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Posts posted by Shakoba

  1. What is there left to do other than play alts or level up on the opposite side of the force of your main.




    1.2 isn't going to turn nothing into something either.




    I'm at a loss and after 6 years of avoiding WoW, i might just pick it up... thanks to swtor!


    You could always play the game? You know that being the whole point of owning a game, or maybe that is just me being silly.

  2. Why are you snapping at the OP? He wasn't taking a jab at anyone, he was just explaining what Bioware is doing.


    He wasn't faulting them or anything, he was asking us what we thought about it. Jesus, tone down your Fanboy a little bit.


    Another one, this word gets thrown around a lot on these forums, for some people to make themselves seem part of the "cool club" who look down on those enjoying the game or maybe just don't freak out about the smallest bugs that don't affect 95% of people.


    I and I am sure a ton of other people don't mind having a label put to us by those who feel they have to fit in with the crowd. But at least try some originality.

  3. Seriously? A company who is relying on subsriptions is going to release more content to keep those subs coming?


    And here I was thinking they were just not ever going to add anything in and hope people would feel obliged to hand over their money for nothing.


    This thread is one of the dumbest I have seen in a while.


    What's that old saying about common sense, so rare it's a superpower, I think we can see that displayed here.

  4. Tonight we just did a scouting mission to low level Republic towns on Tatooine. This enabled us to have both high levels and low levels in an ops, so we could bring a lot of our guild in an organised fashion. We used a separate RP channel for RP, and the ops channel for OOC. I was actually the tank and was being healed by a low level healer as we killed the town champions, which felt like real synergy.


    From this we were able to do some PvP and mix in some RP also. Would certainly think of doing it again.


    Trying to figure out how we can emulate NPC talking, such as in SWG, but I see no other choice apart from making people use alt characters?


    Alt characters shouldn't present a problem, I know a few in my guild have got alts on republic side, myself included, thanks for the idea, checking out what those jedi are up to should be fun

  5. A power struggle would be a good theme for a sith lord event. You can have it be internal or external with the challenger being killed or enslaved.


    That is something I am considering, I know of one of our lords who has a few apprentices, stirring up trouble between them could be worth a look into, Thanks :}

  6. My guild recently rescued a fellow Jedi imprisoned in the Sith-part of Nar Shaddaa. There was even a Sith Lord opposing us.

    Had a great time there myself.


    You could easily switch the Factions here and bust out an imperial spy or whatever from republic forces. Having some pals on republic side playing the "boss encounter" helps giving the whole thing a worthy climax.


    Sounds interesting, need to get someone to level a few republic scum! :}

  7. If you're into mercenary work, I've got something for you.


    You are called opon by a mysterious contractor that wants to to take a small trip through a dangerous part of Hutt Space with your guild in multiple ships as an escort. You will, inevitably be attacked by pirates. What happens from that point on is your idea. Perhaps you crash on some remote planet, or maybe you fail the mission? I don't know, it's just what is currently atop my head. The choices of the outcomes/events are your's.


    Thanks for the idea :} anymore for any more!

  8. Since I've always been tremendously fond of RP out "in the field", I recommend finding a way to combine RP and PvE. Have the Sith Lord (your character, I'm assuming?) assign his loyal underlings with some kind of task; the Sith provides the mission briefing and then sends people out to heroic quests or a flashpoint or whatnot to be done in character. This can take some juggling to ensure a workable group size and balance, but can be tremendous fun for all involved.



    Not me actually :} but I am an officer and like to think of things for people to do to keep them interested.


    I know what you mean not just pve but pvp can be put into this kind of thing as well, hunting down stray jedi/sith, forwarding the war effort while looking for artifacts of power on planets. :}

  9. What's the guild theme? What are the members like? Do you have any story arcs going on at all? I would love to make some suggestions, but I need a little background for the guild first.


    (ie, a cantina night may not be the best option for a Sith guild...)


    Guild theme is something of a background organisation for a sith lord, his gathering of allies/minions into a power gambit within the empire.


    Any and all ideas are most welcome as I am sure I can adapt anything :}

  10. I tried alts.


    Then it hit me that the only difference between leveling my first and the alt is the story.


    Outside of the story it is the same exact experience.


    Which is funny because so many say they hate grinding (doing the same content over and over) and yet playing an alt is that.


    $15 a month is not worth the story lines only.


    So the only difference with your leveling between alts was the story, in a story based mmo?


    Surely you are mistaken!


    Did you perhaps try rolling an alt on the opposite faction to see their areas and quests?

  11. Just wanted to point out to those that use the "roll an alt" answer. Playing alts is not a substitute for End Game content. The fact that it is the most popular answer to the question sorta proves that end game in SWTOR is weak.


    And as has been stated many many times, end game is not the focus here at the moment, while it is hard to believe there are people who still do not have a level 50 character, some are enjoying the journey to "Endgame" which in itself is a hateful term.


    Why not roll an alt? This is not the normal mmo where you just ignore everything in the game world till you reach the maximum level. This game is a RPG MMO, the main emphasis is on story, a story driven mmoRPG.


    STORY, not ops, not competitive pvp. A lot of people seem to have come here thinking the game would just have copy and pasted features from other mmos and basically reskinned them into star wars, this didn't happen and it seems people were somehow upset with this?

  12. Players like you are killing MMO's just so you kow.


    Seriously thats the best you can do? I tottaly disagree.. its devolpers who make things far to simple and easy that is the problem... what happened to having hard mode mean HARD? how about twice the hp, twice the damage and half the enrage timers? How about putting in some difficult space missions that arent just a repeat of the lower lvl ones. How about giving us soemthing that makes us what to log in and play more then once a week.. is that too much to ask from a game we pay for?


    You already stated you didn't do hard modes because the gear wasn't what you wanted, and the answer to something to do is called playing the game, you have 8 class stories you can play through, while doing that you can pvp, craft and once you reach end game you can get those oh so important purple pixels that are keep you awake at night.


    As for wanting to grind through faction rep, you can keep that in the other game that you obviously prefer to this one.

  13. Be what saves this game . I've noticed a trend in a few interviews that devs mention how the legacy system will " blow" us away.



    I'm sorry but if the gameplay remains clunky, the UI stays garbage and a requirement at 50 is to reroll in order to not get bored, then My guess is Pandas will look more intriguing everyday for some.


    Why does this game need saving? I and I am sure many others are having fun playing.

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