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Everything posted by Lisarn

  1. I can't handle mine anymore, I hit 50 on the Republic and hoping it would be more exciting then it was before 50 it wasn't, the empire on Girada The Hutt greatly outnumber the republic in mass numbers, and steamroll us in pvp because they premake and have a lot more experience then us... and in illum it's like once I take a controlled area 10 empire come and take it back then kill me... Bottom line is I want to cancel my subscription because of imbalance but i'm to much of a Star Wars fan. Are any of you in a server that has a decent balance with both factions? I don't care if it's pvp or pve, just decently balanced.
  2. I'm so close to canceling my subscription because of this, i'm in a server, Girada The Hutt and the empire is like 4 times our population and I can't handle that, in illum it's like once I take something 10 empire come to thank me but then kill me. And for pve... just not enough 50s plus all the new guys that come get steamrolled by the empire in pvp then leave the server because of all the players the empire have with more experience in the pvp area... Any of you on a server where you think the republic and empire population is balanced? I don't care if its pvp or a pve server.
  3. Yeah theres those BH that spam tracer, then theres ones that know its stupid. The hell I don't have a rotation, most of the time its tracer 3 heat seaker, then rail shot, but then theres someone whos running away from your teamate or you and you unload unload on them, and if my two relics are off cd i'll use them, if theres a group ahead of me i'll death from above, if someone comes right at me i'll rocket punch back, then push them back to slow em down and unload to slow em down more, while i'm tracering someone i may sneak a explosive dart in there and keep spamming for ultimate damage, then bam heat seaker, rail shot, done. Unless i'm against a jug, they are always the funniest mother lovers to fight because of the damage reduction they got but in the end its hells game to who wins. And if my shield is off cc and I feel I'm going to need the help i'll activate it, wait till i take a little damage, and kolto overload.
  4. It would be nice. Is it needed? Duno. I hate gluing my head to the general chat for people.
  5. Hey hey i've been away from wow for 2 years now, I shall not be addicted no moar. I'm not a wowhead.
  6. I shall not make up numbers, and have fun in pandaville
  7. See... Heres a positive thread, my viewpoint of SWTOR is BW did what they did do for a reason and did what they should've done for a reason, in the end it shall work out or Malgus will knock on their door.
  8. From the way I look at pvp its all about who has more abilities, obviously a level 50 BH vs a level 12 BH is going to make a huge impact since the 50 has 10 more epic abilities then the level 12. Plus your armor contributes some. Even with the big buff the lower levels get to match the higher levels there are still just problems because of some of the abilities. I think if there were brackets level 10-29 and 30-49-50 would work way better then we currently have.
  9. Que ( 204 ) And i've been playing on this server since the first day. I will not be defeated by newcomers to stupid to think about if they all went to a lightserver it would become full and they wouldn't get a empty server feeling.
  10. I had a small brain shocker idea of just live streaming the live chat, if you can see it great, if you can't then this was a waste of time. http://www.livestream.com/djowns
  11. Why do I even bother watching this when I can play swtor right now... because I was invitedz to start my saga... Because I'm wondering the same thing people who can't play are wondering!
  12. Wish I could say something but what you say is probably most likely going to happen... I was lucky to get in the wave before the last one and I got to level 10 and have yet to look at the ah so far but i'm sure some people are doing this, my advice would just be to go along with it and see where the galaxy takes you... The games great btw. Besides the ATI card problems i'm having inside buildings.
  13. I'm going to show my cousin this thread if it still exist, he just got back from wherever he was Iraq/Afghan and got Promoted to Sargent <---- If I spelled wrong )= And after he sees this I can already vision him lolling at your insults and thoughts.
  14. :eek::eek: I orderedz on 23rdz too! No Email Though! My Patience Continues.
  15. My Secretive Plan was To Get in Now and craft all the nooby items and make a get rich scam in the market for all the noobs wanting better armor )= lol
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