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Posts posted by Ocho-Quatro

  1. Hey folks,


    Thanks for the detailed reports and definitely let us know of anything else you find. Right now the team is verifying we have caught any issues present after 5.9.2a.


    The current intent is to address these issues with 5.9.3.




    SO - the patch notes for 5.9.3 are out.


    To recap:


    Aivela and Esne: BROKEN

    Nahut: BROKEN

    Svyca: BROKEN

    Izax: BROKEN


    All of them have been discussed in this thread, and on Reddit in detail.


    The devs have acknowledged they will look into it, and fix it with 5.9.3.


    WELL - Let's look at the patch notes:


    Gods From The Machine

    • Even though Izax is a machine, he will no longer sometimes show debug text.
    • Aivela and Esne will no longer apply the Positive Polarization debuff in Story and Veteran Mode.


    So - after the patch tomorrow, 3/5ths of the operations bosses will still be bugged, and BioWare is just going to ignore it and hope we don't notice?


    It's offensive at this point. It's a giant F you to subscribers, to let this happen, with no communication whatsoever.

  2. Can we get some communication on what the ETA is for a fix to GFTM?


    Is there a fix coming?


    Were these mechanics intended, never made it live and got Ninja-patched with 5.9.2? Is the team even aware of how many "bugs" exist in GFTM since 5.9.2?


    We've heard time and time again about how communication from the dev team is a priority, but the radio silence on this issue is actually pretty offensive to subscribers at this point.

  3. 13 days and counting...


    Some kind of update would be nice here.... GFTM has been broken since August 7th. And the patch that was supposed to fix it, came out 2 weeks ago, and it didn't fix it.


    In the past month, I've lost 2 people on my prog team to WoW. If this goes on much longer, especially without communication, I'm probably going to lose more, and finding Hardmare/NiM raiders to fill spots is getting harder and harder.

  4. Another nightmare mechanic bleeding through: Taking damage from blue Radiance while player is polarized red gives a stacking buff called "Positive Polarization Shift (polarization toward the positive Radiance causes you to take increased damage from the Negative Radiance blast.)" which increases all damage Esne does to that player if he switches to blue polarization.


    It does not happen with red radiance however.


    We saw this tonight. Essentially it adds an extra DPS check because the longer you're in wiper blade phase, the more damage you take because you keep having to swap colors, making the increased damage grow exponentially.


    It's actually not a bad NiM mechanic for a "soft enrage" but it doesn't belong in an already established HM op, by accident, without any communication from the devs as to the timeline for a fix

  5. Please put the nerfs back in for Tyth and A&E as well.


    Please, no don't do this. Tyth was already easy enough, removing adds in burn phase trivialized the whole fight to the point of lunacy. And for A&E - that's one of the better thought out fights in this game at the moment... Every role has a job to do, both their actual role AND handling some sort of mechanic. Nerfing the burn phase trivializes that fight to the point of feeling like story mode. Please, don't put those accidental nerfs back in.


    The OP as released was more difficult than pretty much all the other HM bosses in the game...


    That's the whole point. People said the same thing about Underlurker when ToS was launched. And SM has been nerfed into oblivion to the point that it's not even fun anymore. If HM (or HardMare) is going to be the most difficult content in the cycle, it SHOULD be hard.


    However, at this point there is no point in making the OP inaccessible to a large portion of the HM raiders in the game.


    What's your definition of a HM Raider? Someone who does EV/KP/EC and maybe TfB/SnV (at least they have mechanics)? If you can do Master Blaster HM, or Revan HM, you can do Gods HM. It's not inaccessible to the HM raiding population. It's inaccessible to whatever portion of the population doesn't know their class and how to execute mechanics. You can't roll into Gods and just kill it with numbers like you can most of the rest of the "HM" content in the game.


    Nerf these bosses so folks can start doing PUGS for this like almost every other HM OP in the game allows for.


    SM is for pugs.

  6. Given that the patch notes state: "Corrected an issue where the Veteran Mode Gods From the Machine bosses were harder than intended." - We can safely assume that the bugs/mechanics-issues with VM Gods are all cleared up...? NO


    Brief Synopsis: When 5.9.2 launched, the following happened to Gods From the Machine VM (that I am personally aware of/saw myself anyway - there may be more.)


    Tyth - Once Tyth goes into 'burn phase' sub 30%, adds no longer spawned. (This made the encounter easier, not harder.)


