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Everything posted by falcon_Xtreme

  1. A heads up for those in Brisvegas or roundabouts, with tpg as isp Re-rolled on the bastion to check out the lag from my location , 110 people on korriban when I was playing. 220MS spiked to 300ms a couple times. but quickly dropped back down to 180-220 ms. its seems playable. it is disappointing that the Apac servers going down, i would have preferred a consolidated superserver, but I think they have a made a decision on the matter, and we can either quit or just take the free transfers and carry on. with the amount of effort/time it took the community to get some answers regarding apac, I highly doubt bioware will flip on the decision they have made, I wouldn't be surprised if the process had already started. (server leases/contracts expiring etc) so we have upcoming free transfers to the US servers and if you dont take those you get rolled into the bastion when servers get shut down. alot of us have played since beta, before apac servers existed. we dealt with the latency then , we can deal with it again... or .. we can play something else.
  2. nice job bud. good fun to watch.
  3. Thank you, Eric. this is the type of clarity in dialog we have been after for such a long time.. It is appreciated.
  4. good. that will help with my flukes on unicron
  5. ive been on Gav Daragon, and as much as it hurts rerolling ( 7 50's and legacy 49.5) ive been enjoying at least some guild members being online.
  6. i had bought the game along time ago , but one disc got lost the other got scratched, i downloaded the game and hoped to replace my scratched discs but had a conscience issue with that one so I deleted it. I just picked it up from steam for $3.33 which is perfect!!! lol.. it is actualy quite hard to get this game from local stores now anyway, so im really happy with this deal. thank you very much for the info. made my day
  7. I agree with this^ and ask that people apply that logic to multiboxing.
  8. no its not mate I just dont like people jumping on the burn multiboxers (ive multiboxed with lotro) at the stake bandwagon when the citation used point out its wrong could also be used to show how the official products fall into this category. imho I dont think multiboxing is against the EULA TOS , but the extreme situations of multiboxing would be, just like abuse of the official products would.
  9. incase your still confused. you can run unlimitied combat macros with the swtor mouse. press one key on the mouse and it can fire off a pre-recorded rotation of abilities. that you could potentially farm npcs within a AOE proximity whilst being afk (waiting for respawn) , now just because that can be done should they ban every official SWTOR mouse and keyboard owner? no ... I would think that they use a measure of common sense to work out if the player was infact trying to exploit the game for gain, or just trying to enjoy their game how they like. thats the difference
  10. fyi the offical SWTOR mouse can bind left mouse click to .1 of a second per click (factoring latency) and loop continiously. that means that if you and the person running the mouse loop are clicking the same item (a resource node or a respawnable pet egg ) 99.9 percent of the time they are going to get it first, they knew this before they sold the items, and on the same note (until we get told otherwise) i cant see how multiboxing is against the EULA or tos unless (like the mouse example) its getting exploited. otherwise they are in a self defeating position selling and promoting items that breach their own terms and conditions...
  11. if your going to get all up in arms about it, i guess they should stop selling these then ,both of these items can play back pre-recorded keystrokes to facilitate faster acquistion of items currency objects, blah blah blah... http://www.razerzone.com/swtor/keyboard http://www.razerzone.com/swtor/mouse
  12. I think the confusion comes from the fact that some people cannot separate, the multibox players from the automated botters.
  13. Multiboxing is harder than what people think. imagine taking 4 different classes forming a group and trying to kill the same npc with all 4 group members at the same time. the fact you have melee and range abilities that work differently trying to work in unison would mess things up. multiboxing requires the player to be ever present. the player is playing the game. pressing all the keys. working on all group members at once. Even when broadcasting keys you run into issues (latency frameframes etc etc) its alot of effort. in regards to the crafting side of things and the economy, there are people ALREADY doing much worse than the multiboxer with crafting/space missions, and it has nothing to do with multiboxing but to do with botting. which if the multiboxer does, hes should get banned for. multiboxing is attended gameplay. if i set up the four pcs in my house side by side and logged into 4 paid swtor accounts, and sent all the companions out at once, i then got up out of my chair and moved to the next pc and did the same until i had sent all companions out on each account on each pc id have every right to do so. .... also then if i bought a kvm switch so that i could plug all 4 pcs into a hub, and I then can use same keyboard mouse and screen and change towers at the press of a button, (who wants keyboards screens and mice everywhere .. its a mess) and did this from the comfort of my one chair, that would be ok too. in the loosest sense of the term thats a form of multiboxing. wheres the problem?
  14. Actualy this is a really good observation. The new brackets would be a death blow to pvp on master darnala. its bad now, more often than not. just another reason to deal with APAC server population issues sooner rather than later.
  15. cool perhaps now you guys have assembled, you can collectively summon some courage and address issues that have attracted thousands of posts in a single thread, that has kept hundreds of angry customers angry... pleading for answers for SEVERAL months.. but hey if thats to much just keep patting yourselves on the back, and telling us how you enjoy rolling a marauder. we know how important that is....
  16. even an SWG type of customization for ships would be awesome, let me give u a example... like the look of the armor you are wearing? np.. drop it on the ground. /move forward 100.... /move up 100.. /move right 20... BAM armor suit on the wall! like collecting fluff?, or all the weapons you collected and liked the look of... your first colour crystals? up on the walls and roofs too! however you want them to be, some people... myself included. enjoy this type of immersion. if you dont like it you dont have to take part. how are ideas like this bad?
  17. you could modify ships in SWG exactly like you could modify the houses. it was fricken awesome. it does not matter if you have heard it a billion times., it has less to do with swg and more to do with customization and immersion for those who enjoy those types of features. lotro has player housing its not great but still its there does that mean i want to make swtor like lotro? no.... taking nice features from other mmo's that made them enjoyable is just smart. we did it with wow without being a clone. so why not other games?.....
  18. you know I cant beat vax. too good for me.
  19. I am just using windows movie maker and when i save the movie I choose custom settings "1280x720" @ 55ftps / 8000kbps . it turned out 4 times bigger than my previous upload , as it came to 300mb but now when i select highest quality settings on the youtube player 1080p and full screen everything is crystal clear.
  20. I didnt think of it like that, ive just always done it. but yeah i also use it to buy some time and take one down before i get mowed. ty for the constructive criticism. thats the reward for posting a vid. the risk is the lol's and trolls
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