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Posts posted by Nocadoj

  1. That is my only regret in 1.4 Sages and Sorcs are pidgeonholed into exactly 1 spec if they want to be viable. The 1.4 changes are awesome if you run that spec, otherwise Sage/sorcs are in the same place as before.

    Full spec heals got a good amount of direct survivability, but lost some utility for it (hard stun range)

    Full spec TK wasn't viable pre-1.4, still isn't (You have the CC of a hybrid heals, but you are still too dependent on hard casts)

    Full spec balance is (and was) decent, but the new changes gave the least to those guys, so they still aren't viable enough (unless played by a very good PvPer which by extension would do better on any class than most other people anyways)


    Considering 1.2 was trying to make full specs more viable, I find it hilarious that 1.4 gave sages a new hybrid "best spec"


    ^ This exactly. Hybrid heals are very good right now for RWZ, but the other specs are still liabilities. It is still just better to bring in other dps classes.

  2. After server consolidations, Prophecy of the Five server has no dps Sorcs or Sages on any of the top teams to my knowledge.


    This includes: Aftermath, Hoth Ski Patrol, Foundation Stone, nerds, Dark Blood Gz, I AM LEGEND, Space Unicorns, and 1 inc Grass.


    After playing as a DPS Sage on Foundation Stone for about 20-30 ranked games, we came across 0 other sage/sorc dps.


    I am being forced to either heal on my Sage or gear up my Vanguard, so I started gearing up my vanguard.


    Sage/Sorc can do good numbers in rated teams, but lack of burst, survivability (takes more effort for healers and tank to keep them up), no AoE mez. People are wanting to bring in a second Shadow for node defense/protection, a Gunslinger, or another Vanguard.

  3. 2000 rated Mara looking for new PVP guild, mine died. Looking for guild that runs RWZ's everyday or close to everyday. So who are the top PVP guilds and are you recruiting?


    Casuals, Space Unicorns, One Inc Grass, Blood Gz (fatman), I AM LEGEND (fatman), and VULTURES.


    Forgive me if I left some off, those are just the ones I have seen so far or heard was the best from Fatman.

  4. When do you guys run i want to get an inv or tryout


    We try to form up every night around 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm server time. We typically keep running games until midnight or when ques start getting long or if Shino-Numa craps himself (he has an unfortunate bowel disorder).

  5. Don't like leaps? You can now push a leaper from even farther away. If he sneaks up on you, he deserves to get a couple of smacks in. Too lazy to find the quote, but someone was saying that the frontal cone will make it so you'll knock enemies into beneficial locations. (???) Bwuh? What if you, oh, I don't know, aim your knockback and send them exactly where you want them, like off a bridge/behind a pillar/ into fire or acid. And you can do all of this when they are still 15m away, 7 extra meters than we have now. If nobody can see the benefits of 15m + 8m (or 5 or however far it knocks them back), then I don't know what to tell you. I, for one, can't wait to push the crap out of some people.


    You seem to be only considering 1v1. In group rateds, you get attacked from multiple sides. We now can only knockback 1 or 2 people vice everyone who hardswitches to us.

  6. THANK YOU FOR THE INTERRUPT! Seriously Bioware, thank you for listening :D


    The additional effect to the Target Lock buff will give Arsenal spec'd mercs some much needed survivability. The combat medic changes are also great, giving them a few more tools to support themselves and their groups.


    However, there are still some major issues that need addressing. Combat Medic now has a reliable, on

    demand snare ability, but either DPS spec for merc is lacking an on-demand snare. We also need some form of resistance against Interrupts, as there is no lockout from being interrupted and Mercs are heavily dependent on casted abilities. Suggested changes:


    - Replace System Calibrations (2/4 % alacrity) with "Overcharged Shot: Power Shot has a 50/100% chance to trigger Combustible Gas Cylinder". This would put Merc pyros on the same footing as Powertechs (who can get 100% chance to proc CGC with Flame Burst).


