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Posts posted by fallenjedi

  1. Great. Video games already get a bad rap: anto-social behavior, contribute to obesity due to lack of exercise, increase in violent tendencies. Now we are gonna start hearing about contributing to alcohol abuse. :D
  2. Also as a observation, it seems that those who aren't Jedi/Sith have too many methods of stopping Jedi/Sith or neutralising them. While Jedi/Sith don't have enough methods of countering these attacks and status affects. There is grounding, slow, stuck, stasis, paralise status affects (which all practically do the same thing) and the most annoying, taking cover. You can't even leap over it and for the life of me I can't remeber ever seeing a Jedi/Sith having to run around the cover to get to the smuggler/agent and be gunned down in the process.

    I'm this close to rerolling as a Jedi Guardian.


    Funny, as a BH, I feel the same way. However, the difference between you and me is that I don't blame the game. I know that I don't play perfectly, but I am willing to put the time in and get better.


    Being a DPS'er doesn't mean you are better than others, it means you can deal more damage than a tank or healer while sacrificing armor\defense (or other things as the case may be). IMO, it sounds like that either your not specced right AND\OR having issues managing your CD's effectively.

  3. It's not silly, its a service we pay for. How would you feel if you paid to have your car put in the shop at 10AM, and they tell you to be back at noon to pick it up, you show up, and now they are telling you 4PM.


    Its the same concept. We have the right to be upset.


    I would rather them finish the job at hand completely rather then rush it and forget to do one little thing that causes a crash.

  4. The one complaint I have with the TOR universe, and it is a small one, is that it certainly doesn't seem like technology went anywhere for a few thousand years. Obviously, people don't want to play a game where lightsabers haven't been invented or there is no hyperspace travel and thus no alien races. But they even listen to the same damn music and wear clothes and armor that look virtually identical to what people were wearing thousands of years later. Again, I understand why they did that. You want it to feel like Star Wars. But if you want to get all nerdragey, that's a place where there is a bit of a lapse in logic.


    My theory is that the presence of the Force in the galaxy actually stifled technological (and cultural) evolution. Since it is so pervasive (it is all around us, lives within us), the "will" of the force influenced (infected) the consciousness of the galaxy's inhabitants.

  5. [On my ship the Mantis, in deep space]


    me: ok team, gonna hand out some loot. Meet me at the storage locker.

    <cricket cricket>

    me: Guys?

    me: Torian, can you walk 10ft closer to me, I have a new helmet for you...

    me: HELLO! Why are you all just standing around? Why is no one talking to me?

    me: Fine....next time you have that upside-down triangle over your head, don't expect me to talk to you



    [at any vendor in the galaxy]

    me: I really like that rifle, I wish I didn't have to sell it.

    Vendor: keep it. it is valuable and you can really do some damage with it.

    me: I wish I could, but I feel compelled to only use a single blaster. Not to mention that I am left-handed, but since my flame-thrower can only be installed on my left arm, I have to fire my blaster off-handed. Thank the gods, my shield turns on 1/3 of the time, so that I actually have a shot at hitting something without getting killed.

  6. Bartender in any Cantina: Have a seat, enjoy yourself!


    Me: I only really feel comfortable sitting in a taxi, my speeder, or on the bridge of my ship. However, I will kneel while standing on one of your tables if you don't mind.


    Bartender: Ok,,,,,,,,

  7. other than the fact that crystals don't affect damage type?


    So you want a lightsaber that does acid damage? Or a blaster that does cold damage?


    They would have to rebalance the whole game since different classes are setup for specific damage types and damage mitigation.

  8. Think I'm gonna call shenanigans on this. An expansion pack that is only $9.99 and provides 90 days of gametime? Expanded level cap? Cathar? Ewoks?


    I like the premise of the Hutts organizing as a faction...but whatever that was didn't seem authentic.

  9. That's not success. That's "barely getting by".


    You seem to have remarkably low standards... or no ambition.


    No, it's called being tuned in to reality. If I am told to do X task within 20 hours and then task Y within 20 hours or my butt is going to be laid off or fired...then I get tasks X & Y done in 40 hours (or faster if possible).


    I define success as being able to provide for family. However, that success is dependent upon a thing called a job where I report to someone that tells me what to do, how fast to do it, and ultimately decides if it was a good enough effort. Not everyone can be Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, or Mark Zuckerberg.


    ((btw as a Vice President and partner in a profitable software company my ambition seems to be doing fine))

  10. While we all go down with the ship here, I would like to ask what peeps here think their $15.00 should get them in an MMO (with regard to service/design etc).


    1 major update per fiscal quarter

    Weekly bug fixes

    Special Events a few times a year (like the Rakghoul event)

    server uptime > 95%

    Help Ticket Response time less than 24hrs


    If SWTOR can meet or exceed those expectations, then I'll pay my sub for as long as I continue to have fun in the game.

  11. I don't think many people will disagree with you.


    That being said, my guess is that character transfers and only character transfers will be offered initially (most likely for free) because the mechanics of server merges are not part of the code base right now. When you talk about server merges there is a whole list of things that will need to be addressed to prepare for that data transfer, which I personally believe, they are not even close to being ready for.


    I saw in another thread about transferring guilds....which again is headache due to all of the guild mechanics (the bank being the most obvious).


    In the short term, small guilds and non-guilded players will benefit the most because they are the most portable.

  12. Here again we have the age old argument of "this sucks because it doesn't meet MY expectations".


    Seriously, get over yourself. No one has claimed that this is a MAJOR patch, it is just a patch. OP while you were on "hiatus" it was pretty much revealed that this patch was feature-related and not content-related.


    If you had argued that there are not enough feature changes then you may have gotten more people agreeing with you, but the moment you decided to be the coding police and showed your lack of expertise, you lost all credibility.

  13. The real question is: if those decisions are made for us then why bother having them?


    In traditional rpg's attributes make sense in terms of you get to control which attributes get raised allowing you to role-play off-design characters. Like in D&D you could stack your wisdom for your half-orc cleric to make him(her) a viable character.


    In MMORPG's where decisions like that are non-existant, the purpose of attributes are kind of antiquated. Since we have to gear-up to maximize our stat values, then why not just start us off with a base of 0 or 100 and leave them alone?


    [leaps off his soapbox]

  14. I guess....i wasn't sure how long after the TC the game was taking place. So, 3643BBY or 10ATC (10 years after the treaty).


    I would use the BTC\ATC for keeping an in-character, first-person journal.

  15. roughly c. 3,653 BBY as per the timeline on wookieepedia


    The problem is that the timeline is all based on the Galactic Standard Calendar which uses the Battle of Yavin as the reference point.


    Looking a little deeper, apparently the Treaty of Coruscant itself was the line of demarcation for separating eras (BTC and ATC: before and after the Treaty). This means the current year is around 3-5 ATC

  16. Lovarboy: Will we get dual spec with Game Update 1.3?


    Daniel: Unfortunately, no. Game Update 1.3 is being kept a bit leaner to get the Group Finder and the next stage of Legacy in the game as fast as possible. After that we’ll be returning to some bigger updates and we’re hoping dual spec makes it for the next one.

    - quoted from the April 27th Q&A


    I have no idea how they are defining dual spec, but my guess it certainly will be better than nothing

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