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Posts posted by Darth_Slashius

  1. Hello Role Players and To Whomever Else This May Concern,


    I hope everyone is doing well and is enjoying the SWTOR universe. This thread was created for everyone interested to post their ideas for interesting characters in a role play environment. As such, I offer a service for those wishing to take that idea a step further. Check me out on Fiverr and let's create some awesome characters together!


    You can also reach me in-game on the Satele Shan server (into which my original server was merged) via the following characters:

    • Søtus (ALT code ALT + 0248)
    • Àzoth (ALT code ALT + 0192)
    • Nyeklas
    • Viyir


    This service is primarily for people who want to create a fun and interesting character but are fresh out of ideas or can't find the time to sit down and flesh it out. This isn't a common service, and it was something my circle of role players often asked about, so I thought I'd go ahead and provide it! I offer this service for more than just SWTOR!


    Check it out here and place your order:



  2. I'm having the same problem. I can't kill the enemy Walkers because there's a massive delay on my abilities. A lot of times, they won't activate at all but will still go on cooldown and put me through a GCD. Meanwhile, the enemy Walkers are allowed to hit me as much as they please. I can't progress because of this on my main. I'd try on other characters, but they're all bugged in Chapter I due to a missing companion issue that Bioware has still refused to address properly.
  3. Still no luck for you guys?


    Not even a little. The problem begins after the walker portion of chapter I the part where you pilot the Walker and then go into the Shrine of Healing (now out of the Walker) and fight some mobs after speaking to Senya. The CS person to whom I spoke took control of my account, and when I was given my account back I logged in to find my character IN the Walker, not even to the boss portion of that quest. This means the CS person didn't even make it to the part that was bugged to even have a chance at solving it. I even explained exactly where I was bugged in my various tickets. Their solution is to turn my graphics down. What!? How can a companion missing from my companions' list (to whom I need to speak to further the quest) be a graphics issue? Not to mention, again, that my machine is a monster and has no issue running this game's graphics. Just a fact. Sorry, long-winded, am I.

  4. So here we are coming up on the weekend and this issue has still not been addressed.


    Oh, it was addressed, just poorly. Customer service guy didn't even take a look at the actual bug. They're not even trying.


    Part of me wants to play through the chapter as far as I can while recording the whole thing, just so I can upload it with another ticket and be like, "TELL ME IT'S MY COMPUTER AGAIN! SAY IT!!"

  5. UPDATE: As of this post, I am in a live agent chat with someone from customer service about this issue.


    UPDATE 2: He is accessing my account to try and resolve the issue. But he did try to tell me that it's probably my graphics again. No, it isn't. "Try lowering your graphics and playing in windowed mode." First of all, I always play in windowed mode. Secondly, my graphics drivers are up-to-date and my PC exceeds the requirements to run SWTOR (see OP). Third, just so I could say I tried, I *did* lower my graphics all the way down while in windowed mode (it was excruciating) and the bug persisted. Not my graphics.


    Lastly (for now), I should have mentioned an idea a friend had to him (she posted on this thread earlier). If this bug is happening to people, check and see if it is on a character that has NOT completed the chapter of KOTFE (the expansion before this one) where they get that companion originally (in this case, Theron Shan - chapter 8/9). If that character has NOT completed those chapters, it's possible that the files are not registered for you in KOTET, which could be why you're not seeing him in your companions list and, therefore, cannot speak to him to further the quest.


    So, if the issue is not resolved when I get my account back from customer service, I will try this. But I will say this: If people decide to skip KOTFE content (a lot of people do once they've seen it all the first time just so they can get to the new content and level), the files should automatically register and we should have access to all necessary companions from KOTFE so that we can progress in KOTET. This feels like a programming oversight on Bioware's end, because a lot of people get to max level without ever even touching story content, not to mention those people who use boosted characters and immediately start at KOTET.


    End novel, for now.


    UPDATE 3: I was given access to my account, and since the customer service guy took control of the character on which I am having this issue, he logged me out while I was IN the walker, which means he didn't even get far enough in the quest to actually see where the bug is occurring, and he tells me that everything seems fine and closes my tickets.


    I'm speechless...


    UPDATE 4: I went back and played chapters 8 and 9 of KOTFE. Theron Shan is still not in my list of companions. Therefore, I am still bugged in KOTET.

  6. This is really bad from BioWare side. They really cant blame my PC configuration or settings cause I have brand new gaming PC, playing all the games on ultra settings. I dont mention, they have problem with shadows, which arent working too... They dont even answer if they are working on it.