    Aivela & Esne - Once you killed Aivela, Esne would cease all mechanics, and the "wiper blades" would no longer spawn for the rest of the encounter. (This made the encounter easier, not harder.)


    Nahut - The nails/pins in phase 1 were immune to knockbacks, and during phase 3 when the turrets spawned, the number of turrets was exponentially increased. (This made the encounter substantially more difficult.)


    There may have been issues with Syvca & Izax, but honestly, none of the raid teams I run with, had any desire to put in the effort to clear Nahut, so we just cancelled our raid nights and waited for a fix. (The only thing I did personally see - was that the Anchor Drones in SM Izax were immune to knockback, and I assume that was the same in VM, but we didn't bother pulling it in the past several weeks.)


    After pushing back the fix several times, finally the patch went into effect this morning... and drumroll..........


    • Tyth: FIXED
    • Aivela & Esne: FIXED
    • Nahut: STILL BROKEN


    So, while the patch notes say: "Corrected an issue where the Veteran Mode Gods From the Machine bosses were harder than intended." - What actually happened, is that the mechanics that were screwy and were making the bosses EASIER, were fixed, and the ones that were making them HARDER still remain.


    Given that Gods is our first "new" Operations content in... well, I can't remember how long, can we possibly get a fix for this? Maybe without having to wait a month? I've got a team that's prog'ing Izax, and isn't interested in wiping on Nahut, or dealing with however Sycva or Izax are inevitably also broken I'm sure, so we'll just keep cancelling raid nights, waiting for a fix, until members of my team just choose not to come back at all, and go play WoW.


    /end rant

  7. Republic

    <Fortitude> - Kessel Run DMC - Apostrophe (Cunning Linguist) - 48/52 HM Progression - 9/26 NiM Progression


    And finally as of last night, finally put down Veteran Tyth:


    Took us way too long to down Tyth, but the team had some vacancies over the last few months, and we finally got the full 8-squad nailed down.... Time to work on the TWINS!

  8. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening to all! <Fortitude>, a social and progression guild on Jedi Covenant, is hosting a server wide Halloween Bash on October 31st from 9pm - 12am EDT!


    We are extending the invite to anyone and everyone on the server!


    We have some very special events lined up. While the whole event is a party, we are having a Halloween costume contest, starting at 11pm EDT, with prizes of course and special guest judge, **Swtorista!**


    Prize categories include:


    • The Spookiest
    • The Weirdest
    • The Best interpretation from another character in fandom
    • A “Judge’s Choice”
    • And Best Overall


    This will be held in a personal Nar Shadaa Stronghold, so toons of either faction are eligible to enter.


    Additionally, we will be holding a Spooky Pet Scavenger Hunt in our Guild Stronghold on Yavin which will be limited by game restrictions to Republic toons of any level. We’ve decorated everything in a ‘Haunted House’ theme for the event, with scary pets hidden around the entire base so go get ‘em. Anyone who finds them all or ties for the most found in the time allotted will be put into a raffle for a 450 CC code and an Ultra rare Taun Fawn code.


    Let’s not forget that just attending, everyone gets a small prize. Call this …. trick or treat! And to go with the holiday theme, we’ll put together runs of Kaon Under Siege and Lost Island (zombies!) if there’s a high enough turnout and interest.


    But to lay it all out on the line, this is what’s at stake peeps:


    • $20 CC code
    • A 450 CC code
    • A Reconstructed Hypergate Deco
    • A full CM armor set + Black/orange dye kit
    • Black/orange dye kits
    • And much much more!


    We would love to see all of you come out and enjoy the holiday with us. Should you have any questions, feel free to message me directly or leave a comment at our Event on Enjin!




    OR - head to Reddit:

  9. You've learned much today, op.


    You learned another detail of how collections work in TOR. You won't make that mistake again.


    You learned how cruel and unforgiving the so-called customer service of a heartless, greedy corporaton can be. In other words "we can fix this, but we just don't wanna... "


    Mostly you learned how much your fellow players, your community, are unsympathetic to a simple mistake, even when you admit it, and condemn you for having the audacity to beg forgiveness. Never midn that many of them probably made the same mistake and paid the price, they'll still defend the inactions of the greedy corporation that would screw them over without a second thought, gven the chance.


    I think I love you.

