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Posts posted by DeadOnArival

  1. I give my ideas1 bump and then I let it disappear into obscurity. While I love my idea, it is doomed to drift down the forum into "forum limbo" or archives likely to never be seen or heard from again.


    P.S. I do wish people could consolidate the 10 or so threads complaining (why are they in the suggestion box if it is a complaint?) about the slot machines....

  2. I like the idea of the new classes, and your proposed classes make total sense. Even though I'm not much of an alt-oholic (I like to stay pretty loyal to my "main" characters), I might roll a new one if given the opportunity. I know it means a LOT of development time, not to mention the creative time required (a whole new 1-60 storyline plus all of the new voice acting and such), but more "newness" would certainly be welcome.


    I specifically choose these classes for the fact that they would be a lot easier to implement than a lot of others that I have seen mentioned. Because the Trooper and the Agent are both military(ish) adding another military type would allow a lot of crossover conversations for the regular missions. Using existing dialog for the planetary missions that are not class specific would greatly reduce the trouble it would take to implement a new class. In addition there would be no need to develop new stances or new actions for the classes as they already have an arch-type in the opposite faction. Basically I wanted it to be as easy to implement as possible and thus provide Bioware a way to see if developing brand new classes would be something they would want to do in the future. (Something I would love to see)

  3. The only way to fix this particular problem is to make any gear irrelevant in pvp. Not going to happen because people that aren't as good want to have some way to get an edge over someone that is just better than them. So gear is introduced to give you that edge, only problem it give the better person an edge that they use to make your life more miserable. They also use gear to keep score of who is L33T and who is N00b.


    My suggestions, have unranked pvp gear irrelevant. Basically the naked guy is given the same stats as the fully dressed guy. Now you earn coms so that when you do ranked pvp gear is now important. It won't stop well oiled teams with a voip from stomping a pug, but it will give even the odds a little bit for unranked and you can learn how to be better.

  4. First thing I would like to suggest is that if someones idea is picked up and talked about - let that person and the community know that you are looking at it. Nothing kills motivation as much as silence. There might be people that could provide some amazing ideas but after 1 or 2 they go silent because they figure they haven't been heard. OK now on to what the title suggests, New new content.


    2 New Classes added - The sniper SIS for the republic, and the Soldier for the empire. There are a lot of reasons to do this on your end. First and foremost is Bioware and EA will make good money doing this. How many people are going to buy another character slot or 2 just to be able to play the "new" class. That means Caretel coins for all... In addition I find it incredibly sad that 2 of the coolest weapons in this game are so limited. It would be nice to have the sniper rifle and the auto-cannon used by more toons.


    New operations with a twist. Its time to bring Galactic starfighters to the world of pve. 8 team members in starfighters are needed to destroy the enemy super weapon. You will need bombers that can heal, and protect the hyperspace beacon. Scouts that can fly quickly to reach and destroy a goal, Gunships that can destroy at range and just plain old dps. Require certain objectives to be met before they can destroy the enemy super weapon. (destroy 2 shield generators at the same time. to open the way. Seal the bay so no new enemies can join the fight. Clear the path destroying the stationary turrets protecting the target,,,,)


    New Companions - A unique companion quest for of the 8 main classes. Every class gets a new companion they can complete a quest to get. So far the additional companions have been singular as in every class gets the same one. It would be fun addition to the storyline to get a different companion for each arch-type. Suggestions for companions might be

    1. A Jedi joins the trooper as a member of havoc squad.
    2. A Sith apprentice is defeated by the smuggler and in order to not be killed by his master joins the smuggler that defeated him.
    3. An operative joins with the Jedi knight after he fails to assassinate him and sees the light.
    4. A thief steals an important datacron and the consular must get it back and gains a companion in the process.
    5. A Sith finds the world of the mandalorians to be the challenge he desires and so he seeks after the best one to defeat.
    6. A Jedi (could stay light or be turned to the dark) hunted the operative and the tables are turned.
    7. An elite soldier is captured then turned by the inquisitor to fight for the empire.
    8. A free droid (ala directive 7) is captured by the warrior and joins (voluntary or involuntary) during the quest.


