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Posts posted by Shakoba

  1. Always the same generic statement yeah? Don't you see it? It's not just about this. It's about EVERYTHING else combined. It's all adding up and it stops being nit picking, it starts becoming actual problems that bug people.


    Everything? dear lord, call the cyber police! What is adding up? really, I and many others are incredibly happy, every day I tell myself not to come to the forums and end up reading post after post of non constructive pointless things, but I always have that little bit of hope that I will find something awesome, such as the requiem white crystal thread, quality to know these things are out there.


    Then I click on a thread like this out of idle curiousity and I think again, stop coming to the general forums.


    Posts like this push decent posts off the front page, no more replies from me on this because I want this one to slide away off the front page.

  2. "I'm going to go to the bank and count my money." - George while playing SWTOR


    Editing it slightly


    "I'm going to go send a poor peasent to the bank to count my money. Then I shall climb out of my bath made of solid gold filled with $50 bills." - George while playing SWTOR

  3. I know the devs are working on bug fixes but after reading the 1.1 patch notes and what they have planned for March, it looks like they're really trying to push out a lot of new content and some features and balancing as well. Personally, I feel like they should spend more resources on fixing a majority of the bugs before releasing new content. As of today, what do you think they should spend their time on? This is what I think..


    Bugs - 85%

    Content (Planets, FPs and Ops etc) - 0%

    Improving/adding features (UI, GTN, Guild housing etc) - 7.5%

    Class/Profession balance - 7.5%


    Now if most of the bugs were gone, for me it'd be..


    Content (Planets, FPs and Ops etc) - 10%

    Improving/adding features (UI, GTN, Guild housing etc) - 60%

    Class/Profession balance - 30%


    What do you think?


    I think this topic appears every time I go on the forums, and the answer is, there are different teams working on doing different things.

  4. I did. Still you don't think it's hilarious that their major content is almost finished but have to wait 1 year to get the voice overs in? lol I am not impressed with what they did in the 5 years except for the story and it feels like they are doing the same thing again: Emphasis on voice overs. And before people get on their periods, this is just my opinion.


    You clearly did not read it properly, they have content coming out this month, they have more in march and more in the months following, they have content that is created up until next year, the stuff for next year does not have voice work put in yet.


    Try again.

  5. Um. Not really. I would hazard to say most Casuals don't even know what the competitive players are doing let lone care about them or what to be like them. If they want to be as good as the hardcore players they would stop being casuals.


    Yeah I am casual, people who think they have achieved something in life by playing video games need to have a long look in the mirror.


    I couldn't care less what "hardcore" people are doing nor do I follow anyones example, I play games to have fun, I know it's a strange concept to some, having fun, but there it is.

  6. Takes too long to go to your ship and back to any planet . You have to run all those lag infested corridors . Think that could be improved? Some quick travelling kinda spell back to your ship perhaps


    Seriously that minute of time that it takes to get from one place to the other where you are going to spend hours before having to go near it again is annoying?


    This is the star wars universe, not every planet will have a space port on it, not every planet is easily accessible for your ship, for instance Taris in the old Kotor you needed to shuttle to the surface, just like in real life sometimes you have to go a little out of the way to complete a journey.


    It really doesn't take that long out of your time.

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