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Posts posted by Selestian

  1. The only thing that I can suggest atm is maybe the ALT key (or alt+ something) is bound to some function in the Logitech software?


    If that was the case I would expect it to work the same in FF14/WoW/EQ no? I can have both 14 and SWTOR loaded and bind in 14 and then tab to SWTOR and it wont let me (does the same when just one or the other loaded also).

  2. I use a logitech G600 MMO mouse for the 12 buttons on the side. Normally I have 1-10, - and = configured. I then set alternate keys for those like ALT-1, CNT-1 and SHIFT-1 for additional buttons if needed.


    However, when I try and bind a key in SWTOR while holding the keyboard ALT down and pressing 1 on the mouse it will not bind. I can press SHIFT and CONTROL and those will bind... but ALT will not. I use the ALT generally first because it's easier for my hands to reach... and I use it currently in FF14 as well but I cannot bind it in SWTOR. I can press ALT-1 on my keyboard and it binds but pressing ALT and pressing 1 button on mouse will not fire the bind. IT's like SWTOR doesn't recognize key-presses on the mouse when the ALT key is down?


    I use this same configuration in FF14 currently and previously in EQ, WOW and every other game I've played... anyone have a clue what might be going on?

  3. Uggh. Republic vs Republic Voidstar will be lame.


    What's the point of having 2 factions if you just fight against your own faction most of the time.


    I already hate playing against my own side in huttball now I have to do it everywhere else AND I can't skip queuing for huttball?




    Just stop delaying it and make cross-server queues. The "server rivalry" is against my own side and thats just retarded so there is no point sticking to the "we want you to have a server rivalry in pvp".

  4. I am curious when we can/should expect dual/multi-specing to be available? I play a class that has 2 viable specs and pve and pvp specs are also useful. I am wondering if this is something we can expect to see in the next 1.1.3 or will it be in 1.2 or not even then?


    Multi-specs are a pretty big feature I think and if it's not going to be soon why not consider removing the over priced charges for multiple respecs in a week for now until we have a built in game feature to do it.

  5. Exactly, he is not leaving because he likes competitive matches, he is leaving because he doesn't like losing. My difficult to comprehend point was, if he just wanted competitive matches he would leave when up 5-0 as well. No one leaves when up 5-0. Babies can't deal with losing so they say my team sux and leave. It is 4,5 year old behavior.


    Childish behavior is your post.


    There are so many reasons why a person could want to quit a match some of which are reasonable. Lumping in ridiculous generalizations is not one of them.


    If I want to bail on a match I will, 15 minute debuff or not. Just know the debuff will slow down your queues so everyone loses.

  6. I made 2 million creds last week with artificing alone - obviously useless. Go ahead and drop it so I can make 3 million this week! One less artificer increases my demand.


    LOL, because there is SOOOO much to spend money on you really need 10 million credits.


    So you have credits, what you gonna blow it on, another mount?

  7. OP, you chose the wrong title. Your thread should be titled.


    "Gear grinders are just logging in to do dailies at this point"


    PvPers log in to pvp, that doesn't change from level 10-50. Anyone who quits due to gear isn't a pvper, they're a gear grinder.


    Hum, someone speaks logic in the pvp forums? I am shocked and amazed.



  8. Not sure what you're complaining about. When you get on top of a ranged dps even myself as a inq/sin (also have a consular/shadow) tank spec'd do well enough to kill them.


    If you're a melee you have tools to get next to them, use it. Class per class this game has more balance on release than any game I've played.

  9. Are you kiddin me?


    Do u actually enjoy the "amazing PVP" ur playing now?





    already 300 000 people cancelled account (Stats from BW) on 1M700 K .


    Are you trying to suggest those people quit because of pvp? That's laughable. Out of 2 million people trying a game, 300k leaving is actually a good ratio.

  10. They will quit after their noob tears and cries go unheard. Main reason for their QQ'ing is because they can't win due to "gear" or everyone "hacks" so they dont have a chance in pvp.


    Its everyone else an cant possibly be the fact they just can't play.


    It's pretty obvious when you go to the 50 tier. If you're so blind to not see that I'm guessing you're the same folks that walked on the backs of level 10s pre-patch to get your ranks and gear and think that was them just being bad also.

  11. The more brackets we have, the lower our coms per hour. Wouldn't you rather lose three matches and win one match in an hour rather than have zero matches in an hour?


    But that's not how it works out.


    I played 10 matches last night and lost every one of them. It wasn't just a few points, it was a beat down crushing loss. Yeah some nights we get wins but it's obvious when the other team is the same pre-made of BMs crushing you you can easily see the problem.


    It's no different than 50s beating bolstered 10s. Only now it's BMs versus folks with little to no expertise. I really don't get why they insisted on using the mechanic that has failed before.


    Gear upgrades is fine, don't need a pvp specific stat.

  12. I do think SWTOR needs to have some sort of small scale PvP that can be played competitively. Competitive PvP will do wonders for the game and attract more players + be a big time sink for hard core players like myself.


    It already exists, they are called warfronts. You can access them by clicking on the icon on the bottom right of your minimap.

  13. Short answer is yes. However, if you are only doing this to switch your alignment, the quickest and cheapest method is to run Black Talon and pick LS choices. You can hit 400+ in one run. Drag some lowbies along and you can grind social points too. Go solo and you can grind aff with Mako.


    I'm curious how you get the extra +200 because the choices you get only add up to +200 for me, not 400.


    One is not killing the general at the end (+100) the other is "Not suicide" or some such to the fella in the bridge (+100).

  14. Have any of you done the math on what it will take to get a full champion set? I did....




    They are basically locking out PvP gear to only the most hardcore of people that spend their entire day, every day, in PvP. Everyone else is just SOL.


    and then someone pointed out a flaw in your "math". Mainly this bit


    "Now some of you are going to say "What about daily...", what about them? "



    you might say people cant take dalies into account, but thats just simply stupid... i pvp 2-3hours daily to get those quests done, some days its only like 1h....


    in a week you would obtain

    7x2 + 2x3 bags = 20bags


    thats 5weeks of ONLY doing dalies for FULL CHAMP gear... the meaning of the system is to close the freakin gab between newly 50's and bm geared, this is done by rewarding people centurion gear... and each bag gives 15cent commendations...


    not only your math is completely garbage, so is your reason behind doing the math..


    Excluding dailies in your "math" is a bit silly.

  15. Just make 50 have it's own tiers. Split them by valor ranks. So maybe 1-30 together, above that I dunno. It's no different than the advantage 50s had on 1-49 and they split those out.


    Then all you supposed bad as*es can fight people that offer you a challenge. Unlike all the level 1-49 folks whos backs you walked on more than likely to get to BM already.

  16. Ins't this the same failure of a team that did WAR?


    Also, saying WoW is silly...love or hate the game you have to admit they set the CURRENT standard for MMO pvp.


    Actually no I don't have to admit they are the standard for MMO pvp because they have the worst pvp in MMO history.


    PVP in this game is more balanced class by class than any other mmo ive played on release. Expertise is a nightmare and should be removed but otherwise that the mechanics are fine.

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