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Posts posted by Edryk

  1. With the bug causing resets to crew skills, I'm scared to level. I waited until today hoping that it would be addressed based on the last patch notes:

    Players will no longer have their Crew Skill ratings of 601 or higher be reset to 600 upon login or activation of a Crew Skill Mission. Anyone who first experienced this issue prior to 0100 UTC on June, 25th will now find their rank restored to its pre-reset value. Anyone who first experienced this issue since then will be addressed in our next patch.


    My crafting skill was at 615, and reset down to 600. I didn't lose too much. But what will happen when it gets 'fixed' next time. If I start leveling above 615, is it going to revert back to 615 again? Meanwhile, people that were at 700 and got bugged can't craft now? Seems like a long time to let this go on. Some communication about the fix would be nice.

  2. Thanks. Here's more information after testing some things.


    It seems to be reproducible by changing zones or logging out with stacks of Energy Lode. Buff bar shows one stack of Energy Lode when you re-enter the game. Stacks can visually increase but damage is as if there is only 1 and it is not consumed. Can be fixed by dying to clear all buffs. Makes sense, since I wasn't seeing this in PVP. Logging out does not fix.

  3. Please tell me if I'm missing something here. Energy Burst should consume Energy Lodes on use. I either have a visual bug or there's something not right here. See the below video. I use only Energy Burst with no other abilities. It shouldn't even be usable without getting a new stack of Energy Lode.




    I abandoned/retrained my discipline and tried the training dummy, and it seemed to work correctly. After relogging, it's back to the same odd behavior.

  4. Obviously strategy as winning games will get you gear anyway. The difference between BM and WH is pretty small as is. Once rateds come out, everyone will have full WH anyway and gear will be irrelevant. Give me a team that can work together any day.


    The more I play WZs the more I realize that some people just don't 'get it'. A team that does will wipe the floor with one that can't execute a strategy.

  5. This can happen sometimes, even with me at some occasions. Still looking into it but it's kinda hard.

    Imdisk has two things, ramdisk and mountpoint, and the program have to remove them both. In your case the ramdisk got removed but the mountpoint ® stayed active, and that had no location hence the ?.


    As far as I know, as long as you don't want to play, you can just leave it that way (as the ram is freed). I am not sure what happens if you try to start unleashed again, will have to test it. But then again maybe next time it will be removed correctly. Thanks for the feedback though.


    I'm having the issue where the RAM doesn't seem to be getting freed up. I can run the Unleashed program and it mounts up and takes around 4GB of RAM. But when I exit the game and try to remove the setup, it keeps the RAM 'in use'. You can see this by mounting and removing a couple times in a row. I have 12GB of RAM and after about 3 times it is all in use and my PC bogs down and has to be restarted. (Not an issue with the batch file)


    I can only imagine something is not telling it to dismount correctly, it keeps the RAM in use and then uses more free RAM to create a new ramdisk the next time. Of course this can be avoided by leaving it be, but if I want to play with the settings or free up the RAM it becomes an issue.

  6. Yeeeah... Im a PT tank, who really loves PvE, and used to love PvP. However, after 1.2, I dont find it fun as a tank. Pre-1.2, I could stay alive long enough vs 1-2 dps'ers (depending on how skilled) to call for help in voidstar or civil war.

    Post-1.2, I can hold my own for ~8-15 seconds vs 1 dpser (again, depending on skill, and class now).


    Figured this was just me, as I have stacked quite a bit of PvE gear (needed endurance because of guard). Only have three BM pieces, and if I swap over to recruit, I drop insane amounts of hp, which renders me even more useless (Guard a healer at 15k hp = me dropping 50% of my hp from healer dying = me beeing piss easy to kill).

    However, I talked to some other tanks, and they have the same experience as me. Three of the five i talked to have swapped to dps, two have stopped doing pvp until we are useful in pvp again.


    Me, well, I've stopped pvp'ing at the 50 bracket until I get my operative to 50 (can at least see if it is possible to heal at all in warzones.)


