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Posts posted by TalantMAJR

  1. Quote from Wiki:

    In economics, diminishing returns is the decrease in the marginal (per-unit) output of a production process as the amount of a single factor of production is increased, while the amounts of all other factors of production stay constant.

    When people talk about diminishing returns in swtor, what they mean is at a certain point it becomes less advantageous to continue stacking a given stat because it ends taking up more and more base stat (crit, surge, etc) to increase the actual output percentage (the 30% you see in your character screen).

    This has to do with in game mechanics in relation to how stats are calculated.

    It has nothing to do with gear; just because there's a new gear set doesn't mean that the place where you start experiencing diminishing returns for a stat has changed in any way.



    Edit: Also, this is totally the wrong forum.

    You were better off posting in 'General Discussion' than 'Star Wars Discussion'.

  2. Can you guys tell me how im suppose to unlock that character? I want to play as a miraluka sith juggernaught ....


    I don't understand why people necro posts when a simple google search would have given you the info so much faster...>_<



    A: Level a miraluka to lv 50.

    B: Buy out the miraluka species unlock from your legacy window for 1.5 mil credits.

  3. You couldnt be more wrong. It doesnt matter whether its in a pug or not, the rules are "need" for yourself and "greed" for everything else. I learned that lesson the hard way ages ago on Kaas when I was like lvl 10 ,100% noob with my first char.


    Seriously theres nothing more annoying than those ppl that want everything. "I want it for my companion!" So what? Everyone has companions. I normally even pass 95% of the time so other ppl can have it.


    1: Punctuation is your friend. Use it sometimes. Will make you seem like less of an idiot.

    2: There is no such thing as 'more' or 'less' wrong. Wrong is an absolute.

    3: I wasn't talking about needing everything that dropped. I agree that people who need on everything are annoying, but this isn't what we're talking about.


    I can't believe this thread has turned into four pages of petty arguments.

    Bottom line;

    The Need/Greed/Pass system works on a randomly generated roll for contested items, making it fair. Everyone else had already rolled greed in OP's scenario, so he did nothing wrong by needing for a companion at that point.

    He's not a ninja.

    Yes, as stressed multiple times, asking is the nice thing to do.

    But without communication of ANY KIND, rolling need after everyone else rolled greed is perfectly okay.



    A companion is part of your character :)

    anyways, if they make a fuss about a blue 22 mod, then they are silly, you can buy those for 2k on the GTN.

    Quoted For Truth. ;)

  4. So my question is, without anyone defining "rules" up front in a PuG, was I out of line? .


    No, you were not out of line at all, for the reason i put in bold.

    Without any defined rules, and once everyone else had voted greed, you were fine.

    You could have asked, and they might not have cared at all.

    But they said nothing, either.

    These are the same people that quit because people don't spacebar (quickly enough).

    Forget 'em, be happy they're on ignore.


  5. I love. This. Entire. Thread.

    Thank you guys for being so awesome.

    Anywhoo, darkside ending is so weird because you don't get the...well...uhm............




    no idea how to say anything without ruining it all.



    *waits patiently for OP to finish story and return to this glorious thread*

  6. Was brought here by your sig, from you posting in another thread.

    Read through your entire post, read everything you have to say, and...




    I'm too angry to even formulate my answers properly,

    I had planned on quoting each thing you said that i don't agree with, then explaining why i don't agree with them, but there was way too much in that post to even attempt doing so.

    So, No.

    You are wrong.

    And, Bioware, if you read this post, please, please, PLEASE don't listen to this guy in any shape or form.

    Some of his points were decent, all of his solutions are, imo, not the way these things should be addressed.

    He's just wasting everyone's time.

    Please, Sir, Go Away.

  7. I'm not sure of the exact numbers but it decays at around 1100 meaning after this you get less value from it and need more to increase its value


    Not any more it doesn't, this is old info.


    Regardless, if you have 1100-1200 expertise already, and losing that 82 expertise won't get you lower than those, swap out for power.

