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Everything posted by elsuisso

  1. Hello rieko, Thank you very much I'm just proceeding to register in the web site, looking forward to talk to you guys, hoping I'm worthy
  2. Hy there, Are you guys still recruiting? I was trying to register to your web site to apply for recruiting as I liked how you guys describe yourselves but it seems I need a secret word I dont have to finish the registration. I know its probably not the best place to ask for this, but I coulnt think of anything else. Greets
  3. Wow!! Thank you all for your kind response!! This helps me a lot as now I know where to start. Actually, the first thing I did after reading this is to get the full Tionese armor that I got for finishing the story (I think it was because of it) and I spent the 99 coins I received. Suddenly I have more than 14'000 healthpoints Now I'm gonna read the answers carefully to decide the next step!! Thanks again for all the help!!
  4. Welcome Mark Maple Leafs fan?? Actually, my case is pretty similar. This is only my second MMO (first one was SWG) and I'm also afraid of PVP. I even dont do Flashpoints as I'm afraid of doing it bad for my team due to lack of experience, but well maybe I will give it a try now as I have leveled up my Sentinel to 50. Have fun
  5. Hello all, First of all I have to say that this is only my second experience with MMO's, the only one I have played before was Star Wars Galaxies as I'm a huge SW fan. So far I have to say that I really enjoyed leveling my Jedi Sentinel to 50. It was a nice journey and I really enjoyed the game. Right now I'm leveling my Sith Assassin and its also a great story and a lot of fun. The thing is I have not done a lot of Flashpoints and I'm not into PVP mostly because I lack experience and I'm afraid to ruin the experience for my team if I do bad but the other day I was on Ilum for the first time checking out the planet and I clicked on another level 50 Sentinel and was amazed that he had over 20'000 health points where my Sentinel stands at around 13'000. Question is: does this difference apply to armor and gear only? Did I something wrong in the leveling? I guess if I want to gear up I have to start Flashpoints and PVP? Any advice on where to start? Maybe this questions are a bit stupid but as I said, I dont have a lot of experience in MMO's and I'm searching for advice how to continue from now on as I really would like to stick around in the game but dont want to stink at it, lol. Greets
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