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Posts posted by P-hantom

  1. Just had my thread titled ' YOu gotta be joking' closed !


    WHY ?????


    There was no profanity, no flaming, all replies were 'on topic' ! Didnt even have a moderator message to say why ?








    EDIT - My apollogies, guess Im not having a good day !



  2. What with the random only PvP ?


    What if I dont like hutball, what if I dont like Alderaan ?


    Whats wrong with allowing players to participate in the events they 'want' to play in ?



    And before you all start flaming me saying Im QQ about this Im not. Its a genuine concern of many. (certainly on Bloodworthy server anyway) But yes I do think its stupid to remove a players ability to choose !




  3. July 28th Pre order still not in. Im hoping for the best. So far the high water mark was the over 850k view EGA wave thread. So much hate, so much anger.


    As it states on the launch client, todays UK/EU invites dont start till 14.00 GMT so its not really suprising you haven't got in et today !



  4. The game comes out the 20th. You can buy the phisical box the 15th but can't play yet.


    Which when you think about it is BS. I can just imagine what Id have said when I picked up my new car.


    Salesman - Here's you keys Mr H*****

    Me - Thanks

    Salesman - But... you cant drive it for another 5 days !

    Me - ARRRGGGHHH (insert swear word)




  5. I would only want it just to laugh at all the crying going on in General chat.


    Pure entertainment.


    Thats partly what I meant. To the guy that said do I want to wait for mobs.. yeah sure, its launch, you accept that, remember it and laugh about it when you look back !




  6. As the title says... I want (would like) a busy starter area.


    Now I understand the whole waves thing, I dont agree with it, but hey thats life.


    However after all the hype and waiting I want to see a mass of people in the starter area I choose. Think of it like Christmas shopping or better still a concert. You'd be pretty dissapointed if you turned up and there was only a dozen other people in the arena !


    I want the buzz, I want to watch the chatter flashing across the screen, in short... I like busy ! ! !




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