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Everything posted by Deshiel

  1. When I made this same topic few months ago almost nobody cared...
  2. Bioware was adamant at giving every fem body type large breasts and *****. I think that they struggled to add big ***** and *** on a fat woman so they scraped the idea.
  3. Make gold and platinum color dyes Reusable or just platinum dyes. You buy a color for 12 ´mil and you can only use it once... Do you realise what kind of stress you are puting us throught? Ofc u do
  4. I want to kiss and stab my victims at the same time like haha
  5. Koth showed up in disawoved, visions of the dark and plunder and profit
  6. I'd like to do it. Waiting for volunteers
  7. Don't know what kind of movement TOFN forever was, but I was on TOFN ever since we were forced there by the merge from Scepter of Ragnos and I aint plannin on leaving.
  8. First off. No I do not wish them dead. But it is shown that we can already execute several companions. What would need to happen for those two to get under our blade/barrel tho. I think that the catalyst leading to this possibility will be about a choice that will determine the future of thier respective factions. Like Lana will try to stop u from ruining the empire and Theron will try to protect the republic from you. Theron could also turn on you if you chose to fite his mom or dad. Not sure how many more reasons Lana could have. If you have any ideas about what could trigger thier execution, don't be afraid to share your ideas.
  9. I realy love the flourish emote. It was among the first things I rushed to unlock for every char in my collection. Being able to watch your character to perform a set of moves with his/her weapon fills me with joy. Even now after having it for a long time, I never resist to write /flourish into the command tab atleast once per play. This emote is very epic and stylish, but it has one giant downside. It's lenght. I made this thread to propose an endless variation of flourish. Where a jedi would keep spining his lightsaber as long as it pleases you. here are some examples http://i.makeagif.com/media/7-19-2015/lSyAJf.gif guns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0BzP7BwZdo I just don't know how to make something endless/ static with an assault cannon
  10. I just think that the dark side white skin looks more like loss of textures rather than a genuine dark side corruption
  11. Dark 4 doesn't just pale. It makes the togruta completely white.
  12. Yeah Vaylin is pretty much very gifted but not very skilled.
  13. Now that the cartel market certificates no longer drop. How about we repurpose the cartel bazaar vendors to accept payment in alliance supply crates?
  14. allow me to rephrase it. Why the hell does it turn blue skin into crystal white. I know that sith corruption makes the skin paler. But that "paling" effect is overkill on Togrutas. Dark 4 made my blue Togruta snow white. I would have been alright with pale blue but snow white is too much. She shines in dark rooms. Also I want to keep the sith eyes so I cannot resolve this by just disabling sith corruption option and I am not going to grind lightside options to lower the dark tier either.
  15. I almost died laughing when I saw the holo of him as a kid. Same damn clothes, but quigon jinn hair xDDDD
  16. The Republic cutscene where you Unbind Admiral Rans after he has been tortured by Darth Arho. Your character unbinds him. Then you talk with him a bit and BAM. Monitor announces that it cannot find my graphic card and the screen shuts down. Happened two times in a row. I am going to try for the third time after I am done writing this.
  17. well it the true believer is aslo a good practicioneer then he/she is able to withstand the psychological impact of the dark side. It's always shown that lesser sith or newly corrupted jedi always act super enraged when they fall to the dark side. While a trained sith merely channels it without any change in personality. So yeah it is possible for a dark sider to have a trusting relationship, but the trusted ones would probably be like max 2-3 people given that the sith are hard coded to stay on guard and anticipate betrayal
  18. they could also hire a kid voice actor to dubb characters with body type 0 a.k.a kids
  19. I think that it would be more funny if they did it the "Who is this pokemon?" way
  20. I'd like to keep the sith eyes. They go well with blue. But why da hell does corruption have bleach effect on the Togrutas.
  21. Now this is the kind of answer I was hoping for. Thank you.
  22. Was there ever a female Deveronian? xD
  23. I created a blue skinned Togruta female. As I unlocked more dark side tiers, her skin became paler and paler. Now she's at Tier 4 and her skin is completely white. Even whiter than Rattataki skin. I am worried cuz there is still Tier 5 to reach. Will she completely bleach out of existence by then?
  24. I remember some article where the guy who that wrote Lana stated that she is a light sith. If she is. Why she has sith eyes? Perhaps surgery?
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