    If that doesnt pan out, well, there is always PvE. :-D Which atm, I find a helluva lot more entertaining than PvP.


    But meh, guess I'm gonna get flamed for using pve gear in warzones now. But pay notice: One of the tanks I talked to (Guardian), is full bm with 2-3 war hero pieces, with the same experience as me. (10k hits from marauder lolwut?).


    TL;DR: Lazy bastard, read the post.


    As a PT tank I feel more durable after 1.2. Get your BM gear and you'll be fine. You can't ask to be much more useful than we already are. If they have 20% expertise and you have 5%, well yeah, you should expect to die.

  7. TTK has not changed for geared players. Read the multiple threads in the PvP forum for math. Example:



    The change in burst right at the release of 1.2 was due to the large buffs in expertise on BM gear while Champion gear didn't change. At the same time the expertise formula changed so that combat would remain the same at the expertise cap. People in Champ noticed a big difference because their expertise was suddenly much lower than people in BM gear - in other words: their survivability was nerfed without the stats on their gear changing.


    For those of us in BM gear nothing changed. As everyone gets the easy to acquire BM gear TTK will level out to almost identical to pre 1.2.


    TL;DR: TTK was affected for a short while because of the change in gear, not mechanics.

  8. 10. Voidstar: Ignore the guy planting a bomb at the door, or not watch the door at all.

    We've all seen this too...


    On the flip side, respawning and watching 6 of your teammates on offense chase one enemy around near a door using no cc and no one trying to cap the door.

  9. From the patch notes, this appears to be the case, since in VS your team score is the number of points (doors and bridge) you get through. Should probably be looked at. Another reason why I hate VS.


    However, I haven't noticed this personally. Would love to see a screenshot of how many medals you got and how long the match went.


    The amount of Valor, Commendations, and credits awarded at the end of a Warzone is now based on your team's score, with a bonus for the winning team. Experience rewards are still based on the amount of time spent in the Warzone.
  10. The gear not updating would have been very minor if there had been rated warzones. We would be accruing rated commendations at a much higher rate and filling out our WH sets quite quickly. It wouldn't have been much of a grind. But since they removed rated WZs at the last minute and never introduced a less grindy way of acquiring the new WH gear, we are stuck with trading WZ coms at a 3:1 rate.


    So they pushed 1.2 too quickly after deciding not to include rated warzones and didn't code in a solution to this problem. Not an excuse, since the PTS forum was full of posts about this, but a reason things didn't go as intended.

  11. What is the chance for this to happen? I have made over 20 elegant sniper rifles...This is a skematic I got from investigation after the patch...it is an orange weapon....and I'm using blizz with his +1 to armstech and not a one has popped with an augment slot.


    Is there some special procedure I'm missing or is this just more of BW's screwed up RNG system at work.


    IF the crit crafting chance is 5%, then the chances of crafting 20 items with no crit is close to 36%. Even assuming you double that by using Blizz... still a 12% chance of no crits.


    I feel for you. I've used up a ton of mats myself trying to get a full augment set.

  12. Yep, for 6 seconds you stay away from him, run run away. Use an ability that knocks him back and then wait for that shield to end. Then you can go to kite town.


    I wish I could, but PTs are kinda SOL in that situation. Will try carbonize and run.

  13. Annnnnyways. The thing is this, you need to know how to play against a marauder. Our 20% shield ability goes away in 6 seconds if you don't damage us, okay, so we become squishy again. No marauder is using their crazy 99% shield until the end where they have 2k or less lives. You know what you do when you get a marauder to 5-6k life, you STUN them. If you blow your stun later instead of at the beginning you can burst prevent us from getting our 99% shield ability up. I don't use force choke until the end so that I can gen some rage with it and finish with the Vicious Throw combo, which now comes at a whooping 30%.


    Right, I have a Marauder but open to suggestions. So he pops CoP. I just stand there for 6 seconds? I can't attack, my slow is a DoT and he slows me. Do DoTs refresh it? I could stun, but have to save that for the end. Mez might work if no other DoTs procced or he breaks it. Meanwhile I get loaded up with DoTs. I can pop my shield, but then I'm down 2 defensive CDs to none. So I'm down a good 30-50% of my health and I haven't even hit him aside from my first attack. Shield goes down, Annihilate and stun.