    I figure 3 ideas is the most I should push in 1 post. I enjoy playing this game and just want to see it grow and become better.

  5. Why not give us a choice between gear type boxes? Maybe our companions could use the gear more than we could and they are different class. Most all my toons are full 180 with some 186 and the gear in rewards from Forged Alliances 1,2, &3 as well as Rishi/Yavion storyline are below me. I sold ALL of it on my Sorc because I could not use it and neither could companion. I'd rather put it on my companions. At least Commando companions all have Aim gear and the rewards can be passed to them...thats why my Elara has 41k hp now and heals like a beast.


    I am refraining from huge sarcastic remarks about how you are either too cheap lazy or cant figure out that you can pull and put in different mods in the equipment to make it suitable for your companions.


    On a side note, it was highly disappointing that all of the commando companions are aim, why can't they have a sniper with cunning, a big tough Wookie / Talz that use strength. But no they are all exactly the same. Boring

  6. bump because this just needs to be done. "if you want to really be good, make sure that any item you right click on will be singly searchable, but I know that is me just dreaming. Experience boosts however are something bought and sold so often you should make them different from each other)
  7. Can you please please give them have a different name. right now when you do a search for them you get every single boost in the game and you have to go through 40 pages to find one.


    Change it to Major Global Experience Boost or Minor Complete Experience Boost. Something so we can find them a bit easier

  8. This is the 3rd time you have made my pvp gear obsolete and I am really getting annoyed. I am a casual pvper and so I was only just now starting to get obroan gear when you went and made the rest of my gear mostly useless.


    You have a system for trading in gear for the next level why oh why did you not simply allow me to exchange my conqueror gear to obroan as a simple swap. I wouldn't feel like once again I am starting over from scratch.

  9. I am making a neutral character, basically I am choosing whatever I want and balancing it out doing diplomacy missions to keep my character neutral. One big problem is - I cant use any relics! (I am not referring to end game, my character is still leveling) I remember that a long time ago there was supposed to be stuff for being neutral. Being neutral is probably harder than getting max light or darkness give us something if we can pull it off, please :jawa_frown:
  10. Does anyone know if BW ever plans to finish the History they started back before the game went live. http://www.swtor.com/holonet/galactic-history


    I enjoyed listening to them and finding out about the past leading up to our timeline. (I know there are books out there with stuff, but I don't consider the EU cannon as it has too many inconsistencies. Movies, games and now the TV shows and certain "approved" books are the only ones that I consider cannon and that can be confusing just using those as sources)


    Basically is BW going to finish what they started?


    Feel free to add other things they promised lore wise that they haven't done.

  11. They say if you transfer to a server you already have chars the higher legacy transfers so I assume so.


    There are only 2 options for legacy transfer and it depends on the code BW set up.


    The easiest and best requires that each character keeps track of thier own contribution to the legacy. This would have required extreme foresight on the part of BW. When the character transfers it only transfers its portion to the new server.


    The only other option is a percentage transfer. BW would have to develop a percentage formula that each character would take a percentage of that Legacy with them when they transfered

    • it could be a straight percentage - 3 characters in legacy each gets 1/3.
    • Or it could be a weighted percentage - your level 50 gets a much larger percentage than your level 10


    These are the possibilities I see if they want to all us to take our legacy when a character transfers.

  12. Having played even more I wonder why all the speeder bike are exactly the same? Won't there be different taxi systems in different systems, or even at least different color scimatics.


    I was flying around corrisant and I see that the allready have several different models that could easily be used so that the taxi in corrisant is different from Nar Shadar and as for speeder bikes, good heavens they have tons of skins to choose from have you seen all the different versions you can get for personal bikes. It shouldn't be that hard to use them or add another couple so the bikes on Tython are different from Belsavis ect.


    PS I still think Hoth needs a new taxi one that has a heater and you can relax instead of having your nether regions frozen off with.

  13. I'm looking through other threads and posting the quotes of other eggs found


    The renegade Sith Lord on Dromund Kaas were creating the Cybermen . . . I just wondered where the Doctor was...