  10. So you know exactly what CS can and can't do? You know they can remove checked mark out of collection system? They don't have infinite power to edit someone account...


    1- They have more power than you apparently think they do.


    2- Yes, I have enough experience with the back-end to "know"... I don't know everything, not anywhere close to everything, but I do know this much.


    3- You STILL missed the point. They don't need to remove the "check marks" - My goal was/is to have all 5 checked so I can pay for the legacy unlock. Within 30 seconds of them possibly fixing this, it will be unlocked in my legacy collection, so "All the Checks will be Marked!!!!!"


    One last thing:


    We are all dumb and your right you know everything.



  11. Let me take the time to explain this to you and I'm not going to use socks...


    When you used those items it placed a check mark saying you have collected them. (5/7 of that set) You can mouse over that set and see how many you have collected for it and what you are missing. Once you have completed the set you need to long on a different character to unlock it. Since you have it spread across 2 characters try a 3rd to see if you have complete set and unlock it that way. CS can't magical change ever aspect of the game. They don't have the ability to go into collections and change those items to not collected.


    Character A - Operative: Had 2/5 pieces of the set previously collected. (From like 2 years ago)


    Character B - Gunslinger: Had enough credits on hand to buy the remaining 3 pieces, so in lieu of sending credits to the Operative (Character A) I simply bought them on this character and erroneously thought that the "collected" checkmark (as you call it) was legacy-wide.


    It's apparently not legacy-wide, it's character specific. SO that means that:


    Character B - Gunslinger: Now has 3/5 collected - and there is no overlap to the 2/5 collected previously on the Operative (Character A)


    Obviously - I was trying to get all 5 pieces collected - so I could then use Cartel Coins to unlock the set Legacy-wide through Collections. But, as previously stated it's not 5/5, because I didn't bind the 3 new pieces to my Operative, and instead bound them to my Gunslinger, because I didn't realize at the time it wasn't legacy-wide.


    I then went back to the GTN to see if I could just re-buy the 3 pieces and send them to my Operative and accept that I was gonna eat some credits and it would be a lesson-learned... But not all of the pieces were available. I appeared to have purchased the last of several.


    THAT is when I decided to submit a ticket. It was obviously a mistake, it was obviously because I was trying to complete a collection so I could unlock that collection in my legacy.


    My problem is NOT because CS said "NO"


    My problem is that CS said "No, because if we do this, it will let you have it in your collection."


    THAT'S WHAT I WAS TRYING TO DO IN THE FIRST PLACE! And I will still have to pay the Cartel Coins to unlock it legacy-wide, so the outcome is 100% the same for both me, and BW/EA.


    And yes.... CS has the ability to do all of these things.


    Person who wants pie: "I would like to buy some pie."


    Person who has pie: "I'm sorry sir, we can't sell you pie, because if we sell you pie, then you will have pie... and we can't allow that."


    Person who wants pie: "You know... you could have just said NO."

  12. Funny - Everyone is too caught up in being negative, that they are missing the point:


    If CS had said "Sorry tough luck!" - I would at least understand and suck it up, put on my big boy underpants and deal with it.


    But they didn't... they said plainly that the reason they wouldn't resolve my issue, was because it would have allowed me to do what I was trying to do before I made the mistake.


    That's a horrible answer. Worse than just saying NO. Because it's nonsensical.

  13. This ain't a freakin department store! It's a freakin game where your decisions matter. Mistakes are part of the game!


    Hold up......


    Did you just say what I think you said? Let me paraphrase:


    This isn't the real world, where you can get get a "do-over" and your actions don't have lasting and meaningful consequences. This is a VIDEO GAME son, where your decisions matter and nothing can be undone!


    You should turn your computer off now, and go outside.

  14. This is a mistake on the player's part!


    Let's imagine: You walk into a department store to buy socks. You see a pack of 5 socks, and the one showing on the front is black. You buy the pack of what you believe is 5 pairs of black socks, walk to your car and open the package only to discover that it's actually a pack with 2 pairs of black socks, 2 pairs of white and 1 argyle.


    You then see that in tiny print on the sock packaging it says "Multicolor Pack" and you realize you've made a mistake.


    So you go back into the store, with the socks obviously unworn.... walk up to the Customer Service counter with the socks and your receipt and explain to the customer service representative:

    "I thought this was a pack of all black socks, and when I opened it, I realized I made a mistake."