    There's a rumor that has been circulating for at least a year that Bioware does not really work during December. If it's true, it's embarrassing for a company claiming to maintain an MMORPG. If it's not true, it sure feels like it is.


    So, at the very earliest (assuming the rumor *is* true), we probably won't see results until January.


    However, I don't know how much stock I would put in this rumor unless you hear from someone who actually works there and has proof of it.


    Regardless, this is pretty pitiful.

  7. Im having something similar except i cant even talk to senya the cutscence happens and i approach the doorway but no conversation happens. Ive done this with two toons and even restarted the whole mission on one and still stuck at the same spot with both characters.


    Gg, Bioware. They haven't even put any of these issues in their "known bugs" thread.

  8. Guys, I feel your pain here. I reported this bug several times. Here is a link to my post (I reported it in-game and finally had to resort to the forums). WARNING: I HAVE NOT FOUND ANY SOLUTIONS. I'M GIVING YOU A LINK TO MY POST SO YOU CAN SEE THE STRUGGLE THROUGH WHICH I HAVE GONE TRYING TO GET SOME ACTUAL SOLUTIONS TO THIS.


    Love you all. I promise.



  9. I have been having this issue for a few days now. I have opened a few tickets on this, and each time I was not really given a logical solution (none of them worked anyway).


    So, I will post this here in the hopes that something can be done about it, either through a patch (if other people are experiencing this) or through personal assistance.


    Here are my ticket reference numbers: 30381814, 30393717, 3040937 (this one has not been addressed and is still open as of this post. This ticket was also opened twice, because when I logged out and back in, I found that it had completely disappeared from tickets list - and I don't open tickets very often. This is the most amount of tickets I've ever opened, ever).


    So, I will repeat what I had said in the latest ticket - the one I had to open twice for whatever reason.


    I understand that things are hectic with the release of a new expansion, but this is my third (technically, fourth) ticket for the same issue, and the previous resolution that I was given was not a resolution at all. I was told that when I logged in, I would be beyond the point of progress where my previous ticket(s) explained I was stuck. Instead, when I logged in, I had been moved *backwards.*


    Before, I was past the point where I had done the Walker portion of KOTET's Chapter I: Wrath and Ruin, and I was in the temple (Shrine of Healing), stuck after having killed dozens of enemies after having talked to Senya, but before actually reaching Arcann. I could not progress because the mission told me to talk to my companion, Theron Shan, who was nowhere to be found and I could not summon him, even after I restarted the quest, returned to fleet, and came back (I tried several combinations of this. None worked). Theron Shan does not even appear in my list of companions.


    It was also suggested that I may be having this issue because my PC does not meet the minimum requirements to run SWTOR. Let me be as clear as I can - that is nowhere near the issue. I built my computer, and it far exceeds the minimum requirements to run SWTOR. Moreover, I completed this portion of the quest on a DIFFERENT character prior to the character that is stuck. My PC is not the issue, and I have not changed any settings between those characters (or any of my characters).


    I'm trying to be as patient as I can, and I apologize if I come across as rude, but having to put in three (four) tickets about the same issue and it still not being resolved is a little more than frustrating to me. All I want is to progress through the game's content and get my character leveled in the process. Please, for the love of SWTOR, help me fix this.


    Here are my computer specs in case anyone who sees this is curious. I snipped off the end since it is not relevant to my actual specs:



    System Information


    Time of this report: 12/4/2016, 23:06:58

    Machine name: PHANTOM-PC

    Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_ldr.161007-0600)

    Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

    System Manufacturer: To be filled by O.E.M.

    System Model: To be filled by O.E.M.

    BIOS: BIOS Date: 02/26/14 16:48:57 Ver: 04.06.05

    Processor: AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core Processor (8 CPUs), ~4.0GHz

    Memory: 16384MB RAM

    Available OS Memory: 16282MB RAM

    Page File: 7190MB used, 25370MB available

    Windows Dir: C:\Windows

    DirectX Version: DirectX 11

    DX Setup Parameters: /Silent

    User DPI Setting: Using System DPI

    System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)

    DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled

    DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 32bit Unicode



    DxDiag Notes


    Display Tab 1: No problems found.

    Sound Tab 1: No problems found.

    Sound Tab 2: No problems found.

    Sound Tab 3: No problems found.

    Input Tab: No problems found.