    - Replace Infared Sensors (tier 3 pyrotech skill) with "Quick Trigger Finger: reduce Power Shot cast time by 50/100%"


    - Add to the Barrage effect in arsenal tree: "Unload cannot be interrupted"


    - Replace Kolto Vents (tier 5 arsenal skill) with "Suppressing Fire: Power Shot has a 100% chance to apply a 30% 4s slow to the target"


    These are necessary changes in my opinion, and they would replace a few of the useless, and rarely taken, talent boxes in the Merc DPS trees. None of these changes would cause Merc to be overpowered either; these are all things that other DPS classes possess, and therefore have an advantage over Mercs. If you support these suggestions, post! If you dont, post what you would rather see! This is something we need to bring to the devs attention, as more balanced PvP is going to be better for everyone


    The fact that they didn't give a dps AC an interrupt for 8 months boggles my mind to begin with. This is PvP 101. So much fail it is ridiculous.

  7. Obviously people have not realized that Bioware has no idea about PvP balance. We are better off speccing our Sorcs/Sages to heals, making them our alts, and rolling PT/Mara/Sniper.


    The main complaint in the Class Feedback was survivability, but they nerf our Overload/Wave. If you can't accept the fact that Bioware hasn't a clue about this AC, then good luck to you. I will be rerolling PT and shelving my Sorc as an alt/daily cred toon until Patch 1.7 when they finally realize that this class needs more attention.

  8. Fadeout/Egress has been redesigned. Now causes Force Speed to remove all roots and snares and grant immunity to roots and snares for the duration.


    This is disappointing, all specs need access to this. You have to spec too deep into the healing tree to get it.


    In addition, the self heal is nice but I am more of a fan of damage mitigation. Ice Block or Dispersion anyone? This self heal, is simply going to be more hp to burn through. We will now survive through one more 5k crit before we drop on a hardswitch from opposing PTs and Marauders.


    We got some love, but very underwhelming for a Balance Sage. Seer definitely got the best from all of this, and I will be going heals due to it.

  9. Oh look that sorc got slapped for 4000 damage in 1 hit, that new shiny kickass spell will heal 1528 of it once every 30 seconds. For all we know it could be the new Lv46 corruption ability... so it has nothing to do with dps sorcs.


    So they gave us half of a bubble once every 30 seconds to help sorcs survive. Wait till the Elite Warlord weapons came out and all the existing 5000 crit turns into 5.8k...


    Oh well either way better than nothing.


    Yea, my Rejuvs crit for 1700 on a 6 second cooldown. This new ability is complete crap, basically a weaker version of rejuv on a longer cd.

  10. Oh wow I totally forget about sages.


    1. OP bubble instant cast

    2. Can heal

    3. spammable snare that does great dmg

    4. 30 m range

    5. sprint




    You have got to be kidding me. So you think Sages have good survivability? You must work for Bioware.

  11. - CC white bar is still fail IMO. It takes toooo long to fill. 1 CC (root, knockbacks and stuns) should hit you for 2 seconds, the next for 1 and then you are immune.... maybe even less


    So basically kiting classes who use 2 second roots like a Balance Sage/Madness Sorc would be ******* on due to only being able to root people for 4 seconds total before full resolve, awesome idea.


    Once a melee class got on you it would be over, 1 gap closer after 4 seconds of roots would = certain death for a ranged class.


    Melee classes have defensive cooldowns that last longer than 4 seconds, so they could just eat your damage up during your root and then leap/pull you and have their way with you for the duration of resolve. No thanks.

  12. My sorc and two others in my guild have 2.7-3k RWZ rating. Keep in mind we mostly run double sorc dps. If you need help ask.


    Can't wait for cross server rateds, I have a feeling that will change. In addition, your video mainly shows you 1) not being focused by more than 1 person, 2) fighting a 15k Sage, 13k Sage, 900 expertise apponent, and more undergeared players 1v1. Not very impressive at all.


    Look for Casuals and PKers on Pot5 when season 1 starts, they are some of the best teams on our server and they don't waste time with dps sorcs to my knowledge.


    Not saying you are a bad player at all, but your video does you no justice.

  13. Puts damn near to top dmg and 200-250k healing as well


    You do realize numbers mean very little in competitive RWZs right? It is about burst damage, utility, survivability, and coordination.


    I do around 700k damage and 200k healing in regular warzones depending on the length, but get wrecked against 2600+ teams in RWZ because they burst me down in about 5 seconds even when I have a guard on me. We have no damage reduction abilities like PT bubble and Mara bubble/vanish.