  14. So in the end, yes marauders got a boost, but I think that is probably because your average marauder was not very good. Heals got a nerf because Sorcs./Sages were double dipping and using bugged mechanics, now it's a cry fest because now they can't be immortal and have to run away from Marauders like me instead of just standing there and healing all damage that they take.


    Look someone in this thread finally got it. Unfortunately this screws those of us that weren't bugged/OP and often play against the top 1% Marauders. The class shouldn't be balanced around the bad or even average players, especially if they are adding rated matches.

  15. I play on the server Sanctum of the Exalted. I am THE BEST Annihilation Marauder on the server. I am consistently top dps in almost every single warzone I play. I don't take screenshots so you'll have to take my word for it. On that server there is only me and probably 1-2 other Marauders that I would consider good, everyone else is average at best.

    Love the humility. I feel honored to be talking to god's gift to the MMO genre.


    I use almost every single CD that I have, I have learned to use them. I actively work to incorporate more and more options into my rotations. The truth of the matter is that Marauders were considered to be a weak class during launch, nothing, nothing, nothing changed! People learned how to properly play marauders is all.

    It must be nice to have so many cooldowns to use. I get 1 def CD, the relics everyone else gets, 1 offensive CD.


    My job is to DPS people to death, that's what I do. And you guys know what those people that I am attacking do? They either run away, or knock me back and run away, or combination. If they stand toe to toe in melee I rip them apart. Sentinels/Marauders are designed to be top 1v1 class. Properly specced Mercs and their Pub equivilents will always out dps a Marauder is they just stand there and spam shoot their rotation. My favorite is going up against a Merc/Tropper who starts spamming TM/Grav and you interrupt them, all you see is my damage and them standing still because they only know how to press one button. By the time they can press it again I have taken off 3k plus put dots on them.

    You act like you're the only one who ever played a melee dps in PvP before. Of course good players move around. They move out of Ravage, interrupt heals, etc. You act like you expect the group of enemies to split like you're running through a flock of birds. The fact is, you can't always kite. Sometimes you have nowhere to go. You need to stay near an objective. Other melee need to go toe to toe with you.


    That being said, I can't do much to an OPs or Smuggler who stealth stuns and unloads on me. I have difficulty against good Tankssins such as Dizeren/J'elly. There IS a very good Sage on my server named Scipio who is very difficult for me to kill as a Marauder. He's dps specced and he knows how to kite very very well. There used to be a Trooper (don't know class or spec, but I think it was a Pyro equivilent) who was very difficult for me to beat, his name was Oblexis. Again, it's a skill aspect. There are good players that have kited me and I had great difficulty while there are others who would stand still and were a joke to take out.

    So there's 3 people on your whole server who are a challenge. Not helping your case.


    Everyone seems to think that their class needs love. My advice "L2P".

    No, I think classes are balanced, except yours.


    Everyone is complaining about Ravage/Strike... I can almost never pull off the full combo on anyone. NEVER. I may get 1 hit in, maybe 2, but it is so rare for me to get the full 3 second channel. You guys know why? Because people MOVE AWAY. They don't stand there and complain that I just smoked them in one move. The only ones that actively take the brunt of such an ability are A) Bad Players and B) Other melee dps/tank classes. Good Marauders don't use Ravage because it allows your opponent to run away. The only time I'll use Ravage is if I feel someone is kiting me in a small circle, so that they are within range and won't leave that range.

    No, we are complaining because an already powerful AC got buffed even more to the point of stupid.


    Wait, let me repeat that. I'm not complaining about Ravage one-shotting me.


    My marauder skills were fine before, the vast majority of opponents would think that they were OP, not the case, the way I play my marauder against them is OP.

