive controls and a broken combat system there would be more than a handful of people regurgitating the same inane BS over 70 pages. Now THAT's logic.


    What? I must say your view on logic is... well illogical o.0


    Unresponsive IS a term open to subjection, unresponsive could mean that the game is not responding to my actions very quickly, or that it is not responding at all. To one person, unresponsive could mean that even 0.1 millisecond out of sync with the cast is out of sync, for others it could be 1 second out of sync.


    It is subjective to each person who uses it, and also in what context it is used. In this thread, it is in reference to the fact that animations override basic MMO gameplay mechanics (GCD/Cast-time) and this is making gameplay much less enjoyable for a lot of people.

  6. so if i can repeat that and upload to the nature that WOW also has that problem. do i get a cookie? because i'll do it. FRAPS and all. this is a common problem with MMO's


    its not twitch based game playing skills. you want a FPS style responsiveness you're in the wrong game type my friend.


    Before I begin, make it known that I am NOT in anyway bigging up, bragging or trying to make WoW look good... I quit the game for this and hope to never look back.


    But fact of the matter is, in WoW - if the cast bar is full, you do whatever the hell you want, run around, jump up and down, cast your hearthstone, because that ability WILL be done, finished and on it's way to the enemy or w/e. WoW sacrificed all forms of animation for fluid and extremely responsive gameplay.


    By all means though, within perfect environment (good latency, good fps) you go ahead and record a video proving me wrong, get a full cast bar 'interupted'


    It's interesting the similarity as well, in WoW the bar goes green when the cast is complete, in SWTOR the cast bar lights up when the cast is complete. Only difference is, in WoW the spell will have cast bang on the 1.5 second mark (or whatever the cast time is) where-as SWTOR will wait for the animation to finish, before you can begin casting your next move.

  7. Not true. Things like skill and time are relative. This just comes down to personal preference, which I never argued. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is "unresponsive" or "clunky."


    I'll grant you the fact that unresponsive and clunky are certainly terms which are open to subjection, however even if an ability takes 0.1 seconds longer than it should to cast (according to the cast time) that is still classed as not responding as it should. That isn't opinion, that definitely IS logic.

  8. 68 pages of trolling. good lord.


    responsiveness NOT AN ISSUE


    sure there are some graphical glitches that look like your character is performing the same move twice. And sure there are some UI glitches that make certain abilities look like they can't be used/cooldown.


    but responsiveness. how do these trolling threads get so big. its like all the occupy folks with no intelligence and a sheep mentality. they just wan to follow some bandwagon to feel important.


    whens the sitting animation bandwagon going to get rolling?


    Ironic, if you read the thread thoroughly - you'd discover you are in fact the troll (I believe you know this already though :p) - and are about to be bombarded with comments similar to mine.


    We are absolutely not trolling, I love this game more than any other atm and would love to see it succeed, as with a great many other people who are in this thread.


    All of these are people that believe that good responsiveness in gameplay, is an absolute MUST for a successful, and more importantly fun-to-play game. This is not just an opinion, all successful games in the past 5-10 years have been based on very responsive, quick, rewarding and fluent gameplay, animations/graphics/realism all come in a close second.


    The fact remains that responsive gameplay leads onto many other things, character immersion, high skill-cap in competitive PvP, more thought into high-end PvE.

  9. Please explain to me how good players are at a disadvantage against bad players when all things are equal. If you can explain that to me, then i'll concede that his logic is absolutely perfect. Also: examples =/= fact and crying about my use of internet vernacular is more petty than using it. As for your little epigram at the end: wrong, wrong, and wrong.


    Oh of course, it IS a level playing field - but not one that emphasizes skill, quick-thinking OR reaction times.


    I believe someone made a chess reference earlier, but i'll bring it back up as an example to hopefully make the point clear.


    Speed chess: Imagine if in the latest super-duper tournament of chess (don't know what it is, don't care :p) decided that instead of only 30 seconds to make your next move, you're actually allowed 1 minute.


    This would make an enormous impact on gameplay, strategy and of course - would allow for a lot more room for mistakes, evaluating those mistakes and correcting them.


    This is the logic I referred to, nobody is at a disadvantage however these ability delays make the game require less 'skill' less reaction time, and leaves a lot more room for error.