    The only way to survive as a Sage dps is to hang far back and peeling off of your healers, while completely ignoring nodes because if you get too close you get grappled and destroyed in only a couple GCDs.


    Can Sages be effective with the right comp? yes. Is it more logical to bring 3 button monkey Vanguards in to do undeserved burst damage? Yes

  14. DPS:

    Sentinel - Combat

    Vanguard - Assault

    Gunslinger - Dirty Fighting

    Sage - Tele/Balance hybrid



    Guardian - Vig/Def hybrid

    Shadow - Kinetic (node guarder)



    Scoundrel - Sawbones

    Scoundrel - Sawbones


    Classes actually seem well represented with 7/8 appearing in what my opinion is of an ideal composition. One of the Scoundrel healers can be swapped for any other healer, and the Sage can be swapped for any other DPS class.


    I suspect the common rebuttal to this is that a team that stacks Vanguards/Sents is stronger. I disagree with that, and I think that having too much melee tends to be a problem. Teams heavy with melee are more susceptible AoE CCs/taunts, while having less flexibility in positioning, target switching, and generally lack long range CCs/interrupts for healers.


    Replace the DPS Sage with a 2nd Vanguard or Sentinel.

    Swap your hybrid tanks, have 1 full Guardian and 1 hybrid Shadow.

    1 Sage healer and 1 Scoundrel healer, the bubble and pulls are nice.

  15. Whether you like it or not, we are not a burst class. Im not having a go just pointing it out. They removed tele wave on proc because they did not want us to have aoe burst. I dont think we will ever get burst/dots/heals all at once - this is why the middle tree is more spikey and the balance tree is more dot/periodic based. The nearest thing we have to burst now is force in balance/deathfield and that is used to increase dot damage as well - typically hitting between 3.5 to 4.2k for me. I dont think we will get more burst without losing something else.


    I agree about us not having burst, and that is fine as long as we get some survivability. Most good teams that I have tried to play on already have a Sorc Healer and do not wish to bring another Sorc DPS because we require the same amount of peels/tank attention as the other healers. I can't seem to convince people to bring a Sorc DPS over a Marauder because they do just as much damage, more burst, and require less team defense to sustain.


    Is it possible to have a good Sorc DPS on a good rwz team, yes. Is it easier and more effective to just bring a good Marauder or PT instead, yes.


    DoT pressure can be countered by cleanses, pure burst damage can't.

  16. When have sages ever been glass cannons? They dont do burst, they do sustained pressure and situational aoe. They are more akin to disc priests crossed with ele shamans than mages.


    Healer Sorc, Disc priest yes. But DPS Sorc no, more like Shadow Priest without dispersion, or even Affliction Lock without soul link/port/fear.


    So I guess we are Glass Pressure Players? When our dots can be dispelled easily. Exciting. Affliction Locks are pressure play classes because of Unstable Affliction, but we have no such ability and our "pressure" can be cleansed.

  17. They get a loss for not taking the queue. I cant see how this would be productive unless they are the only two groups queueing. The team that gets their queue gets a free win. Boring but I dont see the issue. WTB x-server queues though!


    The point people seem to miss is that most people don't care about wins and losses in preseason, they care about getting the gear for season 1. This is preseason, a time to gear up, build comps, and work on team strats/chemistry.

  18. You want to hit like a mara or pt when our mechanics are totally different? Ok..


    Not necessarily, I just feel that we need one or the other. More survivability or more burst, I don't care which.


    In addition, mechanics can be different and have the same results, so I don't understand where you are going with that.


    Just because a ranged Glass Cannon has a ranged mechanic(s), doesn't mean a melee Glass Cannon that has a melee mechanic(s) should do less or more.


    A good example of this is Operative Healers vs Sorc Healers, completely different playstyles and mechanics. Is there any reason for one to be better than the other?

  19. Sorc/sage are a hybrid class in that they can still heal and dps even if they do not spec into heals. This is the part people forget. We are not a pure dps class, we are not a burst damage class. We do not have hard defensive cooldowns because of that reason. Im not saying all is perfect but you will never get burst like a pt or mara, pointless to ask for it.


    By your logic, PTs are a hybrid class because they can guard, so why do they have the highest burst?


    Mauraders are acceptable by your logic, so no beef there.

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