    Look maybe you're an exceptional player. You already talked about how much you owned everyone pre 1.2. But your position is that it's not the other Marauders that need to L2P it's everyone else. But clearly the class was fine since you were doing so well. The class has a high skill cap. It's currently not balanced around the best players. You get so many tools to use that other classes don't. I think the burst is a little out of control, but the combination of cooldowns is a big problem. It's bad design for one class to dominate so much that it unbalances the opposing team's strategy.


    I don't think my class should dominate, I just want to be on equal footing vs the other classes. Currently it seems okay except for Marauders/Sentinals.

  16. Yes, they have the best DPS. By 5% only. The defensive CD's also are only good for bursting and 1v1 situations. They are terrible in PVE because they don't last long enough. Sheesh all you need to do to render a Sentinel impotent is to root them.


    I'd believe that sustained dps they are ahead by 5%. But there is no combination of buttons I can press with relics and adrenals that will allow me to do 11k damage in 3 seconds. Ravage isn't even the problem. PvP is about burst or negating defenses. I don't have any roots, so that won't help.


    How do you come up with this 5% number?

  17. The Devs have said that, several times. The Sentinel and Marauder are the highest DPS class in the game. The Gunslinger and Sniper are the highest ranged DPS in the game, second highest DPS over all. That is balanced.


    How else do you expect to reward the only classes in the game who cannot tank or heal no matter what?


    Also... Don't give me that "WoW balances purely based on role" argument. I know they do, or they try to, regardless of never actually succeeding. This game, however, isn't WoW.




    Also, why are they so much better tanks than... tanks? Glass cannon is fine. Five chained def cooldowns while having the best damage in the game, not so much.

  18. That's a fair point, the game should be balanced on 1v1 foundation, and I think BW are working really hard to achieve this. There are juggs/guardians, assasins, sorcs/sages & smugglers/ops that have completely wrecked me 1v1, there were times when I would win but it wouldn't be this faceroll you are describing.


    I would be lucky to walk away with 5-10% health in those situations. So I think BW are really close to nailing a balance everyone can agree on, but its threads like these, where data is ignored over hype and the volume of complaints like "that class is better than mine!"

    - this is an MMO, it wouldn't be any decent of an MMO if there weren't a million posts of this nature every other week, but it doesnt justify the need for nerfs/buffs nor the need for further QQ which in the end, ultimately harms the game.


    In these 1v1 situations a mara/sent will use every defensive cd they have, every CC they have and every slow/lock-up and accuracy debuff they have. This is part of the reason why we are so viable in a 1v1 situation, but we have to put all of our eggs in the one basket to do so. How is this any different to all the other melee classes? Or any pure DPS class for that matter?


    Are you saying you run into a mara with ALL of your CD's up and you still get obliterated? I doubt it, you may get killed or you may have killed them, but I'd stake the remainder of my sub that it was a fairly even fight, and the both of you came close to defeat (obviously one closer than the other).


    I've come across unkillable juggs/guardian and the most rage-inducing ops/smugglers & assasins on my server and the only conclusion I have come to is that "they were better than me". They knew what abilities to look out for, saved their stuns for/defensive cd's for. These players know the game well and shouldn't be the reason why mara/sent are copping all this new hype of being the gods of PvP.


    So, No, mara/sent are not the OP god everyone in this thread is describing. You came across a better player, pure and simple, and I hate to say something as snobby as that to anyone but that is the fact of the matter.


    Just the same as I have come across players that were purely BETTER than me (and this includes all classes, not just the ones I keep referring to in my examples). They wrecked me, and those players soon create a reputation for themselves as generally good PvPers on their respective servers.


    What everyone in this thread has been claiming is that, this one buff to ravage has automatically bridged the gap between skill and gear, and that now mara's are just another "One button I win king" class (much like people used to say about pyrotechs and their railshot pre 1.2 - and now look what happened to them).


    I was doing fine as carnage before this ravage/MS buff came into play, and I will continue to do so when it comes our turn to cop the nerf stick just like our poor pyrotech friends have. But I do not agree with you when you suggest/imply that this ONE buff to a 30 second cd, channelled melee ability has bridged the almighty gap between GEAR & SKILL and now every mara/sent out there is a facerolling death machine worthy of warlord/elite warlorld status just because they decided to spec carnage after the 1.2 refund - this I just cannot accept.