  8. Uhm, excuse me if i'm wrong, but aren't the legacy crit chances only applies to things that could have an augment slot?

    I'm fairly certain the in game description is as follows;

    "Increases the chance of an augmented result while crafting."

    Doesn't that exclude things that you only craft one at a time? (like armorings and mods)

    That's how our guild has always looked at it...


    Edit: I was wrong, ignore this post.

  9. Yup, just tried.

    Not in game anymore, can't be shared by someone who still has it.

    Why was this removed?

    I was so super excited for them to lower the cd on the boxes here, too...

    Well, never going to BH again (until they bring the weekly back), guess that priority transport BH x3 was a complete waste now...

    If this was a bug, fix this now.

    If this was intentional, I'm seriously doubting bioware's thought process.


    Please at least give us an answer!


  10. If you're having resource management problems as a Sorc, then you have L2P issues.

    The thread ended right there. Didn't anyone notice? Apparently not...

    Alright, then.

    Again all classes can dps without taking a break. My class cannot.

    No, not true. Play a BH/trooper or IA/smuggler. Both classes' resource management is hard to, well, manage. If one of them messes up their rotations, they can burn all their energy/heat/ammo and aren't able to do anything for quite a while. Sorc's have the easiest resource management in the game. Yes, you can still run out, but with the constant regen, you'll have it at full again much, much faster than the IA or trooper who starts at empty.

    If you find yourself running out of force, use a different rotation, kite more, learn to manage your force more properly, something. I run with multiple sorcs, of all specs, in both pve and pvp. The good ones don't often run out of force, the bad ones learn.

    Not intending to call you out, here, but maybe you should learn to play your class a bit better. :p

  11. MY two cents, from having a 50 healer, tank and dps (one of each) i would say that though tanking is probably the most demanding, it's also the most rewarding/fun. I probably enjoy healing the most (overall) in this game, but when we succeed in down'ing an op boss or something and i'm on my tank, it feels amazing. I love the tanking in this game, and i hope it won't ever change.

    Speaking of;

    Bioware, if you are listening, awesome design in tanking. please never revert back to zombie tanking like in wow, keep us engage in combat.

    I cannot agree more.



    "DPS is science, healing is art, tanking is strategy"

    I'm totally stealing that, it's beautiful. :p

  12. Introducing either Op into the Group Finder would also mean rotating out Eternity Vault and Karagga's Palace,



    I do not understand why it would have to be an 'either/or' scenario.

    Why can't there be tiers of raids in the group finder, like there's tiers of HM FP's?


    Tier 1:

    SM KP/EV

    Tier 2:



    By your own logic, HM LI is tuned for players at columi(+) level, too, but that isn't clearly marked anywhere in game, either.

    I feel i should be able to queue for EC/TFB story if i think my gear is ready for it, but not at the expense of being able to queue for EV/KP story.

  13. Dude, Dev's said a little while ago (think it was in a forum post) that the new pvp gear isn't coming until the new WZ, which isn't included in this 1.4 update. They specifically said that pvp Weapons were going to be released alongside the new pve gear with the new OP, so pvp'ers didn't feel like they had to get the pve weapons to be dealing the highest amount of damage they could.

    Just wait, you'll have your new gear quickly enough. If they can be trusted on their timescale, six weeks after the new OP comes out sounds like a good bet.


    TL;DR; don't try to BiS yourself with pve gear for pvp, the new pvp gear is coming soon(ish).


  14. Do The Bioware team ever answer these threads or just leave them hanging?


    What is there to respond to? People complaining about something that doesn't warrant a response? They have better things to do than respond to every complaint someone has about the RNG.


    To answer your original question; No.

    I have four max slicers between my alts, and i haven't noticed any more or less crits in my slicing in the past couple days. The usual way too many investigation 340's, but that's a whole different RNG complaint. :p

    From checking just now, i have about ten 340 missions, and ~20 grade 6 purple sliced tech part. That's from ~2 days worth of slicing.


    I know i'm just jumping on a bandwagon here, but;

    Working as intended.


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