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Everything posted by Blees

  1. Blees


    Hello my friends!
  2. http://i.imgur.com/EnLYAWK.jpg?1 gg no *********** re
  3. Yo Opfotm why dont you smd bro I won with you more than I lost every night except the last like 2 anyways youre all *****rs and bad at the game I'm greatest ever I am opfotm I can't beat tank tunnel but you know yolo games hard boys gg no re my eyebrows > yours
  4. Did I mention Anthony Bushyeyebrows Gayola was the best player this game has ever seen
  5. no point for me to have ambiens spot hes so much better than me bro dmg tunnel as tank OP I cant win with dolce also bro smd
  6. Haha you guys are bad simply because youre to bad to combat their tank tunnel all you do is cry about it if it bothers you why dont you figure out how to beat it (you dont care about this game) well then why complain anyways
  7. I bet your BBQ tastes like DOG SHI T FCKING TERRIBAD PVPERS L2P -Xerain
  8. pvp for ***** and giggles whew yay try not to be to hard core were just here for lols its a video game after all
  9. Blees

    Another Hack?

    well sir this is a bug I have seen it in duels with guildies and the like never in a pvp match tho bioware likely made it worse but there is a bug where you just dont get in combat you take damage but you can still do all out of combat moves it is a weird and uncommon bug but it does happen =/
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