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    Gaming; building PCs; mobile tech, phone/tablet ROMs; taking stuff apart
  1. Agreed, please keep the conversation civil & on topic... There are plenty of other sites designed specifically for your flirting & other NSFW adult chatting needs; our check-in thread is not it. So, please don't litter this harmless LGBT roll call with flirting/innuendo, flaming, and especially all the random TMI posts about one's personal life. That sort of stuff does not belong here, and with the way the forums are moderated, you could ruin it for those of us who actually use forum discussions like this one for networking; often to help choose a server, or to find like-minded people/guilds they know they will enjoy playing SWTOR with. Thanks to everyone keeping this thread alive, and to the Mods for keeping it open in spite of the troll infestation.
  2. Queer woman checking in, new to SWTOR (but not to MMOs or PC gaming in the slightest). Also, since others seem to be mentioning it, I suppose I'll add that I am also on the autism spectrum. I played during beta, but just recently subbed while the game was on sale to give it another shot, and am having fun so far. Been leveling my Smuggler primarily, but also chipping away at a few others to try them all out. Made a few toons on other servers, but I think I will be sticking with Jekk'Jekk Tarr. Once I am a bit more certain on what classes I like most, I will probably join one of the many inclusive guilds that have popped up there. Sorry for the resulting length of this post, but after reading through this entire thread, I felt compelled to comment... As far as the arguing and flaming going on in this thread, I think its all rather silly, but also a bit frustrating to see its been happening continually for months... If you so passionately don't want to read about LGBT players forming like-minded & accepting guilds, discussing server choice, or otherwise connecting with each other on the forums- get over yourself! Furthermore, why even bother reading the thread and commenting??? People share & otherwise discuss facets of their real life identities in forums and in-game chat all the time, regardless of the game, and that is never going to change- because its central to how humans relate to one another. Why flame people for wanting to be out to their friends/guildies, in a social, teamwork focused online game? Or for wanting to choose a guild/server where one knows they won't be mocked or treated any differently because of their gender or sexual identity... or that simply want to avoid (as much as possible) having to constantly hear words that they consider slurs being used casually around them, in their own guild even! All of those problems are things I have run into in every single online game I have every played, to varying degrees, and most attempts at policing such things aren't very effective... Sure, sometimes someone clearly crosses a line, but there is always going stuff that slips under the radar, even though it makes someone cringe in silence, or is just too rampant of a problem to even try to police. So personally, when choosing a server and guild in a new MMO, I generally do try to plan ahead and find ones that at least some like-minded folks happen to already play (and if I cant find any, I often will start a new 'all-inclusive, accepting, and anti-oppressive' focused guild so others don't run into the same problem while choosing their server/guild... There are virtually endless numbers of guilds that don't mention any such thing or that have zero LGBT/queer (or even just female) members, that will prove to be very open and accepting; that is definitely true. But in many games, the fact is that it is the exception and not the rule.. hence the desire of many to connect on the forums with people they expect to get along with. Its not even about sexuality to most of us, I think; its more about wanting to avoid the people that will mistreat them simply for being open/honest about their identity. I think this is quite similar to the "Old timer" -style maturity based guilds, which in my experience, are often a good alternative to LGBT, since you are at least going to be around somewhat mature adults... With both, its about finding a guild that openly states they will be intentionally inclusive and strive to accepting/respectful of everyone, as long as they will in turn be accepting of everyone else. TL;DR, if other gamers have the right to carry over their real-life homophobia & other bigotry just by being themselves in game, whether intentional or not (which happens often and easily without them ever even saying anything explicit enough to actually get them in trouble with the mods or guild leaders), then don't be surprised if gamers that are part of an oppressed group want to network and find a server/guild where they can expect to find peers, or at least some outwardly inclusive/accepting straight cis folks. It can take time to find/apply to a guild and get to know everyone; what if it turns out a few of your guild-mates are homophobic, sexist, or otherwise bigoted? Good luck doing much about it, especially if they are your 'elders' or guild officers... and if you call them out on it, you can probably expect your efforts to be in vain, or to even find that they are talking trash behind your back. Even if you don't see the point in seeking out peers to game with, how can you blame anyone for doing what they can to avoid all that drama and negative attention?
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