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Posts posted by fallenjedi

  1. this whole conversation is pointless. If you don't play a PT then you obviously have no basis to argue about ANYTHING that is OP or what needs to be nerfed.


    do us a favor, lvl to 50 as a PT, then comeback and we'll talk.



    You're whole argument is akin to this:

    you: I know nothing about wine but let me tell you what you can do to improve the oak undertones in this cabernet

    wine producer: ummm, yeah....how about you ****

  2. Instead of having "thread roundup" and the dev tracker as community news, how about posting REAL news.


    I think all of the community would love to have the community team post links any interviews or information presented by the devs to outside websites like this: http://www.gamestm.co.uk/discuss/star-wars-the-old-republic-we-are-looking-at-free-to-play-says-lead-designer/


    Why should we, as subscribers have to find out information like that from other players BEFORE the community team will post any information about it?


    In that same vein, I would also suggest that if the Community team is posting "tweets", then this website should have a twitter feed so that we can ALL benefit from the info...again, why should I have to scan the internet for any new information before looking at our "own" community board. It truly seems counter-intuitive.

  3. Except for the fact that IF populations had increased after launch, then having a gazillion servers would not have mattered. The problem is that population (and concurrent players) have decreased which got us to the point of where we are.


    The real key is that the dev team should have had contingency plans for this from the beginning.


    I can't defend too many things about Champions Online, but I think they had a good idea. One Server for everyone, the more people that logged in, the more individual shards got created (so that map population was never huge)...and general chat went across all shards.

  4. Right, first of I went to see the phantom menace in the cinema in 3D. Despite the haters, i sat through jaja and was not bothered at all by him, in fact adults even laughed at some parts he did which leads me to believe the haters really are the butt hurt fan boys. Lastly, the 3D was actually pretty well done for the saber fights in the movie so it is worth a viewing IMO, I enjoyed it thoroughly, including the extra scenes added such as introduction of all the pod racers and their pods etc.


    Moving on to my main thought however.


    My question is, Mace says Anakin is too old to be trained, why then during the old Republic era have we jedi being trained at the age of a fully grown adult or older? just my thought.


    I didn't know George Lucas would be posting on these forums. So......when are you retiring?

  5. Stolen from Taugrim:

    Single-Target Rotation for Shield Tech (Shield Specialist) with < 18 points in Pyrotech (Assault Specialist)


    The key single-target damaging ability for this spec is Rocket Punch (Stockstrike), thanks to the 30% Crit Chance and 30% Crit damage bonus. Note that you also can reset the cooldown for Rocket Punch (Stockstrike) when you Shield. Therefore, you want to use Rocket Punch (Stockstrike) as soon as possible.


    Aside from Rocket Punch (Stockstrike), you want to use Rail Shot (High Impact Bolt) ASAP to get the 15-sec cooldown ticking.


    Aside from those abilities, here is the rotation:

    From range, Explosive Dart (Sticky Grenade)

    While closing to melee range, Rail Shot (High Impact Bolt) if possible, Rapid Shots (Hammer Shot) if not

    As soon as you close to melee range, Rocket Punch (Stockstrike) and when that’s on cooldown, Flame Burst (Ion Pulse) until you can Rocket Punch (Stockstrike) again

    Rinse and repeat


    If you have Retractable Blade (Gut), in general you want to use Rocket Punch (Stockstrike) first then use Retractable Blade (Gut), so that you apply the snare and have the opportunity to reset the cooldown of Rocket Punch (Stockstrike) via the Flame Shield (Static Shield) talent.


    His website is here and is very helpful: http://taugrim.com/2012/01/04/guide-to-bounty-hunter-powertech-trooper-vanguard-mechanics-and-pvp/

  6. I don't think anyone would disagree with adding these options. However, don't you think that this is more appropriate for the "Suggestion Box" section?
  7. go to the powertech subforum and read all of the guides.


    Respecs are not incredibly expensive, so I would suggest finding a spec you like and then reset your skills and start working on a specific spec.


    Personally, I went Shield Tech and like it for its survivability.

  8. yes, I agree on that, but I think it's more interesting instead of a lottery to have paying events such as Huttball matches where the best team takes the money... just to spice things even more :D


    huttball watching and betting would be a great mini-game.

  9. @Goretzu:

    This is also an interesting idea (I hope Bioware is thinking about that, too): they should award social points for everything you do in or as a group.


    I really hope that they they can tie social points to non-combat activities while being grouped. For example, if my group is searching for datacrons and we travel through previously unexplored areas that grant XP, we should also get social points. I think the same would go for Lore objects. It certainly would create a more social dynamic IMO.

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