    On one quest near the temple on Dromund Kaas, my Sith Inquisitor had a retort "Perhaps you dug too deep." (but no Balrog to be found . . . yet)


    In the Republic spaceport on Tatooine, near the entrance/exit(depending on how you view it!) there's an robot called "N0-HX", which means: no hacks.


    Not sure if it's intentional or not, but sure made me giggle!


    Little things you noticed along the way - share them here.


    Remember to use "spoiler" tags around anything plot-revealing.


    Tatooine - As you approach the planet landing your starship, you can see the settlements marked by lights on the night side of the planet. The lights are actually those of North and South America, as seen from space. :)


    While doing the Mission "Sith In The Ruins" on Alderaan, I noticed a Sith Lord at the end named "Ar'al Tforc" I said the name in chat and someone pointed out that it was Lara Croft backwords. Not sure if this has been pointed out, but it was quite amusing.




    IGN - Has a list of Easter eggs as well - http://www.ign.com/wikis/star-wars-the-old-republic/Easter_Eggs

  14. Easter Eggs are everywhere. We need to try to consolidate all the different threads so we can have alot of these different find together.


    Here is one I found - A long time ago after IV came out a video game came out that used line graphics and you flew your tie-fighter to blow up the death star. I found this graphic showing you flying through the trench (circled)



  15. For a little bit there was a vendor on the station (rep/Imp) that sold level 50 color crystals of all types. Now they have disapeared. I want something different than red/blue/green/yellow but that is all I can find these days. Are there any vendors that still sell these somewhere new or are we just screwed? (PS if there is different locations for different crystals please be nice and let us people know where to find them)
  16. Which is why, normally, no one traveled across the surface of Hoth. To do so was, quite frankly, suicidal. Of course, there's an argument to be made that simply landing on Hoth, for whatever reason, was suicidal.


    Beasts of burden, such as tauntauns, would be extremely poor choices for use in this way. Even creatures native to Hoth are incapable of traveling long distances in short amounts of time. Additionally, as you note, vehicles in general did not operate well on Hoth; as a result larger vehicles, with more parts to replace and repair, are a poor choice. Speederbiks or swoops are not ideal choices, either, but they're much easier for an individual to repair by him or herself on the ice. The icing-over of goggles you mention is largely irrelevant as well; there needs to be moisture in the air for ice to form such a surface, and if that moisture is present it would ice up the goggles of a humanoid on the back of a tauntaun just as readily as it would on a speederbike.


    You are missing the point of open cockpit. Have you ever seen or met someone that has driven a motorcycle in cold (below zero) weather. It is almost never done, why because no matter how much clothes you wear you end up freezing to the bone in a very short time. The only reason they used mounts was because of lack of machines not because it is preferable. This is Star Wars how hard is it to get something that is closed (It doesn't have to be a full blown ship) Something that will protect the rider from the windchill at least.


    PS the moisture come from your own body


    I must admit confusion here. I didn't mention any other post.


    This wasn't directed at you but rather the post by Siodenne below yours.

  17. This is based on continuity, immersion, and common sense. Large landspeeders or airspeeders aren't as viable for use in harsh environments. They require more maintenance, need to follow more defined routes, and in general are less versatile. This is one of the reasons why scouts, in general, made use of swoops or speederbikes on frontier and/or unexplored worlds. As for the city taxis, they are airspeeders. Often the cosmetic differences between airspeeders and landspeeders was minimal at best, especiall when considering models designed for general use.

    You have to be kidding. You think an open air cockpit on Hoth is common sense, immersive and based on continuity?!?! They had to use tauntans because machines didn't work right and never did I see someone zipping through hoth icing up their goggles because a speeder bike would be more versatile.


    This one would require the creation of a substantial quantity of new game resources. Limited cosmetic changes do exist within the game, but they use essentially the same design throughout in order to cut down on both production costs and player confusion; varied spaceports, just like varied airports, would prove very disorienting to at least some of the player community. The costs involved, the minimal potential gain, and the potential complication to the game in general makes suggestion a poor one.