  10. Yes this is how it works most of the time, the animation has to play out before the next begins. This is a problem for Casted spells that have a longer Animation then Casttime and instants that have longer Animations then the GCD (even though i didn't encounter this issue on my BH). i think a fix for those animations is in order. Don't expect that the combat system will be totally changed to ignore animations, this would probably cause a huge rewrite of the system. So before the next expansion don't expect any major changes to the system.


    To be perfectly honest, I very much like how the game plays - so I wouldn't be in favour of a complete rewrite (it sounds like most people here wouldn't want that)


    I think what ultimately we would like to achieve here, is either having animations prematurely cancelled if another ability has been used (within GCD limitations etc)




    Adjust the cast times of abilities so that they are more fitting to the animations (not so much an actual change, it feels like less of a lie when a 1.5 second cast actually takes 1.6 seconds) and for instant casts to 100% abide by the GCD, regardless of animation.


    I absolutely <3 the animations in SWTOR, and I wouldn't want to see them totally sacrificed in place of gameplay, so I wouldn't totally like the idea of option 1 if it makes gameplay look 'glitchy' - but I would certainly want to see a compromise.


    Obviously this kind of stuff is down to the developers, in essence i'm only spewing out what I know from previous experience of gaming, and have no real knowledge on a technical scale, of how this would be possible.


    But I'd like to think Bioware perhaps have some tricks up their sleeves.

  11. It only happens with ambush right? Not with snipe?


    I tried the rolling thing and using charged burst and it NEVER stopped midway through cast.


    Thats what Im trying to find out atm. Which are bugs and which are just plain part of the animation system that swtor uses x.x Id say that rolling into natural cover and using the ambush and getting stopped mid cast randomly IS a bug. I tried rolling into cover and spamming charged shot while rolling and not once did my cast time get interrupted.


    Wonder if people during the beta actually pointed these things out specifically


    Damn you xD Are you SURE you're not using the queue system? (preferences - controls - scroll bottom - ability action queue window) cause it sounds like you're experiencing exactly what everybody here WANTS to experience hehe

  12. This is the ability queuing system you are describing, its not a bug, its working as intended.


    This is designed so you don't have to spam your keyboard every millisecond so you hit your ability the second it goes off gcd. You hit your ability within the threshold that you can set up in your settings and the ability is used the next time your off GCD.


    Understand that SWTOR isn't an exact copy of WoW, its its own thing, and maybe there won't be a need for these pointless threads.


    I think you misunderstand. Having tested the queue system myself (personally I loathe and detest queue systems) the queue STILL only abides by animation, not the GCD. The ability will activate after the animation has finished, and not the cast bar/GCD.

  13. Exactly and I asked a few times before that we should compile a list of abilities that have animation times longer than the gcd x.x


    No one has pointed me to an ability yet and I havent run into an ability with animation higher than the gcd.


    The only problem I saw was for something like charged burst which seems to fire too late but I could still use flurry of bolts the moment charged burst finishes casting and it goes BAMBAMABPEWPEWPEW




    I editted my post earlier to suggest one, but 'Lightning strike' for sorcerer is a main culprit for me, although the 1.5 second cast bar has clearly finished (as well as the GCD ofc) I still must wait until the lightning has physically left my hand, before I may cast another ability.


    EDIT: Dark heal and Dark Infusion seem to suffer the same problem.


    Ive been trying for a few hours now x.x



    I tell you what, it's very nice to see this kind of response - if not a little bit confusing :p


    As much as I shouldn't compare, you rarely see a WoW-post as constructive as this, yet here we see people like yourself who, although not affected - would like to become part of the solution/diagnosis of the problem. Props to you sir.


    Might I also ask, are you a previous WoW-player? or previous MMO player? or new to the MMO world? Some answers to these might help why you cannot see any 'delays' in combat.


    However, as much as I fear it - perhaps you genuinely don't suffer from these issues - and if that is the case, what the bleeding 'eck is causing the delay after abilities to so many people? o.0


    Edit: If you have the patience, the main culprit I find for this 'ability lag' is 'Lightning Strike' on a Sith Sorcerer (Level 10)... once the cast bar has been completely filled, it still takes an extra 0.2 - 0.4 seconds before the lightning leaves your hand, and you are able to cast your next ability.


    This game made the decision to marry animations, and it's going to make it end in a bitter divorce.


    I really hope this isn't the case, if anything has been seen throughout gaming history in the past ten years - it is that people prefer a game that requires 'skills' as opposed to a game that looks very nice.


    There must a compromise somewhere in between, but I guess that's down to Bioware to discover.

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