    One could argue, that the customer service representative could say to you:

    "I'm sorry, but the package does say it's multicolor socks. It's a shame that you made a mistake, but it's not really my problem sir."


    That's pretty poor customer service actually, and a business that operated that way is going to lose a lot of customers.


    On the flipside - the customer service representative could say something like:

    "I'm sorry you had some confusion with the product. Yes, if you would like to exchange these for the color you originally intended, I can help you take care of that today."


    HOWEVER - Neither of those two scenarios are what happened here in my case. This is more what happened:

    "I see you bought a pack of multicolored socks by accident when you meant to buy a pack of black socks? I'm sorry sir, I can't help you. Because if I take the return on the multicolored socks, you'll be able to exchange them for the black socks you meant to buy initially, and we can't allow that. Is there anything ELSE I can help you with? If not, have a nice day..... Please feel free to take our customer service survey on your way out."


    So... as a consumer... as a customer... which one of these experiences will leave you feeling satisfied with the company you've chosen to give your money to?




    here's another story:

    omg **** I accidentally discarded my loot! It was an honest mistake! I should file a ticket and have customer support put it back on my bag... uuuh no?


    Actually, yeah.... That's a totally legit thing to ask CS to help with. It's a GAME - supposed to be fun... why would the company that is asking for your money, be a hardass when it comes to helping a player correct a mistake? I know many players who have had luck with CS restoring items they accidentally overwrote in a gear slot, or deleted, or bought the wrong piece, etc.

  15. Yesterday, I made a stupid mistake.


    On my Operative, I had 2 pieces of the Relaxed Uniform set. (the more expensive pieces mind you)


    I would like to have the set available to let me unlock it in my collections for my legacy. So, not realizing that it wasn't legacy-wide - I bought the remaining pieces while logged on to another character, and bound them to THAT character (my gunslinger). Immediately, I realized that I had goofed up, and that I needed to actually bind them on my Operative in order to be able to buy the collections unlock - but it was already too late.


    I figured "Oh well, not the end of the world, this mistake will cost me around $1M credits, but since the cheapest chest from the set on my server is 3x that, I'm still doing ok."


    Alas - I couldn't rebuy the set again, because they aren't all available on the GTN.


    SO I figured: It was an honest mistake - I'll submit a ticket to CS and explain the situation and maybe they will unbind the pieces that I JUST BOUGHT AND ACCIDENTALLY BOUND TO THE WRONG TOON so I could send them to the correct toon to bind them, and unlock the set in my collections.


    Here is the response I just got from Customer Service:


    I regret to inform you that we cannot unbind your item. I'm very sorry but as it would be unlocked in collections for your other character it means that we can not do this.


    Huh??? - Yes, that is the whole reason I submitted the ticket!!! I thought I would be able to unlock them in my collection, then realized I made a silly mistake and asked them to fix it for me. And the reason they won't fix it, is the reason I bought the set pieces in the first place?


    I am not arguing that I did in fact make a mistake.


    If CS got back to me and said: "Sorry, but we can't fix your mistake, once it's done, it's done." - I could handle that.

    But they came back to me and said: "Sorry, because you're trying to unlock it in your legacy, we can't fix your problem, because that would let you unlock it in your legacy." - That's silly.


    Furthermore - CS has a history of correcting issues like this with loot. I've bought token pieces (and I know people who have done the same thing), ripped the guts out and THEN realized I bought the wrong set type. CS has taken the gear from me, and refunded my token so I could buy the right piece.


    I'm not trying to work the system, or get something for nothing, or get something I didn't earn. I still planned to BUY the legacy unlock with actual USD$... I just made a silly mistake and THOUGHT that it didn't matter which toons had the set pieces, and bound them to the wrong toon and realized immediately and asked for help to fix my mistake.


    Like I said, they didn't say they can't fix my mistake - they said they won't fix my mistake, because fixing my mistake will allow me to do what I was trying to do before I made said mistake.



  16. pubs side JC sucks so bad.


    i dunno how to fail pug on impside unless you joined annifum


    I guess I will have to try.... Because the whole reason I left impside and went pubside a while back, was because pug'ing was so painful I wanted to quit, and pubside was better.


    JC pubs can't really PvP (there are exceptions to the rule), but for PvE they have historically been better than impside in my experience.

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