    I know it would increase the size of the game adding new graphics as for resources well duh, adding or changing anything is going to use them. I can't believe how dumb you think the player base is. They can't handle some different layouts? Thats your reasoning? As for minimal potential gain have you ever looked around in some of those area's that they use for quest. They have all kinds of knooks and cranys that serve no purpose other than to add ombionce.


    There's a large variety of implants in the game, actually. Your initial selection is based on class, but once the "species" is unlocked you gain access to all of them for any Cyborg character you make. Some of them even have facial hair. As for Miraluka and Mirialans, can they even grow facial hair? I can't think of a beaded or mustached member of either species within the lore.

    They have some variations of implants but making someone wait for a legacy is rather poor design imho. There are very few people that are going to make a level 50 character so they can then design the cyborg look they orginally wanted. Quite frankly they should just open it all up as well as add some features like robotic limbs and such.


    Such things already exist within the game in abundance. You have to look for them; everything from formal gowns to tube-tops, skirts to robes exists within the game.

    I have looked around checked every social vender I could find and didn't find those things. You are now asking me to check every vender every where to find social clothes? Put them on the social venders make things that look like they are not armor but rather clothes to wear to a party.


    All in all you are very negative and all I see is that you don't want to change things and are trying to find reasons to not like them.


    As for the other post, I looked several pages deep to find a post about cosmetic changes but all I found were some post about cybors (here in the suggestion area) are you refering to a different area or is there some post I didn't see that covers cosmetic changes here in suggestions?

  18. Here is another one that I would add. How about some nice clothes that look good on the female. Right now all we have is Slave outfit or major formal cover everything up. Nothing in between. Some shorter skirts, some low cut tops, some fun shoes.


    PS really I am the only one that sees that SWTOR can improve some things just cosmetically to make this game better?

  19. Changes that would not require changing any game mechanics but rather customize some things for continuity, immersion, or common sence.


    Taxi's that make sence for the envoirnment.

    • who in thier right mind would fly a open canopy speeder bike on Hoth? It makes no sence. It makes a little more sence on Tattooine but still that should be more like Luke's land speeder. In large city's why does it look like we have land speeders? More variety and more common sence is all I ask for.


    Space ports and space station are all excatly the same?!?

    • Every planet I fly into has the excat same space port, republic is the exact same as empire. The same goes for every space station in the game. They are exactly the same? This should be changed just because I can't see the Empire not having different stations - (This is also true for station that have shuttles, they are also extremely duplicated)


    More Hair styles, Scars, Jewelry, Tatto patterns, Facial hair, Implants

    • More is better because too often I feel like a clone of a bunch of people. (Espcially Cyborgs, It feels like there are so few options that they all start looking the same. Even some of the different implants look very much like the others.) Also why is it that only Humans have facial hair? The poor Cyborg that is basically human looses his ablitly to grow facial hair with an implant? Wouldn't Miraluka be able to have a goatee or even the Mirialans they could have a little scruff. I'm not suggesting every species get it but broaden it out a little.



    Well that is what I thought of off the top of my head, I am sure there are alot of other little tweaks that would help make SWTOR a better visual world.

  20. They don't need cross server for regular play. The only reason they don't remove or merge some of the servers is because all the gaming sites/blogs/magazines/... take that as a sign the game is failing and when everyone is posting that something is failing people don't go to it as they think it won't be worth it as the game is going down.


    What they desperatly need is cross server Flash Points. It is next to impossible to get a group together for a FP unless you have a group allready formed before hand. (I tend to have serval alts going each at different points, while alot of my guild is happy being 50. This means I have to do pick up groups for FP which doesn't happen.)


    All they need is a que for people to sign up for - just pick the FP you want and what role you have. (healer tank or DPS, I am sure they can find more star warsy names for those but still those should do.) Then groups are formed with 1 from each group as well as a random 4th type. (it can be just dps if you want but it doesn't have to be).


    That would make me very happy. You can do it much the same as war zones where groups of people can go together (max 4) so if you want to do it the old way np.

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