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Posts posted by Selestian

  1. I support this change. Make the daily require 6 completions with a bonus for any wins.


    This will help stop warzone dropping and will also promote more players queuing up which lowers overall queue times.




    I tend to agree with your statement. IT also will make the gear advantage less of an issue in more than one way as well. Facerolling the newbies wont mean they don't get credit and means they'll get gear to be on more even footing.


    The only geared people that would complain are the same that liked being 50 bashing on level 10s. The rest that enjoy competitive pvp would be all for it.

  2. Shield is bad in PvP because it doesn't work on non-weapon damage attacks, and doesn't work on any crit. Don't bother.


    I see this argument a lot but am not sure I agree. There are a lot of melee attacks in pvp and if you want to ignore defense for whatever percentage that comes up to then it'll just make it that much easier for some shadow/sin/sent/marauder to pull you apart.


    Really wish we had combat logs for this sorta thing.

  3. Fair concerns... but nobody said anything about nerfs for PvP gear just yet.


    There are many ways of achieving our intended goal, from stabilizing early gear acquisition through diminishing/removal of the random factor to the introduction of new gear over time... and a dozen other methods in-between.


    To spell it out: We currently have no intention to modify the stats on existing PvP gear downwards (which I assume you mean by 'nerf'). Nobody has talked about eliminating the gap between old level 50s and new level 50s either.


    -- Georg


    You really should consider it because right now new 50s are just as "overwhelmed" in the matches against folks with all this pvp gear as level 20s are bolstered against level 50s.


    Really need to consider scaling down the amount of expertise, normalize it or make it so you match make matches where you have low expertise versus similar not pre-made battlemasters versus noobs.


    PVP should not be so gear bound, right now it is almost all gear and very little skill.


    Make pvp where combat is about how the players play, not about how ridiculous the expertise bonus on the gear is. You'd do better to just remove expertise.


    I dunno how any Battlemaster geared player has a good time facerolling everyone else w/o similar gear.

  4. I played WoW in vanilla actually and enjoyed it. Then i didn't know any better with PvP, since no MMO had great PvP content. Nowadays, there is great PvP content in the market.


    Big difference.


    Are you suggesting wow's pvp is "great" by any stretch of the imagination? Did you ever play DAoC? I guess not since you claimed you didn't know any better when you played wow.

  5. 50 inq/sin light all the way. I found the light choices far more engaging and interesting on the Empire side than the REpublic side (I also have a 50 consular/shadow that is light 5). The light choices on the empire side are a little more difficult to get to in some cases (you will have to carry on longer conversations) and result in more interesting decisions IMO.


    On the Reb side it was pretty much just the first selection and they tended to be really obvious and dull. On the Empire side they are nothing like that. Good choice on the Empire side will be to poison some rebel slaves so they die immediately while the dark choice is to make them suffer for weeks. Not to say there are not truely "light" side choices. There are many times where you will "save" someone or not slay them.


    After doing all this I can say one thing... I now know why Empire always loses. Dark side is just Chaotic Stupid.

  6. I only went for treasure boxes to get the relics. Even still I almost always broke even on the mission cost. I would get 70% of the money back at the very least and if I got an item it almost always more than made up for the cost of the mission.


    Don't think you're suppose to make money from treasure hunting...although you can with some luck. OR you definitely can if you play the auction hall.

  7. Its players like you that make their own teams bad. And four Battlemasters isnt even close to a sure win. At all. Specially because it doesnt take too much time to get Champion gear, and champion gear is at the very least a fighting chance vs.battlemaster. Oh and full Battlemasters are still a really, really small minority.


    Why do you care? If you insist on playing against almost insurmountable odds then you should look for teams that have people leaving.


    If the guy doesn't have the time or the desire to play in a match where he his pitted against an obviously high ranked pre-made team then let him bail and you make up for it if you're so awesome.

  8. Its plain short and simple people i will answer this quesion so people can stop asking it .....



    Expertise is must and it is needed it is to stop people who raid from dominating the pvp side of the game its not hard to understand this..




    If PVP rewards are on par with raiding gear there is no need for expertise.

  9. I get all that... but it doesn't mean it fits the lore of Star Wars to let a bunch of MMO players decide that this one time in history red is cool for Jedi.


    They CAN let players decide, obviously they think that's more important for their game, but why act like it fits in Star Wars? It just doesn't.


    There are a lot of things that this game does that doesn't fit "Star Wars" like not being able to switch sides from Jedi->Sith or Sith->Jedi for one.


    Get over it.

  10. I don't get the seemingly pointless "orbital" stations either. All the load screens gets really annoying.


    Travel is to much of a hassle for me to bother with even trying to do heroics quests while leveling. Not to mention the lack of a usable LFG system. If I am way out working on a quest that took me 10-20 minutes to get to there is no way im gonna travel back to a shuttle or whatever till I am done.


    Now if the LFG system would shuttle me to the spot and back when done I'd be happy to work on heroics while leveling.

  11. Most of what you listed are trivial to me.


    Frankly a game that released without the following features should be ashamed:


    • Target of Target
    • Macros (when at 50 you have almost 40 buttons filled)
    • Flexible UI
    • LFG System (like used for the PVP queues)


    Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the game and will continue to subscribe but seriously, the above items should have been in at release.

  12. Raid gear vs people who do not want to raid


    WoW calls it Resilience

    Rift calls it Valor

    TOR calls it Expertise


    You could still get gear from whatever means (pvp/pve) you want just drop expertise from them all.


    There is no need to delineate between raid or pvp gear if the quality is the same.

  13. It is the easiest way to get gear and money. Is it really all that surprising that it is so popular? :confused:


    I pvp more because I can queue for it and keep doing what I have planned till then.


    It's kinda embarrassing the game launched w/o a LFG system for flashpoints similar to the pvp systems.

  14. Have you noticed this trend on the forums lately? Casual players gush about how much they are enjoying the game whereas MMO veterans and hardcore players seem to be extremely dissatisfied. What are your thoughts? If you accept this premise, why do you think this might be the case? Is it possible Bioware is aware of this and are fine with it (ie, it was a financial decision)?


    I've been playing these sorta games since they were called MUDs. I am not sure how much more "veteran" than that you can get.


    I am not "extremely dissatisfied".

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