    DirectX Debug Levels


    Direct3D: 0/4 (retail)

    DirectDraw: 0/4 (retail)

    DirectInput: 0/5 (retail)

    DirectMusic: 0/5 (retail)

    DirectPlay: 0/9 (retail)

    DirectSound: 0/5 (retail)

    DirectShow: 0/6 (retail)



    Display Devices


    Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960

    Manufacturer: NVIDIA

    Chip type: GeForce GTX 960

    DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC

    Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1401&SUBSYS_39673842&REV_A1

    Display Memory: 4095 MB

    Dedicated Memory: 3072 MB

    Shared Memory: 1023 MB

    Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)

    Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor

    Monitor Model: ASUS VN248

    Monitor Id: ACI24C4

    Native Mode: 1920 x 1080(p) (60.000Hz)

    Output Type: HDMI

    Driver Name: nvd3dumx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um

    Driver File Version: 21.21.0013.7609 (English)

    Driver Version:

    DDI Version: 11

    Driver Model: WDDM 1.1

    Driver Attributes: Final Retail

    Driver Date/Size: 11/24/2016 15:54:04, 17440928 bytes

    WHQL Logo'd: Yes

    WHQL Date Stamp:

    Device Identifier: {D7B71E3E-5741-11CF-4B46-6A191BC2D835}

    Vendor ID: 0x10DE

    Device ID: 0x1401

    SubSys ID: 0x39673842

    Revision ID: 0x00A1

    Driver Strong Name: oem30.inf:NVIDIA_Devices.NTamd64.6.1:Section024:\ven_10de&dev_1401

    Rank Of Driver: 00E62001


  10. Hello, you tons and tons of people who won't care about this thread at all!


    I told a friend that I would do this, and voilà, I have done it!


    So, without further delay, here are the reasons I call my friend Apoc, in a guild that I shan't name, 'Mom.'


    It all started one night when we were having some fun PvPing. The teams were hit or miss as far as who we were carrying, or who was carrying us, and we had our normal friendly banter going on in TeamSpeak. Then, out of nowhere, Apoc starts going on and on about how she wished, to the very depths of her soul, that she had a couple kids she could pour all of her love into! "Why not go out and find you a hubby with whom to have these kids," I asked.


    "Nay," she said. "I am saving myself for the knight in shining armor who can slay the dragon that is guarding my tower!"


    "Well, you're gonna be waiting a long time," I replied, "for all the mighty knights in the land have been slain themselves, or perished at the hands of time!"


    With that, Apoc's hope dwindled, and her fear that she would die without having bore a child skyrocketed! My Spidey senses began to tingle; I could sense the apprehension in her. The feelings of being distraught were real!


    "But fear not," I shouted, lifting a finger on the other side of the computer screen that she could not see, "I have heard of a way that you may have children for which you have sought for so long!"


    Apoc let out an excited gasp. "How," she screamed with anticipation.


    "You're the leader of a guild," I answered, "and you may treat all of your guildies as if they are your children. You may scare them off, but you could still do it!" There was a pause, and in an effort to fill the silence, I added, "And to facilitate this new development, I will begin calling you Mom!"


    The glee that surged through her could be felt from light-years away! Never before had someone come up with such an idea and offered it to her. Apoc was so happy that her breasts began to tingle and her ******s hardened. She was ready to be a mother, indeed!


    To the surprise and delight of all of her guildies, Apoc began nurturing them with caring deeds, providing them shelter in the form of a flagship, and sustenance in the form of virtual blood, spilled on the battlefield that we all know as PvP! She cares for her guildies, and in return they, along with myself, call her 'Mom!' Oh, a glorious time it has been in Apoc-Land! There has been food, brandy, and merriment from dawn to dusk! I weep for those who attempt to interfere with Apoc's nest in an effort to do harm to her or her children, for a formidable mother she is!


    A woman of scaly skin, deep and profound eyes, and teeth as sharp as a razor's edge, Apoc enjoys standing atop her motherly throne, keeping watch over her children and watching them grow and prosper, waiting to pounce upon any predator that would dare threaten their lives. Her age is just a number, but her experiences are a great many, for the stories she tells (oftentimes at parties, at the end of which she frequently finds five dollars) are full of what she considers wisdom and life lessons. We do, of course, listen to her stories, but as children of the Apoc we ignore the lessons and mock her for being a woman of old! However, we do love our mother, and we will continue to humor her and grow before her, for she is Apoc, the mother of the SWTOR-folk!

  11. Maven's response

    Super-queues on both sides happen due to the population scarcity, there really just aren't enough players queuing up. While not intentional, we don't really care when they happen either.