    So I'm sorry for being rude like this, but it comes down to individual skill level, and while I cannot and will not lecture someone on their respective class, I will speak for mara/sent players out there - there are still hundreds of crap mara/sents in my warzones, literally hundreds.


    When you come across the bad ones you will know it-they should & will crumble at your feet, when you chance upon the skilled ones you will not know what hit you and threads like these are born...


    Yes, I run into two-three Sent/Maras on my server that totally wreck me every time. All CDs available and used. 100-0 and they are at >60%. Let me clear something up - I'm not saying that this ONE buff made them totally OP. I'm saying that in the right hands, a Marauder was already very, very strong. This patch buffed the class even more, and that doesn't make sense.


    It may be that they are better individual players than me. But my guild consistently beats theirs when they meet. The top Powertech on the server is in my guild and was flabbergasted by how easily a Marauder can take him down now. There is no Operative, Merc, PT, Sorc or Snipe that could do that consistently. I didn't complain before 1.2; I figured it was a rock, paper, scissors issue and was okay with that. But then I made a marauder and realized I could take down pretty much any other class faily easily. Then 1.2 hits and suddenly no name Marauders are face smashing everyone? I really think that there's something wrong.


    Now I like to think I'm a pretty good player. I win the vast majority of WZs I play. I curse myself out when I screw up. I'm willing to admit there's better players out there. But when I feel like I do everything right and still get wrecked, I know my gear is equal, and everyone else is saying the same thing, I tend to think there might be something to it.

  19. People are dying faster now period. Get used to it. Its not like Marauders are putting up stupid numbers like 700K per warzone now as a single target DPS.


    They buffed Ravage and damage in general while not increasing mitigation and nerfing healing. You're going to die faster. News flash. Its not just us. Now stun me or KB me and l2play.


    I was Carnage before the patch and Carnage after. Everything hits a ******** harder and I now have to pop Undying Rage when I even think I'm gonna be at 25% health. I could get down to a sliver before and use it.


    Yes, people are dying faster now. But there's a reason Marauders are getting the brunt of the complaints. They are over the top. The other classes in equal gear are balanced. But an already strong AC (arguably the strongest in damage) was buffed while most everyone else got nerfs.


    Yup, I die faster to OPs, Snipers, Mercs etc. I also do more damage to them, so it balances out. Not so with Maras/Sents. They are ripping everyone new ones (except snipers apparently).


    People aren't complaining in here about the increased dps of PvP in general. It just creates a faster paced game. They are specifically complaining about one class because they are crazy right now.


    BW decided to buff the class based on the average player, not the top players. The top Mara/Sents were already spanking everyone. Now they just look at you funny and you are respawning, while the mediocre ones that were easy to kill are now formidable.

  20. No, that is not my argument in a nutshell.


    If you are complaining about a melee class chopping you into pieces (1v1) once in melee range, my position is "get out" of melee range, failing which (CC breakout on cooldown etc) stick with your group.


    And I do stand by the fact that mara/sent are great in 1v1 situations, just as I stand by the fact that operative/smugglers are also great in 1v1 situations.


    You have to spec pure carnage to pull off that burst damage combo(master strike/ravage combo), it is just not possible in rage/annhi as you lack the necessary lock-ups to keep them there for the duration of the combo.


    And like you said, you would agree that mara/sent have always been a strong class & I agree with you on that, but, so too are the smuggler/operative - and this is speaking in a strictly 1v1 situation. These two classes are hands down the best in the game if 1v1 is your playstyle.


    So I apologize for not specifying that my post was only addressing the 1v1 aspect of the marauder/sentinel PvP. Because frankly,all these other posts complaining about "oh two maras just melted all of my HP in seconds" does not warrant a reply in my books..you got 2v1'd by two melee classes, what the hell did you think was going to happen?


