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Everything posted by radbass

  1. every time the agent says "awwww dont tell me you're gona cry :'( " ... his tone of voice is hilarious
  2. A while ago me and a guildy were questing on Belsavis.... and in the middle of a battle we spotted someting odd. a lvl 14 pub appeared near us for a second, then disappeared. After a second we figured out that there was a chest right next to where the pub appeared. he was logging in, grabbing the chest, logging out, and probly logging into another toon next to another chest, rinse, repeat. deciding he must be a cred seller, we decided to wait near the chest. sure enough, he reappeared, and we murdered the hell out of him, then reported him. we know probably didnt make any difference in the end (even when sellers get banned they just make another account), but it felt satisfying, especially since we were both sick and tired of getting spam from sellers. anyone else ever hunt down a cred seller? lol i honestly think that as a community it is our responsibility to murder them ******es on sight. make it harder for them to operate and maybe theyl go away.
  3. yeah the merc commendations would be something to think about but i think you should DEFINITELY at least get some valor for relevant kills. maybe just a little bit. i mean... whether ur in a warzone or not, ur still PVPing. so you should get Valor.
  4. i was under the impression that open world PVP causes gear damage. is that not true? lol if thats the case i need to head to tatooine with my guild and grind out some merc commendations before i hit 50...
  5. anyone else notice that there are no rewards whatsoever for doing open world PVP outside of PVP areas? i enjoy a good murder as much as the next guy, and iv had a couple epic battles that really got my heart pumping (i love it when i get ambushed and still win lol).... But if you only get PVP rewards in designated areas that are also in PVE servers then what's the point in playing on a PVP server? you should get mercenary commendations, or at LEAST valor.
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