    PS. People should look for ways to improve their personal ability and their chances of winning, not look for easier opposition. There is no Story Mode in PVP.


    Never said superqueues don't happen on both sides. I have friends that superqueue, and I don't agree when they do it either. I'm also aware that it is just part of the system and there aren't enough people queuing up at times and it will just happen due to population size. What really drove me to post what I did was the grieving that I have witnessed during superqueues. Calling people bad and whatnot when said superqueues have 8 people on their team in a coordinated effort while the other team may have, at most, four. You may say the other four need to work on their skill together, but four people cannot win a game against 8 by themselves without their PUGs at least pulling SOME of the weight. If two superqueues go at it, and one side beats the other, I would have no qualms there. I'd call that an 8v8 ranked at that point (and I miss those days).


    Probably should've made it clear that it was more the calling people bad for losing against an 8-man that is a little unnerving. I get that it's the Internet, and grieving is going to happen, because yay anonymity and superiority complexes for being decent at a video game, but I just find it unnecessary.


    Continue retorts, please.


    EDIT: I would also point out that I do agree that going up against tough teams is the time when you attempt to improve your personal abilities rather than trying to necessarily win the match (as you're probably not going to depending on your team's composition and coordination in comparison to the premade(s)), but there is only so much you can do when going up against 8 players that have been playing together for quite some time and have their group cohesion down pat, whereas you're stuck with people you may not have been playing with nearly as long, if at all. That being said, I'll still try to improve my personal abilities. If I were tanking, and got thrown into a Huttball against a team that my comp has no chance of beating, that's when I'm gonna say **** the ball and just work on my guard swapping, taunting appropriately, peeling, and CCing. If DPSing, I'll pick a random PUG on my team that is also a DPS and follow them around trying to focus fire with them, etc. It'd be nice if there were more people of the same mentality, because maybe then PUGs would be able to stand up against the superqueues. Maybe not win, but stand up at least. Oh, and yay a much longer edit than I originally intended.

  12. 1) Welcome to the server.

    2) Admittedly, you do have some decent players.

    3) It's hard for me to call a guild good when, majority of the time, they are superqueueing and crushing PUGs, or maybe a premade of 4 and 4 PUGs. *Shrug* Call me an ***, ask me if "I'm mad, bro," whatever. All I really see you doing is grieving people who are trying to PvP. That being said, I do see how crushing people with an 8-man premade, whether consisting entirely of your guild or not, is fun, but it's not fun for the other side, though I'm sure you don't care, which isn't the point.


    Note: I'm not saying you're bad people, as I've never had any negative interaction(s) with any of you. Merely saying that it seems obnoxious to me to constantly superqueue and beat people who aren't coordinated via voice or cohesion, because not in a premade. Oh, and my welcome was genuine, because despite my qualms with your superqueues, the coordination is quite impressive, and it reminds me of the old 8v8 ranked days. Still, my opinions remain.


    Oh, and before people jump on my case with insults and sarcasm, I'll go ahead and get that started, too.


    "Shut up." "Go cry somewhere else." "WAAAAHHHH" "You mad, bro?" "You're bad." "L2P" "Internet insult!" "Myriad of other things to insult you with for daring to speak your opinion when no one asked for it."


    Mkay, done.

  13. For future reference, this is exactly how I read walls of text:



    If you do not wish to read everything I type then that is your prerogative.



    Also, just because you have not heard someone's name in PvP does not mean they are inactive, bad, or simply sub par, as there are many hours in the day and those of whom you have not heard might simply be active at different times than you.

  14. Temper tantrum? Excuse me, but my post didn't have the slightest hint of "temper" in it. I pointed out a fact, nothing more.


    You're all at each other's throats over what is, frankly, quite meaningless in the long run. None of you are going to accept the others' views or play styles, nor are you going reach any sort of a common ground. You're going to continue to hate on each other, especially considering there is much safety behind a computer screen and in anonymity in general. The fact remains, however, that bringing the aforementioned third party into this was tactless, and you don't even know how said person would feel about the potentially unwanted attention this is going to bring him. Now, there are going to be people, as we've already seen in an indirect manner, hating on him and talking **** about him. That makes me sad not only as a gamer, but as a person, because I've had interactions with Ninja out of character, and he's a nice guy, and I don't think he's a bad player or a bad assassin by any means. Now, however, because you brought him up with the mention of whatever group he was putting together, and the mere fact that he associates with you in some way, those who dislike you are going to start, metaphorically, pissing on him as well, which, as I've already said, we've already seen in an indirect manner.