    No, I'm saying that other MELEE ACs should have a fighting chance 1v1 vs a Marauder/Sent. Not get totally obliterated. We can't just get out of melee... then I can't hit you either and you just force leap. I don't expect to win 100% of the time, I just want a fair fight. If I charge into a group of enemies I expect to die. If I charge into a single Marauder now I expect to die just as fast. Ops/Smugglers have burst but nowhere near the survivability that Mara/Sents have. You can't have both, it's simply OP.


    1v1 balance is the foundation of group balance. So I bring a friend. What if there's 2 Mara/Sents? We both get smacked down.


    So far I've seen three responses in this thread: a) Run away b) Bring a group and c) the level headed Sent/Mara players that say we are OP.

  21. Mara/Sent have the necessary skill points in their talent trees to become 1v1 machines, it has always been this way, the only difference now is a semi-noticable buff to ravage/MS AND the much needed BUFF to expertise. Want to out-live us? stay close to an ally or your ops group and watch us fail.


    Failing which, do what I did and do some research on the other class' abilities and talent trees and maybe next time that little bit of extra knowledge will make the difference between you and that 'unstoppable' mara/sent you so quickly bash on the forums.


    Wait until the expertise gap is closed in the coming weeks, then see if your QQ is still justified.


    So your argument is 'if you want to kill a marauder, bring two friends'. This is the definition of overpowered. How can you justify that position? If it takes a group to kill you, there is something wrong.


    And yes, if you read this thread, most people agree that Marauders were already strong. This fact did not escape us. We are wondering why in the galaxy they'd get buffed more.


    Many of us have alts of the class, and understand the mechanics.


    Most in here are full BM geared, which means yesterday we had the most expertise you could have, so were on even footing at worst.


    Maybe next BW will let players control Ops bosses. Just bring a group to kill me!

  22. Interesting, you're claiming that you 1v2 people and pop your cooldowns and still have 75% life? You do realize that Sent/Mara's "5 second god mode" instantly reduces their current health by 50%....right?


    No, on my marauder I can 2v1 and win. 1v1 against a marauder on other ACs I die while they have 60-75% health left.


    Whether they popped UR and got healing ticks from DoTs, Second Wind, or medpacks or just didn't use it I don't know.

  23. No idea what your talking about all my channelling moves can be cancelled easily. Master Strike becoming interruptible is a focus tree perk... And Focus is a bad PvP tree.


    All my attacks I use are instant attacks anyway, I use Master Strike when am low on focus but it normally gets cancelled right away...


    And sentinels have extremely long CD's in WZ's Shadows are stronger like 80 percent the time 1 on 1. But when you meet a sentinel who has all his CD's ready and you attempt to 1 on 1 them except to lose.


    All you have to do is stealth or run away for 15 seconds and we back to normal strength, instead idiots try to take us head on die then cry about it on here.


    Hi, I have cooldowns too. You pop yours, I pop mine, you end with 75% health, I'm dead. Why?


    Run away? Then I can't hit you. And you charge me. Wait, that's your solution? Run away? LOL. Why should a marauder be the god of 1v1? You absolutely need a friend to have even a chance against them BY YOUR OWN ADMISSION.


    On my marauder I can easily 2v1 people as Rage/Focus, which is weak apparently.


    Stop trying to 1v1 in a team oriented warzone?

    If you think 1v1 never happens in a team WZ you are delusional. Sorry, I'm not going to run into the deathtrap mid node full of the enemy team. I'm going where the enemy is weakly defending.

  24. People just need to developer new styles to counter sents, if your still trying to go toe to toe with them unless your a tank then your the one playing poorly.


    Cant tell you the amount of times I have seen players attack me head on after I just hit all my defence buffs and used relic/adrenal combo, that's not my class being OP'ed that them being utter morons...


    So no melee classes should be able to kill a marauder? Even tanks have trouble. Stun when? During your channels? During your mitigation CDs? I only have 1, can't interrupt your channels anymore.


    Kite you? As a melee? Oh wait I have to get in melee range to slow you, at which point you also apply a slow. I run away, Force charge.


    Yeah I have a Marauder too, and they are crazy atm.

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