  15. Yup, I'm so "bad" at the class that Ninja asked me to be part of this assassin group of his that he's putting some of the best PvP sins on the server into. Yup, clearly bad.[/quote


    LOL When did either of you become some of the "best sins on the server"?



    I think the better question here is why you're assuming that Ninjablade is bad just because Saeari brought him up during his temper tantrum here. I can understand why you'd lash out at Saeari based on the pissing contest going on between you all, but you indirectly insulted a third party that is not actually involved here, which I do not understand. Moreover, as said third party has not involved himself in this little lovers' quarrel, you're assuming that he actually believes himself to be one of the best assassins on the server. It seems like you just want to hate on him because he is somehow associated with Saeari, even though you don't even know the guy/gal.

  16. I posted something about Ninjablade on the PvP "hate" thread, but then, only after I posted it, I realized that I was giving him props instead of actually bashing him, even though it was never my intention to bash him. I merely stated that I "hated" him because he beats the hell out of me in WZs all the time. Outside of his RPs, however, he's actually a very nice and respectful guy.


    That being said, I have to wholly disagree that assassins/shadows are FOTM. Yes, they hit very hard when they're geared properly and when the player knows how to use his/her abilities to their utmost effectiveness, but ANY class/spec that works for the PLAYER and is geared can be extremely deadly, provided it is a DPS spec. I watched that youtube video of the four assassins "nuking" the gunslinger, and, despite it not being a ranked match, I have to say that I was impressed. However, it wasn't the amount of damage that they did to the other team, even if the other team consisted of PUGs. Rather, it was the coordination that the four players portrayed in the match. Notice that in the second round, the other team got a little smarter and attempted to use their stealth detection to their advantage by putting the gunslinger in cover to build up his stacks while the commandos swept the surrounding areas with their stealth scans. So, what did the four assassins do? They couldn't go straight at them because they would've been spotted, and they couldn't go in from the side because of the stealth scans. Instead, they went BEHIND the other team through their spawn area, and not only did they do that, but they WAITED until the gunslinger's entrench wore off before they attacked. Then, after the gunslinger melted, they, for the most part, continued to utilize their focus fire to take out the others.


    You can hate on these four hard-hitters all you want, and you can be sarcastic and condescending by pointing out that this was NOT a ranked match. However, this is a "shout out" forum, and I give those four assassins props on their use of tactics, situational awareness, and coordination to get the job done, ranked match or not.


    As for Saeari: Whoever is calling you bad, simply let them. I am not a horrible player in my own right, but any time I go up against you, Ninjablade, Coldflesh, Beskoda, or Faatt, I get demolished. I have not had the privilege of running into Baxorr or Raptus, but if that video is any indication, I look forward to having my *** handed to me by them as well.


    So, bottom line: No, this was not a ranked match, but you can still at least give them props for the coordination these four players portrayed in this match, even if you hate assassins and refer to them as the current FOTM, which I do not see them as such. So what if he recorded a video of the match? As he stated, he was recording a match that he was in with three other friends. It's like you want to fault him for that, and even if you're not, your attitude is wholly unnecessary. Admittedly, however, you (you know who you are) are not the only one, on either side of the argument, at fault for being unnecessarily hostile.

  17. So you're ok with the nex angles hide the huttball strat that people piled on earlier, used against your team right?



    I wouldn't call this a strat. Rather, I would call it plain trolling, which we shouldn't have done in the first place. I apologize to the PUGs that had to endure that and were undoubtedly getting frustrated. Props to the PUGs that were in that match for sticking it out through the whole game and I apologize that we made you stay in a game longer than you would have liked based on the clearly unbalanced compositions (you could have left the match, but you didn't, and I respect you for it, despite our disregard for your entertainment value). Again, nothing but props to you guys for sticking it out.


    Nex Angeles GM.

  18. First of all, Nex Angeles didn't come here bragging about anything. ONE of our guild members did, and it was not something I condone as the GM of Nex Angeles and it is something that is being addressed. Secondly, his points are not valid, they are misguided and illogical. People PvE on a PvP server, yet you don't tell them to go to a PvE server where the "hardcore" PvE'ers are located.


    Regardless of your stance on all of this, why does it matter? Let the PvP'ers PvP and let the PvE'ers PvE. If you get into a warzone in PvE gear, prepare to get *****ed out and called bad. I would expect just as much if I went into a PvE setting (HM's, etc.) wearing PvP gear, but if I said I only PvE casually, your *** would pucker up so tight that you could pull a diamond out of it in three weeks.

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